RPGM - Ren'Py - Completed - Alansya Chronicles: Fleeting Iris [v1.0.5 Renpy] [Heaven Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    the best RPGM game i have played by far, the diversity the game has makes it even more enjoyable.
    i hope the developer does something with Fujiko, maybe give her her own route... as of now she is just there it feels like a wasted character to me.
    you can get stuck in some routes which makes you feel like you lost control over the game and can't prevent certain events from happening for example (SPOILER!) Ayame losing her virginity to Melvin in the Clarke route.
    Overall a very good game, there is a bit of lack of control, fully animated scenes will make it OUTSTANDING! hopefully in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this might be the best game of this genre. Even though its not finished yet, there is alot of content already and based on the unused areas of the city, there is a whole lot more to come. The art is superb and if you love ahegao faces, you will absolutely love the CGs. The dialogue during h scenes are top notch. The plot is pretty typical, but there is only so many ways you can tell a corruption/NTR/cheating story. What sets it apart is the writing, and if you have these fetishes the game will absolutely deliver. There is pretty much nothing bad about this game.

    I have been very adverse to playing RPGM games until just recently, but I am beginning to see some merits to it. In this case, they really outdid themselves on creating the city. Its HUGE... like you will get lost for a while trying to get anywhere (they need to add a city map). You can jack up the walk speed so its not tedious and the city actually feels like a real place so walking around does not feel annoying. The game on renpy or something just wouldn't convey the same feeling.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game (on my opinion, of course).
    Some routes and differents endings.
    All CG are really beautiful and wonderfully drawn!
    The story is simple but good.
    The map size is OK.
    Some customization of the character.
    And other...

    I really like this game and I'm waiting for too long :p
    Keep an eye on this game and Heaven Studio.

    Love and Peace
    Likes: root
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game if you like corruption, NTR !
    the dialogues and the scenario are excellent.
    Negatives: a city too big, a screen too small and not enough image. I hope that a final version will be proposed very quickly
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has given me many hours of enjoyment and several run throughs. It has beautiful art, and a story that not only believable but draws you in. The way the characters corrupt the MC is exiting to follow and I can’t wait for more updates to find out what happens next.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Decision-wise, some things are lacking. Sexual steps that are a big deal are sometimes automatically chosen which is frustrating because it's not really what you had in mind with the characters. While on the other hand, some decisions remain minor but, of course, are ALWAYS a nice-to-have. Like in general, I feel that especially this game would benefit from more choices.
    In addition, compared to the (appreciated) slow start, everything feels unusually rushed after being introduced to the choosable routes, given they're at times pretty short anyway. It's not thought-out.

    The presentation is well made. I actually care about these characters.
    However, I can't give a good rating because of the already mentioned pace and the non-existent synergy between the different routes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Welcome to the best hentai game you'll ever play in your life.

    I don't even know where to start praising this game so I guess I have to go by its sheer size. It can take you days to complete this game if you read dialogue. A lot of people require walkthroughs to unlock everything so you would think it is because the game is confusing or convoluted but not at all. There are over 200 huge hentai scenes with amazing art that is not reused. All of them feel unique and are incredibly hot in their own way. Unlocking them all is an herculean task but one that you will enjoy, not because it's a chore.

    The maps and the menus feel unique and this is hard to do at this point with RPG Maker. There's so many games around that you're bound to see things become repetitive but not this game. A lot of stuff I've seen here for the first time and the things I've seen in other games are just used better.

    The soundtrack is phenomenal. In fact it's better than some huge budget big company games. Some of them stick in your head to the point you start humming them out of nowhere.

    The stories are incredible. Some paths are interchangeable but some are exclusive and all of them are so different from the others. It literally feels like playing many different games in one and all of them are amazing in their own right.

    Incredible unique assets, incredible story, incredible soundtrack, incredible writing, incredible drawings, there is nothing else that you could ask for.

    The first version of every patch generally has bugs, however those bugs are quickly addressed by the developing team. The latest version as far as I know had no bugs.

    Considering the amount of work and content that comes out at every patch, the team releasing a new patch every two months will make you feel like everyone else working on hentai games with far bigger budgets is absolutely slacking. I promise you that if you enjoy the type of game it is, it will ruin every other hentai game out there for you.

    Every time a new patch comes out my hype is off the charts and every time I finish a new patch I get a sensation of slight emptiness and wanting for more. It's like Christmas every 2 months. So far I haven't been disappointed with any of the endings and although there's already a handful of them, there's something like over ten endings planned. It's just insane.

    Overall, this is by far the best hentai game I've ever played by an immeasurable margin. I can't wait to see it finished, but I dread thinking that day will eventually come.

    Just look at the reviews, there's two type of scores. Either "My favorite game ever in the genre" or "I got lost and I blame the game". Most of the reviews that mention bugs are moot since all those were fixed.

    Play it, give it a good try. Thank me later.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of potential and for the most part, it's trying to cater to a wide range of fetishes... But at the same time, it's taking it's sweet time.

    The art is pretty much what holds it all together and it makes you want to keep coming back for more.

    My sole concern is that it's still a Patreon project and that the updates are pretty sparse.

    I'm still 50/50 on supporting this tbh.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    2020 Update:

    -Great NTR routes
    -Characters are unique in their own way
    -Art is great and captures the right amount of love the MC is going through
    -Other routes are getting more love than the vanilla love story route. Good choice since vanilla love stories are better in other ways.

    -The developer Heaven Studios had some problems in the past that caused a whole lot of hate towards them for milking. There were personal losses for them at that time and so, things are much better now.
    -Their updates are around 1.5 months apart but are worth waiting for.