Ren'Py - Agent17 [v0.24.8] [HEXATAIL]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, I guess this one very much comes down to "personal taste" when we are talking about consent. To be honest, I only played the game for about 30 minutes before quitting because the game made me feel rather uncomfortable with its rapey vibes.

    The Good:
    - The NPCs are well designed, the models and animations are beautiful.
    - The UI is stylish and and efficient, the sandbox navigation is very well done.

    The Ambivalent:
    - Playing a scumbag looser MC with serious personal hygiene issues is not neccessarily a bad thing if done well and might offer good opportunities for humourous content and parodies. If it wasn't for the next point...

    The Bad:
    - So far all sexual encounters I saw are the result of blackmail, coercion or molestation. There is zero consent on the side of the NPCs. To be fair: Some greyed out options are hinting at later consensual encounters for some NPCs, but first you have to get through the non-consensual content first. If you have a problem with non-consensual encounters then this game is not for you.

    I mean, I have a few wild kinks myself, but consent is always the number one rule, especially when stuff gets kinky and roleplay is involved. Besides: This is 2021, not the 20th century. Molesting people is simply not cool.
    However, if you are into that stuff, then this game might be what you are looking for.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3181265

    I actually like it! I see it as a good fapping game.
    -The characters are all super attractive. (6/5)
    -I enjoy games that go right into the sex scenes (5/5)
    - The story is okay, Agent 17 is kind of dumb, she literally obeys the MC commands from the get go and never questions it. Kind of dumb. But the story is simple and easy to follow (3/5)
    -Tasks and mini games are unique and fun. I actually enjoy the lock picking mechanic its really cool, the tasks do become annoying over time. But they are quick. There needs to be a better way to make money. (3/5)
    -I HATE how they make you molest your sister, feels very rapey and idk just not a fun for me. I thought the mechanic for it was imppersive. some may find it annoying but I didn't. (2/5)

    -Overall game has potential, I understand why people may not like the game. Buts its cool and the characters are super attractive, no ugly ones so far. Can't wait for future updates
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game probably very nice. Beside of lagging and Engrisk (yep, Engrisk lol). The girls in this game are so nice (and can easily make you horny,), have their own story , not too deep but I think it's enough for a H game.

    I think this game could do more better than that, I'll rate 5 star because this is a unique game I could find on F95 (maybe lol) with wonderful 3D art, and seems like in Korea I guess?
    Likes: Wal22
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    So I'll start off with saying, the pictures in the OP aren't what you get, it's being redone or something so there's a fraction of that content.

    The majority of the content so far is locked behind paying someone to do stuff. How do you earn money? Well go clean dishes, baths and toilets. You earn $8 for 3 dishes, $10 for a toilet. Buying a girl a dress will set you back $400 for example. Think, well I won't bother doing that and will just use a save editor to get the money... no no no, the dev added something to check for that and reset your money to 0 if you do, because he really wants you scrubbing those toilets, over and over and over and over and over again... someone in the comments included a save with money and how to get around the check, so if you're going to play definitely check one of those out.

    Trying to annoy you won't stop there... want to molest your sister at night, of course you do.. so once you've gotten access to her room... then click to turn her over, buuuut you've gotta wait between clicks or it'll fill a bar and that's a no go... so do that 5 times... now she's turned over... take off her pyjamas, you know the drill, waste your time clicking 5 times with a nice delay between each... now... turn her head, you've guessed it, 5 slow ass clicks, etc.

    I stopped reviewing games a while back because I found it a bit stressful trying to come up with a fair rating that held across games and things... this one annoyed me sufficiently to start again.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    MC 2/5
    Story 3/5

    It's ok. The story is alright and has a few things going for it. Interacting with the ladies is to the point, click and talk. The MC is meh. What kind of MC doesn't take baths, and why does the game go out of it's way to point that out and why is there no option to take a * bath(?). Yes the English is pretty bad, however easy enough to read and not a deal breaker for me. The animations are smooth, but the dialog for some of the scenes is an instant boner killer for me, and I'm not talking about the Engrish as it is referred to.

    Deleted. Would not recommend.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I see a lot of somewhat unfair reviews, so to address a few points:

    -English is clearly not the dev's first language, but the translation never reaches the point of being unintelligible (It's typically easy to understand what is being said, and is never enough to completely take you out of the game). It's not nearly as bad as some have said.

    -The main character is a scumbag loser. I personally consider that to be a positive (I like games in which you're allowed to be almost entirely immoral, and are forced to start from the very bottom, gradually clawing your way into power using any method available to you), but that's up to personal taste. This type of character is pretty typical in these types of games though, and you probably shouldn't have been surprised, given the tags.

