Others - Abandoned - Alice Awakening [v0.4.2 Stable] [StickJump]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Really nice artwork and animation, not so fun gameplay -- but still better than a lot of other games. Grammar could also use a little work but not a big deal. A few small tutorials exist so it's not like you're being thrown into it without any kind of idea what to do, but it takes a little bit of time to figure out the optimal progression through each day. Luckily there aren't any time limits, so you can experiment for as long as you want.

    I appreciated the fact there are only "Morning/Day/Evening/Night" timeframes and not weekdays to also consider. Too many games have time windows that are way too specific and take forever to get back to (such as missing an event on Sunday and having to skip through a week in-game to get back to the time window) -- thankfully this game does not have that problem. A considerable amount of grinding is needed to unlock new scenes, which is appealing to some but by the time I finished the main story content (currently v0.3.9) I just found a full save to see what I missed instead of grinding through the same scenes over and over.

    This would be a pretty underwhelming game without the excellent art and animation, but still worth checking out.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This review was done on the 0.3.9 Stable version of the game.

    I was originally going to rate it 3 stars, or 3 and a half, but my gut was telling me not to. And because I feel like the game will get better soon.

    Now, a basic synopsis. You're one of the biggest idiots on the planet who has a little sister fetish of truly massive proportions. Like, I cannot stress just how much of a damn perverted idiot the MC is. Basically fuse every anime protagonist ever with Issei Hyoudou, but instead of a breast fetish, it's a little sister fetish.

    You live with your sister('s friend. God damnit patreon). She's a mix of Tsundere/Yandere and holy shit does that make her one of the biggest bitches in the entire world. Even when she FINALLY warms up to the MC, she's still a massive c**t. HOWEVER, there are hints of this changing later in the game.

    The MC, being the pervidiot he is, immediately goes into her open room to watch her sleep and feel her up. He gets caught and gets anime violence inflicted upon him. In fact, I'm honestly surprised she just didn't kill him with how her personality is, it honestly wouldn't be out of character. This is the start of your perverted journey.

    Now here's where the gameplay happens. Welcome to one of the most horrifying RNG experience, second only to the GACHA rates on popular mobile games. You want a specific item that you need for plot reasons? Well good luck finding it if RNGesus isn't on your side.

    The game DOES give you a walkthrough, thank the heavens, and it even tells you what items you need. But dear god getting every item is a chore and a half.

    You can raise affection by doing the same things over and over again. Like cooking her breakfast or doing the dishes. Be wary though, your MC is a damn perverted idiot and when you choose the wrong thing to do, he tries the perviest thing possible and gets his ass beat.

    The sex scenes. Yes, there IS sex scenes in the game. And holy smokes are they beautiful scenes. Like, the scenes alone would've made the game an easy 5 star game. If there was more content, this review WOULD be 5 stars for the scenes alone. Definitely worth the RNG hell just to see them.

    There are going to be other waifus it looks like. However, there is currently NO SCENES with them. You only have scenes with the TsunYanSis.

    Final Verdict: If it wasn't obvious, I REALLY don't like the MC. Without him, I would've rated the game 5 stars, but he really annoys me. The main girl is alright, in small doses, but holy smokes does she need to calm down on the insults. The plot is basically every hentai sister/brother plot done. The sex scenes are top notch and make the game worth playing. In other words, don't play for the plot this time. Play for the 'Plot'.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    needs more work but looks promising.
    the art is very nice and seems like it get better in the next patch.
    story seems ok so far, looks like it has more characters coming.
    the game mechanics are interesting and keep you interested, they take a bit of time to understand but they make sense to me after i found out that coming to the same room a few times a day in the right time and doing the right actions gives you the action.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Like the music/mood, and the animations and characters are unique which is a HUGE plus. I can see the talent that's put into this game.

    Down side is if there is going to be a day by day phase AND a lot of them (months+) then there should be a lot of progress like content, more characters and stuff going on. I know its not even close to a finished game, been checking it out form the start and it has progressed "OK".

    On the flip side, this criticism is a good sign, means its a good product that is desired to have more.

    One other thing, transitions between scenes feels very slow and sometimes annoying if you are just trying to do some daily progress for the day, I do recall it was far slower then before though and it has been improved.

    On the math side, maybe consider a revamp on how much points gained in night activities and spent on stat improvements. It feels too complicated even though I get the scaling between levels has a strict sloop. Avoid decimal points maybe. You could even have event requirements to unlock high level night skills once there is more content perhaps.

    Feels odd to have no reason NOT to go every night to her room aside from that one event. Maybe day events could drop hints on better nights to drop in then on others or outside events like parents or something.

