I really thought this update the Dev would have allow you to progress the game if your avoiding certain forced scenes I guess he gives 2 fudge about players who dont care to see the agent turned whore Im stuck Ive the everything except go jogging at either locations because I know the outcome northside body guard route opens and he thinks he can have his way with you no matter how rude you are to him regular jogging opens up the bum route where the agent allows an ugly dirty bum to have his way with her its unavoidable this is BS this is just like last time I even tried avoiding saving cat women so she doesn't rape me in my sleep if you do the game will not progress unless you get raped by a women, plowed by a bum or molested by your co-worker the game will not progress pass those points I'm surprised I was even allowed to avoid lesbian route with a 19yr old sr or college freshmen by not going shopping yes I've replayed scenes over and over to check different results but I know can unless say you never had the control of the MC in the first place the Dev led you to feel comfortable as if you had control (Agility, Subtlety,, Charisma, Will Power, Intelligence, Independence, Strength and Power) has no affect towards gameplay those are there to make the screen look pretty all the above mentioned are completely unavoidable even if my will power was set to 100 garbage game is just a glorified corruption trash and theres not you can do to change the story there is no route only the Dev way
Do you not think thats absurd theirs plenty of male protag games we play you can go thru the entire game without getting laid once so why does a female protag have to be turned into a whore cum drop slut when it comes to adult game its dumb and ridiculous certain games like that I get it but this kind of game it just doesn't sit right with me
Theres a reason certain games on here have over 100 pages of post the artstyle of this game is great it to should have over 100 or more pages of post but theres a reason it does not so many are tired of games corrupting the female protage she can have one guy or many but by choice not being forced if the game plays as believable events it should stay that way no ver off to some idiotic route that just seems dumb
Alrighty, gonna jump in here and respond to a few things lest the record be left unstraightened. It's not so much for you since you've clearly made up you mind, and hey, not everyone is going to like what we do. Can't please them all after all. It's more so for acurracy, defending our work, and for those that are still considering the game (and maybe those that like the drama, only I'm speaking up before the Bad Cop gets here!)
You are wrong. Simply wrong. I don't say that to be argumentative, but you question our character as developers by saying we don't care about player experience, and that is flatly false. You can indeed play the game as a good agent, who's not a whore, and gets the job done. The only real scene that's not avoidable by intent that you've pointed out is the Cat scene, and that is actually a blurry line as to if that actually happens or Nat dreams it, by design. Sorry you felt so upset by the singular scene, we don't think it's a problem, we actually like that scene (first ever done in 3 variants actually!). If that alone is a game killer for you then that's a legitimate view and I respect that, but even still we stand by our choice there.
To your point about Scout (the bodyguard), he never has his way with Nat, she can choose to fuck him on the Good Path and if not she basically leads him around by the nose. She's actually a real bitch to him in places, and people seem to have like that in truth. They flirt, openly and blatantly, it's not a big deal. Bonus point, that's all eventually going to be rewritten when we have more time to do non-content/feature updates, since we want the whole game to be in the same writers tone when it's finalized, so it'll actually get better too. That's not to say the original writer didn't do some sweet stuff along the way.
To the park bum scene, we can agree on that point, it should be avoidable. In fact, it is by design. It's been discussed only a page back or so that that's likely a bug in our triggering that's been found. It's even in our most recent releases patch notes, because we're open about that kind of thing, but the patch notes never make it here for some reason. I don't know why, they are important and we make them for a reason. The most recent change log (at time of writing) is not from our release but our public goals post for that month (full 100% reached again by the way). It's our bad that it triggers automatically, but its on our fix list, and so I do believe your angry point is moot.
You make mention of the stats pages, and I actually agree with you there too in fact, you might be surprised to hear. I wanted to make more use of them but the project leader said no, they are a mostly defunct system (the infection ones I mean) and so we don't make much use of them. I'd like them to be removed so, but again, we are pushed more by content then features currently, its really the only way to keep the game in production since we don't have a cushion of support to allow us to delay content that much (hence Skip/Gallery Mode/etc are awesome to have but not yet ready). It is what it is though, we don't hide from that criticism and will deal with it in time. The guy himself has his reasons and I support him in them. The inherent Nat part of the stats do get some use and so it's still a functional part of the game loop and it has it's part to play until we can really do a proper review.
Glorified Corruption Trash? Hardly. It's got that path in there for those who want it, still needs a good of a nasty boost with a wilder Nat, but that's all in progress. There's also a more fully fleshed out Good Agent path (arguably the most attended content wise) and a Bad Nat path of being a pure bitch. We put in a lot of effort for diverging paths, within reason, consequences to actions and overall a better game than most on here where you are little more than a victim or a predator.
To the quoted part now:
Again, I do agree it would be cool to have more games about women who are more than just a warm place to shoot your seed, with less Brains/Heart/Nerve than even the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz could cure, but that's the world we live in and we get what we get until people properly support an alternative. We do our part, or at least we believe we do, in helping that dial turn the right way... perhaps we could do more but we're not the real problem in this case. Perhaps fans can be the better judge of that than we and have somthing to say about it?
To put it simply, please do not confuse an imperfect ally (us) with a deadly enemy (games that are poor excuses to rape women digitally). It may be easier, but its not helpful, so you are better off seeking out other devs on this point than preaching at converted. I'd also watch the tone in all honesty (that goes for all who leave feedback) as it will accomplish little to start from a point of shouting abuse rather than constructive argument. This all may read as passive agression, it may well be in parts, but that's what you get when you start from a place of anger (over a pirated game I might add). We're open to not devolving into a shouting match so if you want that constructive talk so we personally can do better, we're here. If not, time to move along.
Alrighty! Seems I've been making a few mega posts on her lately, but it's all got to be done if we're all to stay on good speaking terms and not be all fightin' and a feudin' unnecessarily. Have a good night y'all, and keep up the sexy. We'll do the same!
All the best folks!