The game is average at best but in comparison with the standar of hentai games it can be said that its good but it really isnt.
Story 1/10
- brief introduction to pretend there is a story but in reality its not existant
- main character basically a robot doll with cero emotion to whats happening around her. She basically doesnt give a fuck about anything. Im amused that she knows how to moan at least when she gets vanilla rpe.
- enemys also dont give a fuck about anything. Just wandering sometimes in groups with no other purpose to wait for you to show up an making your life hard. No purpose or anything.
- You dont know anything that happen in the station, why the monster are what they are, why they just want to only fuck or something. There is no lab notes regarding what happend, nothing. Basically everything is just because and since nobody gives a fuck, you as the player cant be expected to give a fuck about whats happening other than the sex.
- what does metroids, aliens and zombies have in common? i dont know , the game doesnt tell me anything so they just are apparently. In my opinion just a bad mashup of characters all togheter with nothing in common.
- No villains, no motivation and not emotion. Just an annoying trip from a to b to c to d and e.
- You are in a research stations, yet didnt saw any lab related things like computers, research notes, lab equipment. Nothing.
- Lots of boring stages with cero life breath into them.
- animation are very smooth
- There are lots of different poses for sex that they repeat a little bit. But they are quality at least.
- art is great
- gallery view its sometimes block by characters selection window
- bad targetting for changing animations in gallery.
- tentacles, tentacles and more tentacles, thats all the game over escenes have to offer. Lets forget about the different types of creatures that the game has.
- Lifeless stages
This is probably the greatest pull back that the game has :
- Dificulty artificialy unbalanced. All of a sudden it skyrockets with very tanky enemies designed to waste your time instead of giving a good fight.
- Enemys dont have being hit animation. Because of these its like we arent hitting them at all. Basically emotionally dead enemies, bosses included.
- Backstep move instead of a dodge move making it useless. You are a melee character yet you backstep like you were a range character. what?
- No balance between skills. Because of these you will always end up using the same skills because they are the most effective. Completly forgetting that the other skills ever existed.
- Bad ending countdown in the end. Its too short time to escape making it very anticlimatic and anoyying. You feel like an unfair pressure rather than a fun one.
- Annoying bosses with their anti damage shields.
- Because of the tankiness of mobs and bosses, mistakes are lethal. Because of these, you are forced to revive by losing permantly 50 hp per revive until you end up being 1 shotted by the enemies. You do these since backtraking to a preview save its a annoying because the fights in these game sucks in general.
- If you have to cheese in order to win fairly, then its not a good game...
A game with potential, but gameplay, story and bad decisions pull it back a lot. It takes inspiration from games like metroid without really paying attention to what make them what they were. If you are here for meaningless sex, then it would be good for you. Otherwise just a fap and forget game.