    Sorry for the long text. I hope it helps if this is ever read.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.3.7

    A train wreck of H-Game cardinal sins that nearly gets away with it, carried by the wings of a couple great moments.

    Afflicted with the hentai equivalent of every one of the ten plagues of Egypt, this isn't a game for players who aren't familiar with handling these sorts of issues.

    And lo Hentai Jesus sent upon the game a plague; completely arbitrary event triggers with no in-game signaling to the player. There are a couple of scenes in this game that are really sexy. You'll have a lot of difficulty finding them without looking online.

    And as the game continued to release Hentai Jesus sent forth a second plague. Poor grammar and incorrect or uncomfortable verbiage will not bother some players, but personally I find they can distract me a lot.

    Hentai Jesus was not yet satisfied and sent a number of additional plagues upon this game. Some of the art is really quite good, and other pieces are distorted in fashions that detract from the medium. This is rampant speculation, but my guess would be a novice artist who is legitimately trying, so I can cut some slack here.

    The writing is a pro and a con for this one. On the one hand dialogue is sexy, and scenes flow well (if you gloss over the bit of engrish). On the other hand, the scenes are intentionally written so that the author has sort of artificially determined they don't need any cohesion between events because Alice says things like, "This never happened."

    While from a purely theoretical narrative standpoint, the author isn't wrong in that this style of writing makes complete logical sense, it doesn't present the player with the type of progression normally given to the player in corruption style games. Instead of a deliberate decline of moral standards and built up tolerance for the main characters antics, Alice's reactions are often arbitrary and make little sense in the context of other actions she takes in the game.

    The game has improved since I last tried it. There fewer arbitrary chance mechanics than before. Still more than I would like to see. There’s excessive menial grinding, but less of it than before and genre literate consumers will know how to bypass that.

    Perhaps a summation of the problems of design philosophy in this game is that the first quest is to randomly open lootboxes around your house until you get an item that has no immediate payoff beyond actually letting you progress in the game.

    With design decisions like that, regardless of how inexplicably hot any individual scene could be, as a game, it cannot stand on its own. And that’s a bit of a painful conclusion, because I want to enjoy this game as much as I like it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    draws and animations: really good.

    characters: they just are awfull.

    story: there is no story.

    gampelay: awfull and grindy.

    musica: well done and not anoying.

    scenes (erotic ones): they are kinda meh.

    conclussion: this game is not fun to play. is like is wanna
    be a porn-game but the "game" part is boring a repetitive, and the "porn" part looks good, but
    is not sexy at all, thanks to the characters, the sister is not sexy is more like borderline
    crazy and the male characters design is a self-cock-blocking.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2032654

    Keeps getting better as the dev regularly adds more content. The art is great and is also getting better as time goes on. If you tried it months ago and didn't like it you should give it another shot.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Fake Rabi ~

    Good graphics, story and the animation is smooth, got a nice background music but a little bit grindy and the previous conversation is unskippable, but the game itself is good and interesting in more ways, and highly recommendable..
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Fappable One

    AA v.0.3.6
    I want to get this review in before the next update as v. will be quite different (according to SJA's patreon). So let's get to it.

    I have played this game for 130+ days, and have pretty much "beat the game" in this current version. This game got my attention pretty quickly. I like the animation, and the story is mostly straight forward. This is a 'Point & Click' type of game. You play as Alice's creepy looking brother who is clearly sexually attracted to her, but you kind of don't blame him for his actions as Alice's choice of clothes isn't doing him any favors. Where this game takes place and why they live together is not explained.

    The sex scenes and animations are fine, so I have no problems there. I find it odd there's no BJ scene (there is a tease via the Nirnroot) or any anal action. Although they could easily be added later on.

    The story evolves as the game progresses where Alice goes from wanting to rip your balls out to "oh it's okay, no big deal!". Same as Night Time events where she starts in her clothes, to sleeping in the nude (much to the brother's delight).

    I like the music in the game. It's Easy Listening Jazz. Meshes well with this game imo.

    That's about it for the positives. Unfortunately this game has many flaws. Repetitiveness being the biggest sin. Play this game for 15+ minutes you're gonna quickly notice a repetitive pattern on your tasks.

    Another big problem which I think will gone in 3.7 is The 5 Moves of Doom. The game (without the bonuses) only lets the MC make 5 moves to progress his relationship with Alice. So in those 5 moves you are kind of forced to not make a mistake as this game has no Back option for a re-do. No other way to Save the game either. Although to be honest this game doesn't really need multiple save files at the moment.

