Aug 2, 2017
Alright, here you guys go. Probably the last time im going to support so enjoy try to enjoy it. Have a good night.


We finally switched about 170 switches from their original places in order to organize the database. This took a script and a few days just for the effect. Sadly, *it broke all your save games* but on the bright side, it will speed up the development times in the future. You can compare both databases from version 0.85c and the new 0.86 to see how much we changed.

We changed our full screen script to be a theoretically better one. You can press F5 to turn the game into full screen. Hope everyone is happy with this version of it.

There is a new save menu. This save menu let's you see what routes you have active and saves a bitmap of the place you were when you saved the game. From now on we'll be extremely careful not to break your saves with the upcoming versions! Changing the switches' places and making a better save menu has been a plan for a long time and now that we did it we can finally work in a way that will likely not make you re-play every version from the beginning.

Sadly the current itineration of this script has a minor bug. Sometimes when you go into the load menu, the icon that tells you a save slot is being used is not there. However if you hover over the place where it should be with your cursor you'll still be able to see all the new save details and load the game with no issues. This bug is at the moment only visual and it should cause no problems in the gameplay.

The gym has been completely remodeled into a three story building and will now function in a less convoluted manner in order to harbor the future scenes involving yoga suit and full body swimsuit. Right now you talk to one of the people at the desk and they will give you a gym card for free so you can check out the gym layout. In the next version you will have to purchase that card and the gym will function in a different manner. You will be able to increase your charm here as well. Due to save issues and in order to keep your save for next version make sure you save before you acquire the card and in the next version you acquire it through "legitimate" ways.

Issac Seventh Av. (Also known as Apartment Area. It's where Fujiko bumped into Robert) has been reworked and renamed as Travis Adair Avenue. It now has a convenience store in which Ayame will be able to do some shopping for some quests.

Sato now has his own theme and it plays during some points of the game (including his building).

The East wing of the museum now has the Fanart exhibition! Please check it out and memorize your favorite author. Tomorrow we will be running a poll which will last one week. In one week the winning artist will receive a reward!

Lots of previous and new scenes received animated sprites! Adriana now has new sprites to reflect her new visual. Eventually we will change all the scenes to reflect her new look.

All of the new scenes in which you can get a tan also have a version with tanlines. You can now get a partial tan in the beach (tanlines) and a full tan in the nudist part of the beach (accessible through the eastern end of the beach).

Your stats now play an important part in the game. Not having enough morality, lust or charm will not allow you to see some scenes until you do.

Clarke route has been changed and past scenes have been re-written to a better state. The hentai scene has been completely re-written. In Clarke's route Ayame will be the one doing the teasing and corrupting which will add a different flow to the route.

Most of the new hentai scenes will have the characters comment on how Ayame looks. Pubes. Tan. If she’s a virgin or not. If she practiced anal or not, etc.

We want to go forth and release a version 0.86b where we will add a lot of new quests to help the players find hentai scenes and other content in a easier way and apply some changes to past hentai scenes to also reflect Ayame’s state.

Melvin has two new hentai scenes. The second one drastically changes if Ayame has had anal intercourse before and weather you pick to ejaculate inside her or in her face.

Hospital route now has three new hentai scenes and Scott will comment if Ayame has pubic hair or full body tan among other things.

Sato’s route has two new hentai scenes (or one hentai scene and one teaser if you look at it that way).

Family route now has two additional scenes. One with Jack in which Ayame can be a virgin (dialogue will drastically change if you lose your virginity to Jack) and one with Arthur.

Garcias route now has two new hentai scenes. One of them composed by two different CG’s which can be classified as an hentai scene of it’s own even if rather short.

Many bugs have been fixed and many graphics have been updated.

I’m super tired and I haven’t slept in the past 37 hours so I am DEFINITELY forgetting something. I will update the patch notes in the morning and please expect an additional patch soon.


Nov 15, 2017
Alright, here you guys go. Probably the last time im going to support so enjoy try to enjoy it. Have a good night.


