I honestly think the reason the game doesn't have more support, it's because NTR is really niche in non japanese territory, also it's probable that when the beast/shota update drops a lot of people are going to be curious about the game, but if you delay the updates here people won't notice, piracy it's a touchy subject but you can't deny that +18 games need it to survive since it's pretty much impossible to promote your game otherwise, not to mention that when the second game drops, even more people will be interested since NTR won't be the main focus, in conclusion I don't think having the game here hurts, people who wasn't willing to pay for the game won't pay with or without the game here, and the site works as publicity for people looking for great games to support so if you leave the game without updates people lose interest, anyway it's just my opinion hope we can clarify this one finally, since this subject has been brought out like a hundred times already haha, hope that everyone have a great new year, and yeah, still waiting for the hero haha