    During the progress the MC will be required to 'Look for Items' which is entirely RNG based. BUT here's the thing: it's NOT as brutal as before. I find myself finding items minimum twice during my 5 moves. Where as before I would be lucky to find it once a day. The current state of this RNG is where as it should be imo. Remember the Nirnroot I discussed earlier? I found it TWICE in an hour. For real. (y)

    The Living Room is quite lively (pardon the pun) in version 3.6. There's now "a game, in a game" which could signal what 3.7 may look like later on.

    What's In the Box is quite useful to progress the game. Although the way it's currently set up is a bit weird for me. It is actually more beneficial to lose than win. By losing you get points (+1) for Relations, Lust, and Chastity (-1). With the game now giving you Alice's location at every move this speeds up the grind where The End Game should be concluded at 40-80 days (I ain't replaying to verify the exact day...sorry) as opposed to 85+ days which I reached End Game.

    "Is this a Fap Worthy game?" is the big question here. Ehhh...sure. Just not in big doses. The Bath Scene is the Golden Ticket for fap material. Next to that is the Night Events. Aside from that, no not really.

    Gonna give it 3 stars. This game has the potential to be a 4 star game later on, but the way it is currently structured this game still has a long way to go to reach it's full potential. Right now it feels like it's halfway there. I will keep playing it as I'm curious what's next and I know this game can still be better and improved. Don't abandon this game, keep reading the feedback. Go from there :cool:

    - Amazing art, and animations
    - Bathroom sex scene is Fap Worthy
    - Good music (don't change it!)
    - Alice has a GREAT ASS :BootyTime:
    - Alice also has a nice body

    - RNG is decent (imo)
    - story is straight forward
    - Alice bounces a lot (I mind, and don't mind it o_O)
    - Alice has unique hair
    - Game takes 30 seconds to load (maybe it's my PC :unsure:)
    - Grind becomes repetitive
    - No quit options (the save is weirdly set up)
    - Limited sex scenes
    - Grammar & Spelling still questionable (ie: Sister222222, Courage & Lust have the same info word for word)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    As a game, this is awful on just about every level:
    progressing in any way shape or form requires mindless grinding that loses any hint of interestingness within the first three minutes.
    This is made worse by a random event system that favors repeatable, inconsequential events over others, meaning that event progression is extremely limited. This is in itself made yet again worse by said repeatable events coming with a semi-interactive second version (which doesn't change in any way, shape, or form after going through it once) which can NEVER play first - in other words, even in order to play the interactive version of these game-inflation events, you have encounter the non-interactive version first. Meaning that, combined with the girl switching rooms every two turns at most, you'll be lucky to encounter one even you can "influence".
    The night events are very limited and lose their appeal as the game's main feature rather quickly.

    Mind you, I think this game does deserve two stars because there's some effort behind some parts of it.
    But it's got a loooong way ahead of it and several areas and mechanics that require complete overhauls and massive expansion in order for it to be worthwhile.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    So after playing for about 5 hours between two different patches across two different sessions, these are my thoughts:

    1. The art is really good, it's one of the best things about the entire game, an amazing job with this dev.
    2. The story, while basic and little dialog, makes sense and is pretty good. I'm a fan of it.
    3. The animation is pretty good
    4. The "gameplay" makes sense, I like how you have set up the game across a map where you visit different places across the game and different things happen - I actually like that it's somewhat "random" because it makes it more interesting.

    That being said, some feedback from my perspective, feel free to ignore but I hope these are somewhat helpful.

    1. The story and dialog have some weird spellings/grammar, this is a 0.x.x game so I know this will be improved and fixed over time so not the biggest problem
    2. Like others are saying the randomness is a little much, I think it wouldn't matter so much if there was "more content" but right now it can lead to an empty feeling world if you end up searching for an entire game and nothing happens.
    3. Content feels extremely repetitive. Part of the whole grind is actually appealing to me (I've smashed games like cookie clicker and kittens game (bloodrizer) which are grindy as hell as well as maxing in Runescape (both games) when it comes to a grind I'm very experienced. If there was more scenes with different story/dialogs to support this then I'd be up for it. Also the fact that you're forced to interact with content over and over again but when you attempt to skip through it (you've done it 100+ times) you're forced to click to continue the skipping through. Again not an issue if dialog/story was here to support this function with some minor changes to keep it new and interesting.
    Overall the game is very interesting, I think it's really good and I hope my comments/criticism doesn't come across as a massive moan. I've played a lot of games on F95 but this is the first one I thought worth spending a few minutes on feedback but it's interesting as it is now and I'm looking forward to seeing where it could go.

    Reading over the thread I think you've done with changes already such as the cheat mode along with making the person not as "random" with her routine in different rooms a little more known (very positive changes in my opinion!).

