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Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
While this one had pee in it, the next fetish episode down the road may have footjobs, or docking, or something more niche. But again, I will only do more fetish based episodes every 4-6 scenes most likely.
Oh docking interesting ! and "something more niche" I'm really curious it could be really cool ^^
Nice job for the first three episodes (I wait the fourth when the public release will be announced) keep going :)
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Active Member
Oct 10, 2017
now docking I would enjoy, especially when they cum while inside the other persons dick and you see their balls expand and inflate as they fill up with said cum
Umm, maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think that's what docking is at all, from what I read when I looked it up at least. You think someone sticks their dick in the other persons urethra or something? Some fucked up shit right there, and gross as hell imo. Definitely an animation I will be skipping if that's what it is.
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I rape lolis with my tentacles
Trial Moderator
Aug 11, 2017
Heya rf96 =) There will be a major character story line involving a futa and a regular girl in my next series. I am really excited about that =)
Great news! When will you start doing it?

Ideally you should release several series catering to different audiences. Since you get a lot of cash from Patreon, perhaps you could hire some people to help?
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Jun 1, 2018
Umm, maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think that's what docking is at all, from what I read when I looked it up at least. You think someone sticks their dick in the other persons urethra or something? Some fucked up shit right there, and gross as hell imo. Definitely an animation I will be skipping if that's what it is.
Learnt something new today.
"docking" is when someone with a foreskin wraps their foreskin around the head of the other persons penis and that person twists it around inside pleasuring themselves with the foreskin. I could be wrong tho, and that could just be foreskin docking alone. at any rate, I would love to see the mother do that with her oversized cock and foreskin to the other girls.

speaking of the foreskin, I love how much attention is given to the mother and her foreskin, having her play with it a lot tugging and pulling on it, and even in the first video the daughter sucks on the tip (so fucking hot BTW). not much porn now days really gives whole lot of attention or notice to foreskins at all in general, seems real weird shame too when 80% of the worlds population is uncircumcised. it's good to see some real fresh content in that direction finally, very very hot stuff. hope to see more of it in the future, it has to be my absolute favorite aspects to your work.

thank you Agentredgirl for these amazing and groundbreaking videos, always looking forward to your future releases
Apr 12, 2018
I find uncircumcised penis very unappealing...just like a woman with extra skin on her pussy. Ive seen both men and women with these.. so for me the extra skin is gross.
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Sep 15, 2018
Heya animelvr69! Well, the next project is going to be a throat fucking scene with Mary and Maggie. After that, I will be moving onto AML5 which will feature a new scene between Mary and Maggie doing various things. As well as some surprises.

Also, this one had some more niche fetish elements in it. I plan to have a more "fetish" orientated episode every now and then. There are a lot of fetishes out there and I want to make content that covers all of these at some point. While this one had pee in it, the next fetish episode down the road may have footjobs, or docking, or something more niche. But again, I will only do more fetish based episodes every 4-6 scenes most likely.
Thanks ver very much for all this great work, I like this very much. Thanks from Switzerland
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Apr 12, 2018
'Extra skin'?? Umm nope... That's how a penis is supposed to look, circumcised ('Male genital Mutilation') is how a penis looks when there is a part missing.
Well I find it unappealing ..and I've seen a few . Not something that I want and will never want. But that's my choice.


Jun 1, 2018
'Extra skin'?? Umm nope... That's how a penis is supposed to look, circumcised ('Male genital Mutilation') is how a penis looks when there is a part missing.
I fully agree and I think circumcision is an out dated and barbaric ritual and it's only really practiced in western society's mostly because it's a 3 billion dollar a year industry, from the cost of the procedure itself to the sale of the foreskins to research companies, and beauty cosmetic companies. keep it this in mind next time you use lipstick and other face makeups that your applying cut off baby foreskins to your face. this is the reason why there is such a push by doctors for circumcision under the pretense that is "cleaner and safer", all lies to get your money and the foreskin to later sell for kickbacks. then you have the whole social stigma attached to foreskin too that further promotes this behavior. the foreskin is used to not only for better sex(ask most woman, they prefer uncircumcised men after they have been with one) to better sex for guys too as there are over 10000 nerve endings in the foreskin alone, and masturbation is way better with a foreskin too. also, there is less need for the girl to be wet as the foreskin acts on it's own sliding in to itself during intercourse making incredible pleasure for both partners. and don't even get me in to the bullshit orthodox Hebrew religious aspect and how it originally started this whole problem in the fucking first place. SMH GTFO

edit: again, I would like to add that you don't see much use of uncircumcised men in porn in American culture and over seas too, do to this a circumcised penis is ingrained as the proper streamlined look in today's society, although this thankfully is staring to change to as more and more people are starting to catch on to how stupid the whole circumcision thing is, and less and less boys are being circumcised.

again, I really do thank someone like Agentredgirl who is taking the liberty to bring the use of foreskins more to the for front in her own little way. thank you very much and enjoy your work immensely.


