I'm just posting an review so that similarly minded people know to not bother with the game.
English is so, so, so, so very bad. Most of the sentences make no sense, and Every Word Has An Capital Letter On It Making It Even More Difficult To Read. I'm not overexaggerating; the translation has clearly been made by someone who doesn't speak English at all or very very little. They use terms which don't make sense, some are easy to interpredit on the context like "Take Arm!" (comes when their sheep escape from the pen..) or "I Am The Head!" but some are "lost in translation", like "You Are My Father But You Are Not My Real Father" etc.
For my knowledge there is no "skipping" on the text or cutscenes. Saving points are scarce, at least on the first hour or so, so if you happen to die prepare to play the last 30 minutes again. Including the numerous "unskipable" cutscenes.
The first "sex scene" comes at about 45 minutes. If you want to get it you have to "die" and the last save point was almost half an hour ago.
I couldn't get the gallery save to work either. When I uploaded it the game removed my original save of three hours of gameplay and I decided it's a sign for me to quit.
I like the artwork and the plot is intriguing, but it's just way too exhausting to play. You also need to have the rpg software in order to play, but that's not being told in anywhere.