I said this just this Monday in Discord for Patreons, and I'll share MY singular thoughts here as well:
"Genuinely don't know.
Our game is currently more "Episodic" so it'd be hard, I think, to allow for girls to get pregnant in one episode, and then either continue that going forward or have dialogue still make sense."
Another fan brought up how it'd be hard to keep a kid somewhere, how you'd maintain all the kids you could make, whether there'd be an infinite cycle of children, or what you even want to DO with a kid once it's been born. Also, considering how much of the context of this game would put the weight of the game on one-third adults, one-third ghosts, and one-third HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (All 18+ of course), that might bring up its own share of issues. I don't know though.
I've never been opposed to it, but I've also just never had the right idea as to how to do it properly and simply enough. Lostraven, however, has said that if we approved it, he thinks he could create an optional, not overly complex situation that could work storywise and logic wise. But, I think the team has been in agreement that it'd have to a sort've "Endgame" or conclusionary thing.
As a side note, if I may ask of those that enjoy this particular fetish: What is it you mainly gain satisfaction out of? Is it the idea of spreading your seed in a woman, like a pride situation? Is it the desire to see additional pregnant follow-up sex? Is it actually having the kid be born? I wanna make certain that if we do it, we're doing it in a manner that's actually going to satisfy the people who are asking for it. Otherwise, not really a point in doing it, ya'know?
Thanks for your direct question.