    -This game doesn't actually have NTR (Not yet, anyways). Unless your definition of "netorare" is any time anyone has sex with anyone else who isn't you (Regardless of the reasons, and whether or not they're actually in a relationship of any sort with you)... Which has never been the ACTUAL definition, but whatever.
    Here are the two examples of "netorare" in the game:
    1) You catch a teacher having sex with the principal, and take a picture to use for blackmail in the future (This isn't implemented in the current version yet, so you just hold onto the picture for now).
    2) You trick a bully into giving her friend a blowjob in exchange for money (He pays you, essentially making her your whore). This is entirely optional, so you don't even have to experience this scene if you don't want to.

    I just wanted to clarify a few things for people who haven't played the game yet, since some of the reviews are pretty misleading, in my opinion (I personally hate NTR, so I was a bit put off when I saw several negative reviews mentioning it as a key point... To be fair though, the dev also mistakenly calls this content NTR, so he's somewhat to blame as well).
    The game is fine. It's not amazing or anything, but I've personally been enjoying it, and look forward to future updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Their character modeling is very good.
    Gameplay is fine.
    NTR can be avoided. (It doesn't mean NTR for someone to see your woman naked)
    NTR scenes are fine (there is one for now)
    There is walkrought in the game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game had potential, but still needs a lot of little tweaks mostly related to quality of life. By exemple : different messages from your roomates and 1 or 2 others things to do arround schools. Some bugs are annoying related to the school backyard NTR. (Need to get beaten to restarts options if you choose to not NTR for once. etc.)
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We had a kind of interesting story start but it's literally ruined by DEV's poor writing skills...
    + We have good-looking girls/women and they look cute/sexy and it's the literally only good thing about this game...
    + We have animations for sex scenes and they look decent enough.

    Bad Points
    - Our game's English translation is awful, I have never seen this much awful translation in any game...
    - It's not fun to play as an MC, His character development is pretty much based on being pathetic loser, blackmailer, and rapist... And not to say how dumb he is, he literally got killed by Hera two times because of not listening her threat about ''Not talk with Sakura again or I will kill you.'' and if for wasn't *ss pull writer created about coming back to life into that ice bathub, he was dead, so along with all of these stuff he is now immortal as well... Meanwhile all he has to do was call Agent and get Hera disappeared... Seriously not that hard... Yet with all this power he is unable to to even simple tasks like saving Sakura without any nonsense involved like that scene with her fiance and other dude, SMH...
    - Part about doing things at night to little step-sister or having scenes with girls by making blackmail is annoying...
    - Most girls are whores, teachers who have affairs with old men for money or better job placements, etc, and it's pretty annoying... I don't want to play grindy chores for having scenes with whores...
    - While girls are hot lots of scenes don't feel attractive or enjoyable at all... I mean seriously, we are literally using some girl's weaknesses against them for having sexual things with them, for example, Amelia always tells us she finds MC disgusting or his dick, etc but still she needs money and MC gets scenes with her like that... How DEV waits for us to enjoy these scenes while girls tell us ''You are disgusting,'', ''It tastes disgusting'', ''You are gross I don't want to do that.'' etc... Most shocking thing is... It's just... Wow... Amazing content there...
    - Sometimes game's fps became unstable and can give you low fps like freezing, and it's pretty annoying.
    - Safe system is so bad... So bad you want to smash your screen...
    - Everything in this game needs grind, money, getting scenes with girls, or even XMAS update... Shoveling snow for finding stars and stones... Yey -_- And even if you got a lot of money you always lose it as the story progresses like seeing a scene someone beats up MC and steal his money... And more annoyingly you can't use unren for money, because your money becomes zero when you click gift shop... And it's not all, now DEV even adds a cheat block which literally tells you to get the hell out of his game and literally tells you ''quit I don't want cheaters in my game'' and for a single-player game, this is literally the most nonsense thing you can do... That was really nice... He really loves his players and puts more effort into his anti-cheat system than the game's actual content...
    - He gave us a half-finished XMAS update... And that goes for all content. Every update he gives something to us then just doesn't complete that thing at all and says: ''Not yet implemented...'' yeah... Even finding darn parrot is ''Not yet implemented'' -_- Oh and, I have a better one: when you are about to finger Dana DEV's banner comes with a screen change and says to you: ''Sorry, It's in development.'' Seriously? And the weirdest part is he has done the XMAS update he should after a damn year...
    - I don't even understand how DEV keeps making this game worse and worse, with latest update (v0.23.1) we got some lectures and forced puzzles! And he even reset some of content, so you gotta grind from zero again! And he keeps adding more annoying and hard minigames & puzzles over and over again...
    - Sakura's path is nonsense AF, nothing makes sense about her path, how MC let that deepfake video taken, how despite having time travel powers he is not going before that video taken, or how even in love path she still getting intimate with that old guy, everyone seen her naked, etc.
    - The amount of not implemented content and how DEV teases players with showing them, but not letting do anything is wild, biggest example is seeing Hera tied there and can't do anything and reading ''content not yet implemented''
    - Another new content we got was content with new girl Melissa and drugs MC was literally forced to make drugs, she was doing sexual favors to MC just for drugs, and her content was quite bad.

