Unity - Completed - Alien Quest: Eve [v1.01] [Grimhelm]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best metroid like game also nice soft animations and good giger-like setting. Extra content will be good but at that point plays incredibly. Not boring but sometimes u gonna feel urself like u just in arma - u`ve lost
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game that has high quality art and animations. If you are playing legit it is also very hard.
    That said this game is very Cheat Engine friendly to the point that if you ever needed to write a tutorial for the program this would be the adult game I would recommend. Hats off to Grimhelm on a well done and complete game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    username not specified

    High quality animations and art. Very high quality metroidvania-esque gameplay with decent progression and lots of neat mechanics/abilities. It might be the highest quality h-game I've seen, maybe coming slightly behind Future Fragments.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent animation. Progressing through the game is somewhat tedious but reasonably enjoyable as a side scroller. Having to re-clear rooms becomes a bit of a grind, especially when those rooms are difficult for your level. It would also be nice to make it more obvious where key items for the story progression are.

    That being said, I recommend going into options and turning on sex scenes before game over. It makes the game a little more challenging because there are more interrupts, but you'll get access to the juicy juicy sex scenes much more easily.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The artstyle is perfect. Background music fits well to the atmosphere of the game. And there's even a lot of useful settings. Animations are wonderful. Gameplay is one of the best or maybe the best gameplay this past few months. Overall another masterpiece from Grimhelm 5/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Grimhelm has done it again with another great game such the likes of Darkstar and Dungeon and Maid. With great graphics, sound, animations, and story, it's not wonder why this is among the most favorited side scrolling games on this site. The controls are fluid and diversive and it even supports a controler so you'll have no trouble getting through most of the game. I highly recommend this game as it is very clear that Grimhelm has put a lot of effort and it shows.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Engaging combat and smooth animations. Took about 3 hours to beat not speed running. So its a tad short but worth a run through as the game feels very well polished and challenging late game for a first run.

    I highly recommend.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 287865

    This game is a remarkably solid Metroidvania without being a porn game, and the porn is buttery smooth and very high quality. I would say that this is Grimhelm's best work, and I'm looking forward to whatever they're going to make next.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, high quality animations and a good difficulty curve.
    Would have loved to see more animations especially for the tougher monsters later into the game. Also animations for multiple different monsters teaming up would have been nice. Nonetheless a very enjoyable game!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it short and not so wordy for ya.
    >Good Animations
    >Smooth movement
    >Good platforming
    >Busted combat

    That's all you need to know. Keep in mind for whatever reason, Grimhelm left some bugs in here such as getting stuck mid-air if you're hit by certain attacks. Oh, and the bosses are nightmares. Because this game has no invincibility frames, you'll get smacked left and right. Think of Sonic 1, where you could get knocked back into spikes and are unable to react and just die. Biggest issue with the game. With that said, it was worth the wait but I really wish I didn't spoil myself by seeing those animations early because the other new animations I didn't see were little.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    So I downloaded and played this for about 6 hours yesterday evening. That's how addictive the game is.

    The game itself is heavily influenced by the ALIEN movies and the story is quite similar, except that your character is not a marine but a blonde with a wand. Huh...'blonde with a wand' I should write that down....

    Anyway standard military and scientists turn on this huge massive mind thing and the ship soon gets taken over. As you progress you see the gradual progression of the original crew into something resembling the xenomorphs from the movie series.

    If said xenomorphs were of course sexual creatures. They'll try to knock you down or remove your clothes of course but not to kill you, instead they want some 'Blonde with a wand'™.

    The atmospherics and background noises in the game really make you feel alone on a ship whose crew have been turned into monsters. I was particularly disturbed when descending further and further into the ship you encounter more disturbingly transformed enemies but even more so...when you realise it's the crew!

    So it has that sort of horror to it, but it's not grotesque horror, it's more action horror with a bit of comedy in. Indeed there is a hilarious moment where I encountered an enemy from another 2d side scroller and laughed, or the time I encountered a boss that was a huge vagina that poisons and drains away the players health, (I swear there is a real life metaphor there!)

    The motion is fluid and well animated and you have a wide range of powerups and different powers as you progress, you also level up and eventually become a force to be reckoned with.

    Ideally I feel there was only 3 improvements that could have been made:

    1) There is a bug where if struck in mid air you can stay there unable to move, so save frequently.

    2) It would be nice if there was a seduction skill, or a way where you can initiate encounters, conquer the ship that way.

    3) Meeting an occasional survivor would be nice. Some of the enemies you encounter are random events I noticed so it wouldn't be difficult to occasionally encounter a survivor.

    Other than than, I would recommend! For all your dirty jobs remember 'THE BLONDE WITH A WAND'™. She's got it in hand....and other...places too...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple sentence: The best side scrolling game I have ever played.

    Finally completed, truly grimhelm is one of the most trustworthy dev.
    After three years of waiting:).(more or less), alright review time
    1. The art/cg 5/5
    The female protagonist is just in perfect proportion and I loved it very much
    2. The difficulty 5/5
    The game is hard enough and the boss is challenging. But somehow from my gameplay, I did not lose motivation to kill the boss, whereas in other game, if I can cheat my way through I will do it without any hesitation.
    3. The control 5/5
    Compared to the previous game of Grimhelm( dark star and the maid), this one is flawless. The maid is a little bit clunky.
    4. The story 0/0
    Only background story and the ending that have can be said as "Story" so...nothing to review here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Grimhelm did deliver a great game once again. This is one of the games that are well worth you time, if not the money.