    Hope you have a good day
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A little bit grindy, but a very good game and really good animations. Has a few nice scenes and the controls are pretty good, just a bit repetitive and tedious tasks(RNG with the items you find), but sometimes the scenes are worth it.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    the game played well, no shut down or freezing. i enjoyed the concept as well as the art. you guys did a good job on this! the animations where smooth, no weird GIF movements. Good job on this one!

    asdagbrfagbfnk (sorry i hate character limits)
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The art style is great, really different and refreshing to see something that's not just the typical honey select models. However, the grind is insane in this game. You could probably log more hours trying to up Alice's stats by 20 points than you've put in on Skyrim...
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is some RNG heavy grindfesting at it's core.

    Easy mode takes the edge off since you can get points and stats easily. Except the Alice's stats. Far as I can see the only way to raise those is the events you get by going to some rooms.

    The chances of you even triggering an event are fairly low. The chances of you getting one that raises relationship stat is lower. In my experience your more likely to get a look at her ass, or otherwise ogle her, which while nice, doesn't do anything until the second time you see that event. Viewing the ogling scene again will lower Chasity. I dunno what chasitity does, but that's cause I wasn't paying attention, so no harm.

    Want to raise relationship? Enjoy grinding one room over and over hoping you get the right event.

    You can play WITB once her relationship is high enough, which is also mostly RNG, and if you win that event, her stats don't raise that I saw. You get points for winning which can be used to upgrade the stats you get when you lose, among other things, but why bother. You can often just force a loss and skip the day to do it again, which so far works fairly well.

    There's also an Item that apparently affects events, but doesn't seem to actually affect anything. It does say WIP, so I'm not gonna rail that.

    The game quickly turns to tedium at an alarmingly quick pace. I've genuinely had better RNG grinding rare materials in Monster Hunter than this game giving me useful events. 100% wouldn't have given this more than maybe 20 minutes without easy mode to stifle that grind.

    At the end it's a completely mediocre, and grind heavy, game at this time (0.3.1). I don't understand why you would willingly put so much RNG grinding in a game like this. Other than padding. Just having her sitting in a room and being able to talk to her and trigger some kind of a variable events, based on the room she happens to be in, would probably serve better. RNG is not engaging, it is tedious busy work while the game dangles a carrot in your face.

    At the very least I wouldn't have to constantly hope she even shows up in a room at all, while reading the same internal dialgue of the MC doing whatever it is he happens to be doing over and over and over.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of grinding if you want to play normal, but the easy mode lets you rack up stats fast.
    Good animations, music is alright, and performance could be better, but it's a solid effort and you should support the creator over on patreon.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really into sleep sex / incest stuff and I highly recommend this game. The scenario is nice, the girl is hot af and the grinding makes you feel like you really deserve to molest her in her sleep. For me this is some highly entertaining 5/5 stuff.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, i just start play this game at ver. 0.2.3 so i dont know why the rate is low. Maybe because the content was still limited or because the grind itself or maybe both of them? naaah, they have their opinion and this mine.
    For me, it was amazing maaan, to combine a visual novel with a touch sensual is pretty great. The game itself still developing so i dont mind about the lack of scene, but i have a lot of hope for this game, i believe this will be an awesome one if its completed

    And here my review :
    Pros :
    -Living with your pretty hot sister/cousin is arousing itself.
    -Touchy feeling is plus in my book.
    -Visual animation for every each scene is really amazing for me.

    Cons :
    -The game itself doesnt explain why they are living together to begin with.
    -Still a bit grindy for upgrading stat.

    And lastly, thank you for sharing this game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    - Your sister iS HOT, i mean very hot.
    - Even if a but overused, the idea of living with a hottie in naughty day-to-day situations is nice and arousing.

    - Really grindy. I mean REALLY.
    - Another one of those games that have several months in development and no sex yet. Teasing must have it's limits, otherwise it turns into a blueballer, which is the case here.

    0.3.1 EDIT

    So now, finally, we have sex. Devs are watching the reviews and reacting, that's awesome. Now there's the other main problem with this game, which (again) is a shame. I cannot stress enough how good the art and mood of the game is. It is one of the most arousing things i've seen on this site. But PLEASE, the grinding gameplay is ruining the huge amount of promise this game have. See the same scene/dialogue for 30 days? The game time is very big for the amount of content it has right now, and that is the main problem. A simple solution would be to just reduce the stats requisitions for everything. Even with cheats the game plays as a mouse click+ctrl fest.

    Devs, you did an amazing thing here. I rated it up a star for the improvements, and this game surely can earn a 5, easily. This could be the next jewel of F95, keep listening!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindfest with no real saving features just an autosave that actively handicaps you. I wasted an hour on this shit and didn't get a single scene that resembled anything 18+. Total waste of time IMO. Gameplay is janky/cluttered as well with lots of moving parts.