Dude, what a nice game.
First, Thanks for makin a afro american protagonist, there were white protagonists, asian protagonists, latin protagonist but i hadnt find a avn with a black protagonist until now and i am really grateful, not only that, your MC is really likeable too.
The Li are really interesting too, i love Natasha and came to love Lily too, but i felt like you have too little time for the others Li, specially the music's chick, i really would have like some time with her.
About Rosie and Alexa, i still need to get use to but i dont hate their designes
Now, i enjoy the plot twist at the end of chapter 2, and by enjoying i mean that i really want to know what happen and who we have to kill because of it.
And the fight game is fun, but like someone said up there, i hope i wont become too much work.
Still, i need to say this, it felt a little rushed, really good narrative and really good dialogues but way too fast pace, i wont say to redo it, i am not crazy but i would advice to take your time with the story, i mean your character are interesting and entretaining give them more time.
I said that but my experience was really great, i hope you would continue with this proyect and i hope you feel satisfied a the end.