You're doing great so far. Some unsolicited advice since you mentioned animo yourself. There are some valuable lessons there. Specifically, why did BTQ not get the same level of overwhelmingly positive feedback that LwH got? On the surface, they're the same. Chick(s) get(s) fucked by horse, has all of the same ingredients, giant horse cock, bulge, buckets of cum, and so forth. And BTQ is of objectively better quality and yet didn't receive the same universal praise. The reason isn't the lack of Lara. LwH was amazing because the narrative was her being slutty and then losing control of the situation and the horse basically using her as a cocksleave much to her discomfort. That narrative was told through facial cues and body language, which fell eerily short in BTQ due to the limitations inherent to the chosen characters. That same story could be told with any character and any giant cocked thing, as long as one understands what makes or breaks it. It's like a deepthroat irl, what makes it amazing is the psychology of it. Hearing and feeling the gagging, seeing the tears and them letting you do it anyway, in spite of the discomfort. If you're interested you can check out theropedude for an idea of how facial expressiveness can make or break a product that is about a psychological story. The scenes themselves don't work for me personally but the facial expressiveness he creates is remarkable. You have experimented with this aspect yourself from what I have seen in your work.
While you're getting better and exploring niches and improving your models and whatnot, no amount of polish is an adequate substitute for a lack of the theme/narrative that you wish to convey and that your supporters want from you. I have no idea what that is in your case, but you know yourself and interact with your supporters so it shouldn't be difficult to figure out. And if there's a psychological component to it that relies on facial and body queues, or specific proportions, or colors schemes, or whatever the fuck, keep working on them and don't neglect them.