We finally switched about 170 switches from their original places in order to organize the database. This took a script and a few days just for the effect. Sadly, *it broke all your save games* but on the bright side, it will speed up the development times in the future. You can compare both databases from version 0.85c and the new 0.86 to see how much we changed.

We changed our full screen script to be a theoretically better one. You can press F5 to turn the game into full screen. Hope everyone is happy with this version of it.

There is a new save menu. This save menu let's you see what routes you have active and saves a bitmap of the place you were when you saved the game. From now on we'll be extremely careful not to break your saves with the upcoming versions! Changing the switches' places and making a better save menu has been a plan for a long time and now that we did it we can finally work in a way that will likely not make you re-play every version from the beginning.

Sadly the current itineration of this script has a minor bug. Sometimes when you go into the load menu, the icon that tells you a save slot is being used is not there. However if you hover over the place where it should be with your cursor you'll still be able to see all the new save details and load the game with no issues. This bug is at the moment only visual and it should cause no problems in the gameplay.

The gym has been completely remodeled into a three story building and will now function in a less convoluted manner in order to harbor the future scenes involving yoga suit and full body swimsuit. Right now you talk to one of the people at the desk and they will give you a gym card for free so you can check out the gym layout. In the next version you will have to purchase that card and the gym will function in a different manner. You will be able to increase your charm here as well. Due to save issues and in order to keep your save for next version make sure you save before you acquire the card and in the next version you acquire it through "legitimate" ways.

Issac Seventh Av. (Also known as Apartment Area. It's where Fujiko bumped into Robert) has been reworked and renamed as Travis Adair Avenue. It now has a convenience store in which Ayame will be able to do some shopping for some quests.

Sato now has his own theme and it plays during some points of the game (including his building).

The East wing of the museum now has the Fanart exhibition! Please check it out and memorize your favorite author. Tomorrow we will be running a poll which will last one week. In one week the winning artist will receive a reward!

Lots of previous and new scenes received animated sprites! Adriana now has new sprites to reflect her new visual. Eventually we will change all the scenes to reflect her new look.

All of the new scenes in which you can get a tan also have a version with tanlines. You can now get a partial tan in the beach (tanlines) and a full tan in the nudist part of the beach (accessible through the eastern end of the beach).

Your stats now play an important part in the game. Not having enough morality, lust or charm will not allow you to see some scenes until you do.

Clarke route has been changed and past scenes have been re-written to a better state. The hentai scene has been completely re-written. In Clarke's route Ayame will be the one doing the teasing and corrupting which will add a different flow to the route.

Most of the new hentai scenes will have the characters comment on how Ayame looks. Pubes. Tan. If she’s a virgin or not. If she practiced anal or not, etc.

We want to go forth and release a version 0.86b where we will add a lot of new quests to help the players find hentai scenes and other content in a easier way and apply some changes to past hentai scenes to also reflect Ayame’s state.

Melvin has two new hentai scenes. The second one drastically changes if Ayame has had anal intercourse before and weather you pick to ejaculate inside her or in her face.

Hospital route now has three new hentai scenes and Scott will comment if Ayame has pubic hair or full body tan among other things.

Sato’s route has two new hentai scenes (or one hentai scene and one teaser if you look at it that way).

Family route now has two additional scenes. One with Jack in which Ayame can be a virgin (dialogue will drastically change if you lose your virginity to Jack) and one with Arthur.

Garcias route now has two new hentai scenes. One of them composed by two different CG’s which can be classified as an hentai scene of it’s own even if rather short.

Many bugs have been fixed and many graphics have been updated.

I’m super tired and I haven’t slept in the past 37 hours so I am DEFINITELY forgetting something. I will update the patch notes in the morning and please expect an additional patch soon.

Thanks dude, we appreciate it. May the father of understanding guide you.

Edson junior

New Member
Dec 23, 2017
Alright, here you guys go. Probably the last time im going to support so enjoy try to enjoy it. Have a good night.


