Unless stated, DLCs usually doesn't interact which each other. They are like different additional maps or events added in an already "complete" game.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I understand how DLC is supposed to work, but I don't think I've seen DLC for RPGM. I can understand creating new maps and linking old maps to them, but if I try to access a DLC area but don't have the DLC, what happens? Do I get an error? Realistically, this is what would happen.
But what about area's that already exist? Here's a step by step example that I'm wondering about:
-map023 exists in the original game
-DLC 1, 2, 4, and 5 all use this map specifically for their DLC as a hub access map
-If I download DLC 1, there would be a new event on map023 that accesses DLC 1 content
-If I download DLC 2, there would be a new event on map023 that accesses DLC 2 content
-now question, does DLC 2 include DLC 1 event? if not, would downloading map023 from DLC 2 not overwrite map023 from DLC 1?
-If I don't download DLC 4 at first, but download DLC 5 and then download DLC 4 later, would it once again overwrite map023
I ask these questions because I legitimately would like to know how it works.
You could say that all the DLC will use their own maps, but if so, I ask, will the DLC not involve area's currently in the game? Or will you create new maps (possibly even duplicate maps of already existing maps and making them the "DLC version of that map"?)
And regardless of what method you use, at some point, the example I used above could still be an issue, because you still need to use the maps currently in the game to gain access to the DLC.
Not trying to start anything, just wondering.