Please use a translator not everyone (including me) speaks russian.как воспроизвести скаченные сцены? не могу понять не как(((
You maybe try to download the 19. folder from a different file hoster.where is the 19th folder?
It's a male protagonist if I remember correct.Question, since it's not in the tags, could someone tell me who the protagonist of this story is, man or woman?
They're just animations.Are H-scenes interactive in this game or just animations? I remember there was a game where you could basically touch girls anywhere during h-scenes, and i think it was illusion game (not sure tho)
I am F2P snowbreak player i really need this)
Something seems to be broken. Hard to tell what's going on, try to go through the addons with F1 and switch them off, in the best case only one of them is corrupted.No idea what's going on. Just downloaded and installed and run it. All the woman are missing their heads but then I zoom out and found it at their feet and some have white spots on head. Just utterly confused at what I need to do.
It was the latest next gen shaders has some bugs.Something seems to be broken. Hard to tell what's going on, try to go through the addons with F1 and switch them off, in the best case only one of them is corrupted.
Glad, you found the issue!It was the latest next gen shaders has some bugs.
In InitSettings tick Activate Console, maybe that gives you a hint what's going on.Having an issue with installation. downloaded everything but the game won't start, not even a little bit. I am able to open the initsetting.exe, but when hitting start it just shuts down and nothing happens. I have downloaded it in the past and it worked. Just not R15.
Oof. Yeah, the company that developed this game, Illusion? It's gone. Went tits up earlier this year--no, July 2023 according to Wikipedia. You can consider this game as is.Hi Guys!!
Could somebody help me with a answer?
I`ve found a bug in Ai-Shoujo, do someone knows how to report? and where?
When you downloaded the BetterRepack, translation is allready included. But voice (dialogs) will not be translated, since there's no text (no subtitles) to find that can be machine translatedDoes anyone know how to get the game with English translation? I installed the English translator from a few posts back, but the options and dialogue are still in Japanese.