They say that the 3rd time is the charm. However, I say that is bull. Scence v0.11c I have had nothing but trouble with this game. Not 1 single issue before. I have replayed from scratch 3 times with the same result. No date with Silvia.
Completed all scenes with all characters including Event planner and all the sketches. Never once was there any exclamation mark by Silvia. Her icon never left the house. There was 1 time when her icon was not there. I checked the school but no. Went to her house and she was doing dishes while Kimberly was working out on her new toy. But Silvia's icon did not reappear until the next time period.
I even went so far as to go through all her dialogue for the morning, afternoon, and evening. Still no change. Went on the camping on saturday and started checking the school on morning and afternoon time slots. Did this for 7 days and nothing. Again, her icon never left the house and she never appeared in the school. According to the gallery it showes the kissing scene completed. She even says no problem when talking to her in the evening.
It's been stated in the game that Kim was only going to be working 3 days, but as it turns out she works 7 days. The last HH scene after saving Olivia appears during the afternoon. Kim is working. After a week and she had no day off I decided to do the scene anyway. The weird thing is when you call she is at the skate park in all her skate gear. You go to the Ice Cream Parlor and she is working in her work dress. Go the HH, call her, she's in skateing gear.
Lastly, but not least, because I'm getting tired of this game. Imo all the non dialogue screens are timed to long. Ranging from 3 or 4 sec to 10 to 14 sec. Only a very few can you click on to progress whatever your doing. If any one says this is a sandbox game I have a strong disagreement about that.
Only for the reason I have liked and enjoyed all the dev;s previous game I cannot be called a quiter. I don't give up on a problem until it is resolved. If not, to heck with it. I've plenty of games to play if I choose.
So hopefully, there is someone here that may be able to tell me why I can't get basically her only real scene. I have the save where you choose to go and prevent Olivia's death (1-9) and the final save after no success getting Silvia's scene to trigger (1-1). Thanks for any help.