mmh, true that full lesbian games are.. very rare at best.
meanwhile the gay game doesnt have this problem at all... wich is pretty strange.
but again... fact is, most of game, whatever they are suppsoed to be, inclued a lesbian scene on it. wich obviously can not be tagged as "lesbian" for just a scene or a few events.
while gay scenes are present mostly ONLY in gay full games . i rarely saw a game that containt some decent gay content without being full gay. (even staship inata doesnt count).
i guess its same for lesbians. wich are more used everywhere on lots of games.
also fact is, doing a full lesbian female game will be pretty hard unless you are yourself lesbian to know what you talking about. i m pretty sure sexuality and relation between lesbian are far different from straigth couples. wich require some knowledge on that.
and of course, a nice story that doesnt turn the girl into full dominatrix or full slut cumbucket, wich also make the work harder.
hope one day a good one will pop up, i dont have troubles to test and play that game if its well done. as i have no knowledge about lesbian stuff, i would like to learn a bit in the same time than having fun playing the game