We finally switched about 170 switches from their original places in order to organize the database. This took a script and a few days just for the effect. Sadly, *it broke all your save games* but on the bright side, it will speed up the development times in the future. You can compare both databases from version 0.85c and the new 0.86 to see how much we changed.

We changed our full screen script to be a theoretically better one. You can press F5 to turn the game into full screen. Hope everyone is happy with this version of it.

There is a new save menu. This save menu let's you see what routes you have active and saves a bitmap of the place you were when you saved the game. From now on we'll be extremely careful not to break your saves with the upcoming versions! Changing the switches' places and making a better save menu has been a plan for a long time and now that we did it we can finally work in a way that will likely not make you re-play every version from the beginning.

Sadly the current itineration of this script has a minor bug. Sometimes when you go into the load menu, the icon that tells you a save slot is being used is not there. However if you hover over the place where it should be with your cursor you'll still be able to see all the new save details and load the game with no issues. This bug is at the moment only visual and it should cause no problems in the gameplay.

The gym has been completely remodeled into a three story building and will now function in a less convoluted manner in order to harbor the future scenes involving yoga suit and full body swimsuit. Right now you talk to one of the people at the desk and they will give you a gym card for free so you can check out the gym layout. In the next version you will have to purchase that card and the gym will function in a different manner. You will be able to increase your charm here as well. Due to save issues and in order to keep your save for next version make sure you save before you acquire the card and in the next version you acquire it through "legitimate" ways.

Issac Seventh Av. (Also known as Apartment Area. It's where Fujiko bumped into Robert) has been reworked and renamed as Travis Adair Avenue. It now has a convenience store in which Ayame will be able to do some shopping for some quests.

Sato now has his own theme and it plays during some points of the game (including his building).

The East wing of the museum now has the Fanart exhibition! Please check it out and memorize your favorite author. Tomorrow we will be running a poll which will last one week. In one week the winning artist will receive a reward!

Lots of previous and new scenes received animated sprites! Adriana now has new sprites to reflect her new visual. Eventually we will change all the scenes to reflect her new look.

All of the new scenes in which you can get a tan also have a version with tanlines. You can now get a partial tan in the beach (tanlines) and a full tan in the nudist part of the beach (accessible through the eastern end of the beach).

Your stats now play an important part in the game. Not having enough morality, lust or charm will not allow you to see some scenes until you do.

Clarke route has been changed and past scenes have been re-written to a better state. The hentai scene has been completely re-written. In Clarke's route Ayame will be the one doing the teasing and corrupting which will add a different flow to the route.

Most of the new hentai scenes will have the characters comment on how Ayame looks. Pubes. Tan. If she’s a virgin or not. If she practiced anal or not, etc.

We want to go forth and release a version 0.86b where we will add a lot of new quests to help the players find hentai scenes and other content in a easier way and apply some changes to past hentai scenes to also reflect Ayame’s state.

Melvin has two new hentai scenes. The second one drastically changes if Ayame has had anal intercourse before and weather you pick to ejaculate inside her or in her face.

Hospital route now has three new hentai scenes and Scott will comment if Ayame has pubic hair or full body tan among other things.

Sato’s route has two new hentai scenes (or one hentai scene and one teaser if you look at it that way).

Family route now has two additional scenes. One with Jack in which Ayame can be a virgin (dialogue will drastically change if you lose your virginity to Jack) and one with Arthur.

Garcias route now has two new hentai scenes. One of them composed by two different CG’s which can be classified as an hentai scene of it’s own even if rather short.

Many bugs have been fixed and many graphics have been updated.

I’m super tired and I haven’t slept in the past 37 hours so I am DEFINITELY forgetting something. I will update the patch notes in the morning and please expect an additional patch soon.
TY man love U
Jan 25, 2017
Alright, here you guys go. Probably the last time im going to support so enjoy try to enjoy it. Have a good night.


