2.40 star(s) 24 Votes


New Member
Sep 21, 2019
I played for all of 5 minutes when I realized that "winning" is purely RNG unless you just keep the GF edged by not filling the heart bar on purpose.

Step-mom "random" mechanic is total bullshit, it's insanely unfun and unrealistic to get a maze puzzle and suddenly the bitch is checking your room literally every second, hell even without the maze she will just decide she is gonna open and shut your door like a fucking madman. there needs to be some kind of natural delay in her checking, maybe 8 seconds at least. if not that then the maze timer needs to be 3-5x longer to compensate for the bullshit RNG

Also, unless the MC is impaired, he wouldn't lock his screen every single time. its possible to put the phone face down with no light showing. Instead of having the screen lock every single time, have it only lock every so often

The lockscreen itself is an issue, why is the area to activate one of the dots about half the size of the actual dot? real phones are insanely generous, you can swipe about 2-3x the size of the dot and it still takes it

and for the "downloads", can't believe MC is running on blazing fast 64kb/s wifi

I don't know if you were trying to make a rage game but with how horribly designed all this is congrats you succeeded on at least that much
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Jul 20, 2017
So in the previous version of the game, the light on the corridor would turn on right before the mom opened the door, giving you plenty of opportunity to put the phone down... Now the door just swing open with no warning... Is this a bug in this version, or is the dev an idiot for thinking that a human being can react THAT fast?

*EDIT* Yep... a bug. Had to restart the thing to clear it. Also, the phone unlocking mechanic is absolutely horrible.
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Dec 5, 2021
Here's every single image that can be unlocked, it was a pain even though i cheated, i've also attached 2 files (both inside the same zip) of my "mods" that remove mom, for some reason the first one started breaking the game whenever the day ended so i made a second one that also removed time (which means it also removed saves), both of them are quite literally just removed code

Mods (use one or the other, you can't use both as they replace the same thing) go in \www\data

(also putting in the images as a zip cause why not)


Jun 10, 2020
tbh if thats my gf ill just stick wiith mom atleast mom isnt waving a knife around unless shes making dinner

though good game concept as a whole it is fun and i like it my suggestion is to ease up a bit on the difficulty unless this is a short game though i think adding an extra level or two would really polish this game up maybe a step sister level and or a step aunt level would really go a long way
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New Member
Oct 1, 2020
So I'm going to be the odd man out here but the latest version isn't really buggy. I've had 0 issues with it when on the 0.1 version there were tons of bugs. Great work patching them. As far as the demo I like where it's headed.

Basically how to play the game-
Message you gf to make the hearts white.
Dodge mom checking on you (audio queue of footsteps, and light turning on in the hallway).
Once all the hearts are white you get a mouse maze, solve this for image rewards that are saved.
Every time you finish a maze you get a download, finish the download to get a new maze / image reward.
Keep the heart almost all white, but not completely until you finish the download, otherwise you will repeat your last maze.
Not messaging your gf for an extended period will give you an audio queue (heart pounding) indicating the hearts are now more black.

Its just a balancing act of heart while downloading and dodging mom. Then wait for mom to appear for the last message to gf. (This will give you the most time to solve the maze) Then complete the maze for profit.

It's just a demo with some nice art and a lot of potential. I really liked it and hope you continue. Don't listen to the losers here who don't actually want to play a porn game, they just want porn. Your game is unique and your art style is really nice.
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Sep 12, 2021
The idea of stepmother randomly generating from the instant moment she closes the door, without absolutely any minimal time of cooldown when she cannot is one of the most retarded design choices I've ever seen in any game. You need to fininsh the maze before the game over? Well, get fucking bent and lose of the fault of the randomness, not even of your own. This is so insanely frustrating, I hope in future it will be changed, it just makes the game a chore to play, random, unsatysfying chore. If I'd want RNG to fuck me over I would be playing Raid: Shadow legends, or another gacha shit. So frustrated.


Jan 12, 2023
How in the hell am I supposed to get past the maze when the mom keeps coming in every 5 fucking seconds


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2020
So the image that's supposed to advertise the game is the game over animation, and from what I gather, it's the best thing in this game. Why not focus the game around that?
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Mar 11, 2018
seems interesting but deff not playable at the moment. takes to long to open the phone get black screens an just can hear background music. mom looks good though maybe need do something with the mom lol
May 30, 2020
Honestly I find all the people complaining about the "difficulty" and saying the bugs make everything harder to be hilarious. I agree that this game has a couple of bugs (perhaps the prior release was worse since there are marginally less complaints about bugs and moreso difficulty following this new patch) but if you think the bugs are making it HARDER you're just straight up wrong. So long as you can get enough hearts for the GF to send you the maze, you can literally just brute force the game into letting you finish. How? Well after playing the game for 5 minutes I noticed the game doesn't force close your phone when you lose. Yeah there's an animation on the left, but tbh I blame player ignorance when you lose to the timer on the maze, while having the maze or ANYTHING on the phone open, and you somehow just decide to hit the play again button instead of messing around. That happened ONCE to me and I said f- it why not just full send it on the maze and see what happens.

Well I did, and guess who was able to just start up the next round and immediately go to download the image and respond to more texts? You know the answer. It was that easy. You can literally just get to the point where she gives you the maze and just not even worry about the timer. I do not know if the mother's game over screen has the same bug, but that wasn't something I explored since I never failed to her unless I was making abhorrently greedy timing decisions, which was only a few times as I was learning.

I agree with anyone and everyone who says that the game really should have had more on it's initial release if the developer was going to release it. It shouldn't have such major bugs regardless of whether they help or hinder the player. But that being said, any of y'all still complaining about difficulty after the recent update when the mother gives a walking audio cue, followed by a visual light cue, and yet ANOTHER audio cue of her about to open the door, and it doesn't even game over you if you're putting the phone down as it begins to open? And if you get unfairly repeat attacked by the mom you can just get caught by the GF and brute force the maze anyway? Nah. You're buggin. Pun intended. Game's easy.

I was curious if there'd be a reward for getting to the end of the week, but I decided since I got all the images it wasn't worth the effort to check, which is another negative for the game, because as a player I should have incentive to do so.

Dr. Lewdwig

Apr 15, 2021
Honestly I find all the people complaining about the "difficulty" and saying the bugs make everything harder to be hilarious ...
In terms of game-breaking bugs, what I have noticed is that people have wildly different experiences in the very same release.
Since the game has only PC releases (and has presumably mostly Windows users), it leads me to believe that the difference comes from the type of operating systems they are using.

On Windows 10 x64, I literally can not move past the title screen. Moving the mouse results in a CTD error in v0.2.
2.40 star(s) 24 Votes