    Mechanically the game is a pretty good metroidvania, and that's coming from someone who is not a fan of the genre. Still, the game is fun to play even without factoring in its adult components. The controls are smooth and as the game progresses the playable character gains a lot of mobility-enhancing moves that give that WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M SO FAST WEEEEEEEE!!! factor; I think this is the feature that other adult platformers lack and that makes them sluggish and a bit of a chore to play.

    The game also features a simple stat system, with two major builds in Strength or Intelligence. Surprisingly both are valid, although Int is a bit of a cheese and makes the game quite easy.

    The adult content is pretty solid, sexy lady and disgusting xenomorph-inspired aliens. The game is exactly what it says on the tin in that regard and it is masterfully executed. The game does technically require you to be defeated to unlock a scene in the gallery, but it also offers you to unlock all of the game instantly (press F1) so you can experience almost all adult content without playing the game at all.

    My overall score, instant recommendation, 10/10, just play it already. See you all in 5 years when Grim makes another one (hopefully).

    P.S. Don't forget to grope Ellen in the character stats screen, she's cute when she blushes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best
    One of my favorites

    It has many enemies
    Great graphics
    Optimized gameplay controls
    Fun to play even without H content

    It is kinda short
    Not easy to get H content

    Overall it is a great one :love::love:(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    (This is for V1.0)
    Game is finally updated, grimhelm finally did it! The game is wonderful, there isnt much to say against it.

    -Art and Animations are wonderfully executed, fluid and nice to the eye

    -Game is difficult but actually a game, and an enjoyable one at that! Its not just a visual novel like most other games uploaded on this site.

    -Game captures the inspirations quite well. For a combination of Super Metroid and Alien Isolation, it feels good. The metroidvania feel is there (though alot less powerups, the only meaningful ones for progression being shield, high jump and double jump (screw attack semi important) but it still has the feel of it. The music and atmosphere help bring in the very slight spook or tenseness

    - Did I mention the gameplay is fun? Honestly it feels great to control Eve, Sometimes its a bit clunky but typically it feels pr good to just jump around. Doesn't feel like I'm fighting the game to try and do something simple.

    Now the few downsides

    -Bugs, There arent that many currently from what I encountered from my run however the one I did is quite big, getting hit by a blue beam in the air can soft lock you if there is nothing else to hit you. You dont properly fall to the ground. I had to redo some progression but honestly it wasnt that bad

    -Enemy variations. Most of the enemies look pr similar, especially the minibosses later on, alot of em just use that xenomorph rig. It helps speed up production process so thats good for grim but it looks kinda cheap. (But the game is 100% free so eh, its not that big a deal)

    My overall suggestion is download it and play it, its worth at least trying out before you just go to the gallery, smack the f1 button and jerk it. Its honestly one of the best (if not the best) H games I've played.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    David Dud

    The game has amazing mechanics with fluent maneuvering, the art style is very enticing, the variety in enemies allow the game to constantly have a breath of fresh air, even after you grind xp from the other mobs. The boss fights offer unique attacks, with a certain amount of difficulty that makes it feel really accomplishing to beat them. the rpg elements of the game feel very nice, and rewards you nicely for the time you put in the game. the sound effects from the weapon your character uses are very futuristic, but not anything over the top. the enemy attacks are very slimy and offputting something i like as they are alien creatures
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this might be one of my all time favorite games on this site.

    Animation/Art ★★★★★
    Its pretty great actually, animations are very smooth andmultiple as well, so there will be a lot of content for anyone trying a hand at this game, even more if you are into dubious consent.

    Gameplay ★★★★★
    The game runs pretty smooth and it's actually very fun once you get the hang of it, overall it has a pretty solid and entertaining gameplay.

    Difficulty ★★★
    Game can be a bit difficult, specially the boss fights and might require a bit of grinding to ease through all the game but its not strictly necessary.

    Overall ★★★★✭
    The game is great, its very fun and very high quality, the art and animation are a big plus, it reflects all the hard work that has been put into detail, game can be a bit difficult but nothing that should stop anyone from playing it, for me this game is a must and I look forward for any upcoming updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I have played the game of grimhelm. Except the dungeon maid is not very satisfied, the other two are very good, especially AQE. Although some animations are defective and have some traces of rush, they are relatively good. In fact, I hope that grimhelm can improve the animations he has done before, but it is very troublesome, so I can only look forward to his next one. Work, and then the problem of clothing, even silk stockings, it is possible that grimhelm did not wear clothes in order to pursue the quality of the animation, which is regrettable, AQE painting style is particularly good, is simply the top art, but the lack of fun clothing is also quite regrettable. I think grimhelm needs a team to help him play better games, even if he can create top-notch art himself.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Grimhelm's games are some of the best adult platformers I have ever played. Though it had a steep learning curve at the beginning for me, the game play became less difficult the more I farmed XP to level Eve up. This game has amazing animations and the lighting and atmosphere in general is really ambient. The music sounds like something from the alien movies as well (if you play enough you will see the alien movies clearly had an impression on Grimhelm). The amount of powerups and abilities Eve can attain is impressive and fun to use. I recommend this for anyone who wants a platformer that has pervy animations and fun gameplay, just know that it starts off feeling a little dark souls with the difficulty at first.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 155510

    Amazing game. Great animation, fluid gameplay that's quite satisfying, especially for a lewd game, and a level of game design that goes toe to toe with non-lewd metroidvanias. A couple of critiques: rebindable controls would be nice, and quite easy to implement, I imagine. Also, some more explanation to how exactly enemy rape works, it seems to have something to do with standing still or being stunned, but it's quite erratic and I can't quite tell what causes it. Other than those couple of things, outstanding game!