We finally switched about 170 switches from their original places in order to organize the database. This took a script and a few days just for the effect. Sadly, *it broke all your save games* but on the bright side, it will speed up the development times in the future. You can compare both databases from version 0.85c and the new 0.86 to see how much we changed.

We changed our full screen script to be a theoretically better one. You can press F5 to turn the game into full screen. Hope everyone is happy with this version of it.

There is a new save menu. This save menu let's you see what routes you have active and saves a bitmap of the place you were when you saved the game. From now on we'll be extremely careful not to break your saves with the upcoming versions! Changing the switches' places and making a better save menu has been a plan for a long time and now that we did it we can finally work in a way that will likely not make you re-play every version from the beginning.

Sadly the current itineration of this script has a minor bug. Sometimes when you go into the load menu, the icon that tells you a save slot is being used is not there. However if you hover over the place where it should be with your cursor you'll still be able to see all the new save details and load the game with no issues. This bug is at the moment only visual and it should cause no problems in the gameplay.

The gym has been completely remodeled into a three story building and will now function in a less convoluted manner in order to harbor the future scenes involving yoga suit and full body swimsuit. Right now you talk to one of the people at the desk and they will give you a gym card for free so you can check out the gym layout. In the next version you will have to purchase that card and the gym will function in a different manner. You will be able to increase your charm here as well. Due to save issues and in order to keep your save for next version make sure you save before you acquire the card and in the next version you acquire it through "legitimate" ways.

Issac Seventh Av. (Also known as Apartment Area. It's where Fujiko bumped into Robert) has been reworked and renamed as Travis Adair Avenue. It now has a convenience store in which Ayame will be able to do some shopping for some quests.

Sato now has his own theme and it plays during some points of the game (including his building).

The East wing of the museum now has the Fanart exhibition! Please check it out and memorize your favorite author. Tomorrow we will be running a poll which will last one week. In one week the winning artist will receive a reward!

Lots of previous and new scenes received animated sprites! Adriana now has new sprites to reflect her new visual. Eventually we will change all the scenes to reflect her new look.

All of the new scenes in which you can get a tan also have a version with tanlines. You can now get a partial tan in the beach (tanlines) and a full tan in the nudist part of the beach (accessible through the eastern end of the beach).

Your stats now play an important part in the game. Not having enough morality, lust or charm will not allow you to see some scenes until you do.

Clarke route has been changed and past scenes have been re-written to a better state. The hentai scene has been completely re-written. In Clarke's route Ayame will be the one doing the teasing and corrupting which will add a different flow to the route.

Most of the new hentai scenes will have the characters comment on how Ayame looks. Pubes. Tan. If she’s a virgin or not. If she practiced anal or not, etc.

We want to go forth and release a version 0.86b where we will add a lot of new quests to help the players find hentai scenes and other content in a easier way and apply some changes to past hentai scenes to also reflect Ayame’s state.

Melvin has two new hentai scenes. The second one drastically changes if Ayame has had anal intercourse before and weather you pick to ejaculate inside her or in her face.

Hospital route now has three new hentai scenes and Scott will comment if Ayame has pubic hair or full body tan among other things.

Sato’s route has two new hentai scenes (or one hentai scene and one teaser if you look at it that way).

Family route now has two additional scenes. One with Jack in which Ayame can be a virgin (dialogue will drastically change if you lose your virginity to Jack) and one with Arthur.

Garcias route now has two new hentai scenes. One of them composed by two different CG’s which can be classified as an hentai scene of it’s own even if rather short.

Many bugs have been fixed and many graphics have been updated.

I’m super tired and I haven’t slept in the past 37 hours so I am DEFINITELY forgetting something. I will update the patch notes in the morning and please expect an additional patch soon.
Thank you for considering my post and posting both the link AND the changes. Props to you


New Member
Sep 18, 2017
Alright, here you guys go. Probably the last time im going to support so enjoy try to enjoy it. Have a good night.