    For The End
    I was hoping this game can be better with new updates but... LMAO, it becomes worse and worse with every update... Starting with v.0.15.4 people which used unren for money can't even play the game at all, it literally forces you to quit your game and you can't play at all... Wow... Amazing... This is a terrible game and it became worse with every new update, what a waste of time...
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The characters looks really good, the story is weird but maybe in next versions will make more sense. The english is really broken, I don't speak english but for my was hard to understand some dialogues, I still don't understand why the MC says "Im sorry that I hurt you" (or something like that) almost all the time. I don't know in what universe a mother's say to his son, "If you do something to your sister I will kill you". The MC being excessively creep with his sister she ask for help her with homework and he "ask" to let him touch her boobs/ass or money in exchange for help.

    Don't understand why her classmate doesn't like him, to the level of ignore him, and later she has no problem in have sex with him.

    The agent is stupid for someone who needs to collect intel. The MC order her do stupids things and she never thinks. Why I'm beating school bullies, why I'm investigatin a shopcashier?

    You never heard what happened with the cellphone's owner after the accident, is like they just disappeared with the car, after the accident makes it should appears some news in tv and someone should recognize the car and look for the Boss, is weird that someone important has a car accident and no one notice his ausence.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    On the one hand the animations look pretty smooth and some of the girl characters look great. The idea behind the plot is interesting just not handled well.

    It's obvious English isn't the devs first language and it shows in the script. It's all over the place.

    The biggest downfall of the game is the main character. He unlikeable, he's a creep and he's a rapist.

    The main issue is the MC has no charisma, he's not presented well, he has redeemable qualities and I don't understand the thought process behind creating him.

    He manages to ruin every scene he's in. He's the first MC i've played that manages to put me off sex scenes. Every sex scene is just weird and creepy, there is nothing hot about it.

    I tried really hard to get into it hoping he'd have some kind of character growth or maybe I was reading it wrong and then it introduced his little sister.

    She innocently asks him for help with her homework and the response you can give is to only help her if she pays with money or letting him grope her. She turns him down and his first thought is "I know, i'll rape her while she sleeps" ...... and that's exactly what he does.

    I don't know if the dev wants people to like this character but I spent all my time playing hoping something bad would happen to him. He's such a shit character I had to stop playing, I couldn't take anymore of his creepy nonsense.

    If playing a weird creepy loser is your thing then give it a try but if you expect a well written MC with depth then it's probably not for you.

    I would have just deleted it and moved on but the MC was so bad I couldn't pass on without comment and the girls the dev created deserve a better showing than this game. Good character models are just wasted here.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It's pretty generic and the grammar is shit but the CG's are nice and it has some animations. A nice plus is that you can pretty much get right in on the action so not much mindless clicking to get to the H-scenes. Overall it's a pretty average game so far but it's also pretty new I'm gonna stick around.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.9
    Recommended: NO
    + Good character models
    + Really good UI
    + Has animations
    + Good sandbox traversal and easy to navigate map.
    - Really bad grammar (Machine Translation Level)
    - The story is terrible
    - The story is so bad it should be listed twice
    - The characters (including MC) are boring, stupid and uninspired
    - Wimpy MC
    You play as a Nerd who found a damaged cellphone after a nearby accident and make a decision to take it from the scene. After that you get a call to the found cellphone from a `Agent17` who follows any order given, thinking that you are his boss (the dead guy from the accident). So you use him to do your bidding (which totally won't end with you dead after the paycheck from his dead boss stops coming).
    The problem arises from how the characters interacts with each other. For an example: after using Agent17 to beat up a bully, nether the bully nor you change. Both act as nothing happened. I mean, after bullying the MC, some guy beats you and your friends up, then literally threatens to kill you, only choosing not to if you give MC a blowjob, next day you choose to bully him again, only for the EXACT situation to repeat and you still choose to continue bullying the MC?? And the MC still remains a wimp.