Me and others have had to post so many times explaining the situation as best we know it, yet people still ignore our posts and complain, ignorant of the situation.
I should point out, that most of the people here are not even paying for his game, and probably have not been following their content for that long. So I don't think you really get to complain about something that your getting for free, and what is probably going to be on par with AAA games, in terms of quality for what would normally be casually dismissed as a "Sexy Metroidvania", as it is clearly proven to be pretty damn fun compared to others.
The developer has been really stressed out about all of the time and effort he has already put into this game, as it is. I doubt he comes here to read these comments, but I'm sure if he did, their not going to motivate him to finish (what we all obviously agree) a good product.
Chill out and wait, the current game already has a large amount of content. Even if it takes him until 2019, as long as they finish the game, I'll be happy.