We finally switched about 170 switches from their original places in order to organize the database. This took a script and a few days just for the effect. Sadly, *it broke all your save games* but on the bright side, it will speed up the development times in the future. You can compare both databases from version 0.85c and the new 0.86 to see how much we changed.

We changed our full screen script to be a theoretically better one. You can press F5 to turn the game into full screen. Hope everyone is happy with this version of it.

There is a new save menu. This save menu let's you see what routes you have active and saves a bitmap of the place you were when you saved the game. From now on we'll be extremely careful not to break your saves with the upcoming versions! Changing the switches' places and making a better save menu has been a plan for a long time and now that we did it we can finally work in a way that will likely not make you re-play every version from the beginning.

Sadly the current itineration of this script has a minor bug. Sometimes when you go into the load menu, the icon that tells you a save slot is being used is not there. However if you hover over the place where it should be with your cursor you'll still be able to see all the new save details and load the game with no issues. This bug is at the moment only visual and it should cause no problems in the gameplay.

The gym has been completely remodeled into a three story building and will now function in a less convoluted manner in order to harbor the future scenes involving yoga suit and full body swimsuit. Right now you talk to one of the people at the desk and they will give you a gym card for free so you can check out the gym layout. In the next version you will have to purchase that card and the gym will function in a different manner. You will be able to increase your charm here as well. Due to save issues and in order to keep your save for next version make sure you save before you acquire the card and in the next version you acquire it through "legitimate" ways.

Issac Seventh Av. (Also known as Apartment Area. It's where Fujiko bumped into Robert) has been reworked and renamed as Travis Adair Avenue. It now has a convenience store in which Ayame will be able to do some shopping for some quests.

Sato now has his own theme and it plays during some points of the game (including his building).

The East wing of the museum now has the Fanart exhibition! Please check it out and memorize your favorite author. Tomorrow we will be running a poll which will last one week. In one week the winning artist will receive a reward!

Lots of previous and new scenes received animated sprites! Adriana now has new sprites to reflect her new visual. Eventually we will change all the scenes to reflect her new look.

All of the new scenes in which you can get a tan also have a version with tanlines. You can now get a partial tan in the beach (tanlines) and a full tan in the nudist part of the beach (accessible through the eastern end of the beach).

Your stats now play an important part in the game. Not having enough morality, lust or charm will not allow you to see some scenes until you do.

Clarke route has been changed and past scenes have been re-written to a better state. The hentai scene has been completely re-written. In Clarke's route Ayame will be the one doing the teasing and corrupting which will add a different flow to the route.

Most of the new hentai scenes will have the characters comment on how Ayame looks. Pubes. Tan. If she’s a virgin or not. If she practiced anal or not, etc.

We want to go forth and release a version 0.86b where we will add a lot of new quests to help the players find hentai scenes and other content in a easier way and apply some changes to past hentai scenes to also reflect Ayame’s state.

Melvin has two new hentai scenes. The second one drastically changes if Ayame has had anal intercourse before and weather you pick to ejaculate inside her or in her face.

Hospital route now has three new hentai scenes and Scott will comment if Ayame has pubic hair or full body tan among other things.

Sato’s route has two new hentai scenes (or one hentai scene and one teaser if you look at it that way).

Family route now has two additional scenes. One with Jack in which Ayame can be a virgin (dialogue will drastically change if you lose your virginity to Jack) and one with Arthur.

Garcias route now has two new hentai scenes. One of them composed by two different CG’s which can be classified as an hentai scene of it’s own even if rather short.

Many bugs have been fixed and many graphics have been updated.

I’m super tired and I haven’t slept in the past 37 hours so I am DEFINITELY forgetting something. I will update the patch notes in the morning and please expect an additional patch soon.


Jun 22, 2017
This getting a release, Young Wife Souffle NTR's incomplete translation getting released early because a patreon leaked it, hell if the new Team NTR game gets uploaded as well this day will be a nice day to NTR :D
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