
Jun 29, 2021
I am truly stunned by this by this offering. Fantastic.

Early in I’m thinking, ‘There is no way a porn-game developer can follow through on what they appear to be attempting to do here. This will be a catastrophe’. And it’s anything but that. Love the pacing moving forward. Love the images, not just high quality T n’ A but a thorough understanding of how to present them, in what form/angle, and what type surroundings might compliment the visuals overall.

There are little tidbits of effort-that-counts throughout (like illustrated vapors on a simple cup of coffee or plate). The tech stuff that happens on selected slides/images is superlative; real nice, exceptional even; clean and informative; fuckin beautiful.

Furthermore, given the theme - I am astounded by the patience. Not having Sci-fi shoved down my throat. Not throwing it all at me like I’m ADHD. Just a reaaaaaal nice, patient approach. There’s an unforced mystery laying somewhat dormant in the background - and meanwhile I’m MILF’ing out. Fuck yeah, sweet. I love it.

I keep waiting for it to all fall apart. And it isn’t.

By the time I got to SOPHIA in the wine store (um, hell yeah - yum)? I’m bonkers for this product. And then a segment gets executed as sharp as the attributes included.

This shit’s crazy good. I’m stunned. Had to say so immediately.

REALLY looking forward to digesting this effort going forward. Just tremendous.
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Jun 29, 2021
According to him he was away or in a different state from home because of his job and was stuck there for a while because of covid And since all his data was in home pc... The update delayed.
That is just a sensationally stupid excuse. On top of a "data loss" that apparently happened before?

Does appear either the Dev got way in over his head with this. Or they're juicing you all for yer coin and dragging it out to maximize douchebaggery.

Man that's a bummer.
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Jun 29, 2021
Thank God people are getting it straight and not misunderstanding...
Not a great attitude, Dev... I'm souring on this thing fast.

You put a giant concept out there - that's superbly well illustrated and surprisingly competent - while telling everyone yer a noob, and had it up on Patron ASAP? Then you absentmindedly left your PC unobtainable that had just conveniently before lost its data somehow?

I dunno, I tend to treasure my data (as a creator of other things). I have backups on backups. I don't "whoops" all my data if I'm in the middle of putting shit out there for public consumption, that ain't finished yet no less, ya know? I don't then whoopsie my PC and end up at my mom's house without access to it. I don't then go back to people sending me checks all this time and have a snot-nosed attitude about it all.

What that all spells to me is: BS

Good stuff though, you put out there. Great even. In some parts, tremendous. As I said in my review I could see early on... that's a lot to bite into. So I'm only left wondering now, are you laughing your way to the bank? Or did you lose a couple teeth on the apple?

Responses here, tell me all I need to know.

And that's a little bit upsetting. But I'll live. After all.

I'm not a Goblin...
4.00 star(s) 63 Votes