Jun 1, 2018
Again been with both and prefer circumsised..much sexier in my opinion
yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, and luckily for everyone there is billions of different penises in this world to choose from with all different looks, shapes, and sizes.

I'm uncircumcised myself and I'm not offended, just from personal experience myself the girls I have been with have personally told me that sex with me was better and they appreciated my uncircumcised penis as it's a very rare thing here in America and I'm the only one they have ever been with that was uncircumcised, it gave them something new, wonderful, and different to experience.


Jul 11, 2017
Fun fact: In the U.S. circumcision wasn't popularized until doctors like Kellogg (inventor of Corn Flakes) advocated it. The idea was that it would discourage young men (and women) from masturbating. He also said to do it sans anesthetic so they would associate penile stimulation with pain and punishment. Same dude also recommended pouring carbolic acid on girl's clitorises to prevent them from experiencing "abnormal excitement" from sex and masturbation.

TL;DR: Dr. Kellogg was a puritanical asshole who wanted to take the fun out of sex and feed everyone soggy cereal.

On topic, @agentredgirl great work! I can't wait for the next video.


Jun 1, 2018
Fun fact: In the U.S. circumcision wasn't popularized until doctors like Kellogg (inventor of Corn Flakes) advocated it. The idea was that it would discourage young men (and women) from masturbating. He also said to do it sans anesthetic so they would associate penile stimulation with pain and punishment. Same dude also recommended pouring carbolic acid on girl's clitorises to prevent them from experiencing "abnormal excitement" from sex and masturbation.

TL;DR: Dr. Kellogg was a puritanical asshole who wanted to take the fun out of sex and feed everyone soggy cereal.

On topic, @agentredgirl great work! I can't wait for the next video.
thanks for the heads up, yet another reason to avoid eating cereal along with all the Paint Thinner added with the Trisodium Phosphate in them.
Fun fact: Trisodium Phosphate is also used in cosmetics too, so long with putting baby foreskins on your face your also applying Paint Thinner


Jun 1, 2018
Welcome to the thread of know it alls lol lol
I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself, so I'm fascinated by all kinds of things that are usually suppressed by governments, corporations, organizations, companies, businesses, and mainstream media outlets. Knowledge is power
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Jun 1, 2018
anyways back to the Foreskin Docking, Agent Red Girl I have found a short video you have done with the subject at hand. in the short I have to point out that docking with the foreskin unfortunately does not work that way, and the foreskin just does not stretch that far back behind the head, the mucosa and the prepuce can not possibly extend that far back behind the Glans (head) when another penis is inserted in to it like that, and the distance between the prepuce and head are a few millimeters if that. keep in mind there is also the Frenulum under the Glands head too that's both connected to the head and prepuce foreskin. both penis heads should be more or less mashed tightly together under the foreskin close to the front or just above the top of the head, the way it is depicted in the short I'm sorry to say is very grossly miss accurate. I love your work and I'm just making suggestions to make it better and more accurate to real life while trying to give constructive criticism. My suspension of disbelief goes so far, and when I see something depicted that is extremely impossible without tearing the foreskin apart from the inside it makes me cringe more then it lets me get off to it. I hope you can kinda understand what I'm trying to say, lucky the Mothers foreskin is a lot longer and should be easier to animate properly, the smaller and tighter the foreskin is on the other character is harder I imagine to properly depict. with characters that have smaller tighter foreskins have them hold the penises in place with their hands the whole time, the hands free approach doesn't seem to work as well as it forces them to have the foreskin stretch way to much to maintain the act.

I don't know if it was the limitation of the render engine or miss information about the subject and I do understand it is some of your earlier work too, but I hope going forward you try to keep real life accuracy in to account better, thank you again for your work it's amazing and I'm always looking forward to it.


attached: there are better depictions and representations of what I'm talking about
5.00 star(s) 12 Votes