Ren'Py - Amnesia [v0.100a] [Super Alex]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    There is so much to like with this game. The graphics are great, animation is great and the story is pretty good. Okay... so there is the overdone amnesia trope, but it holds it's own.

    The problem for me are all the free roams. I just hate them. I don't mind an occasional one but every time the story starts to take off, you have to stop and wander aimlessly around with only a few vague hints to help you. I kind of like finding the images, but you don't need free roam to do that and I like the physical mini game interactions so I don't mind some gamification, but f the free roaming or reduce the number of them.

    If you can get past the roaming, underneath it is a solid story with great animation and renders.

    It's worth a download.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Test carried out on version 0.97a. After 4 years of development, the game is still as poor in events on the 3 main women. One only has blowjob on sleeping, and the other has a masturbation scene and the other has absolutely nothing. Honestly, I expected it a bit, this designer never finished 100% of his first games.
    So why would he progress correctly on that if, or he will probably also abandon the secondary quests in the middle. I therefore advise future players not to waste their time on a game that will most certainly never be finished, or perhaps it will be in 50 years.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I skipped a year worth of update to realize, from its management to its execution; That "game" suck balls (lol i wish)
    It never delivers, seems to go nowhere and the more it goes on the less there is to it. To this day it amount to a staggering 6 gigabits of "Almost There" and fluffs.
    When does that game gets good?
    His last game was a model of how kill any kind of commitment from the player and that one isn't different.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Strong story, some of the hottest models for characters I have ever seen, and the sex animations are top tier. The game however is the very definition of a slow burn. As of 97a hes had three real sex scenes, one having two variations, and a handful of almost sex with one of the two sisters and the mom and after 4 years its getting a bit slow. However, not knowing this dudes life or his financial situation, I'm not here to judge, because hes still releasing some of the best looking stuff.

    This last update is probably the best so far with not only a full arc for a girl, but more than one sexual scene with her. Once again though, these updates come slow and since its one guy its understandable with the quality. I'm glad he's still trying to push through and make great stuff.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a big fan of Super Alex's previous game which I really loved and had great expectations for this one. Unfortunately he did not deliver to date. There is no real progress in the story for a few updates and it's getting kind of boring.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The progress of development is too slow, the game quality is good, but I've skipped 4 updates already, and according to the reviews, it looks like I haven't missed anything. The developer is literally taking advantage of his audience by blueballing them.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh I had such hopes for this game in the beginning but progress has completely slowed to a crawl and gameplay has changed into a tedious unrewarding grind.
    What a shame that such beautiful models are wasted on this game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is not the ground breaking story telling that some have implied, but it is also not the garbage others have stated. For renders I'd call it above average. For dialogue and story telling about average. Alternative choices, seem mostly non-existent so the main path is the only path. But that's a story teller choice and not really unusual in these games anyway, so that probably counts as average as well

    Overall I'd call this slightly above average
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a very weird transition from kinetic VN to sandbox. It doesn't feel like it makes much sense and really drags.

    Once it transitions to sandbox, man, talk about grindy drag. A mod and/or walkthrough is a must, because the gating doesn't make sense at all, and even with the help it will still be frustrating. The "steps" you have to walk through don't really feel like character/relationship progression, just annoying hoops. And the "fun stuff" is REAL few and far between.

    The characters are attractive, and there are some hot moments, but I would honestly recommend giving this game a pass until the dev has a chance to rewrite/rework for balance and player enjoyment, because its mostly not fun/entertaining now.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Quit the game when the MC stole Elena's gift certificate...There's just so much BS I can tolerate till I'm done. This happens rarely.
    What is the other BS you ask?
    Complete inconsistency in the whole game. Every god damn step.
    The MC wakes up from a coma. Surprise, surprise! He doesn't remember a thing! Turns out he was a complete creep before that. Molested his family and everything. Till someone gave him a whack on the head. Now he can redeem himself for the hardships his family had to go through, because of him...Except he goes back to being a complete creep again...

    -The first few days he behaves like a complete mute, not knowing anything and being reserved towards everybody...Except instantly he behaves like the biggest asshole towards Elena. I mean IMMEDIATELY, STRAIGHT OF THE BAT. He turns from a recluse to being a bigger bitch then Elena herself! "I will have my revenge on Elena! mwahahaha!" Who the hell talks like that!! ?Seriously!! The mentality of a 12 year old!!!
    Ask yourself, is that normal for a person who just woke up, after one year from a coma?

    -Too much repeating dialog. the dev keeps repeating himself. Most of the sentences carry the same message. How the MC wants to help the family, how Kate is so sad, how the mom is over worked, why Elena is being the way she is...bla bla bla...
    +The chemistry between MC and Elena during the laptop repair was kinda positive.
    -The decision to go from VN to sandbox is questionable. Instantly the game turns into a skip button simulator. The flow of the game is then decided by events that happen only during a specific day of the week. During that time the MC doesn't do anything. He doesn't work, learn, go to the gym, he doesn't even clean his god damn room. Instead he guilt trips Kate into it...WTF

    -For all our deranged behavior the dev gifts us with this UI on the mobile phone. What I found surprising is the lack of the conditions we have to meet in order to unlock those...Hello? Then the only content we unlock is for the nurse?! WHY?! Why would you do that!! The whole game you make is about the mom and two sisters, yet you give us the nurse?! Bruh...
    THEN!!! ON TOP OF THAT!!! The content for them is limited to just two or three lackluster unlocks! Talk about inconsistency!!! we unlock the garter which we can't even see!
    -I don't condone the Rei content...This is a fantasy game...Yet when we got the 500$ and bought the drier and wash machine...We don't see it. We don't get the reward...The game deflates itself immediately after the best scene so far which was the BDSM scene with Rei.
    -Then we start the Kate and Elena content. Rei scene happened after just five days, but everything else takes too long. I understand establishing the relationship in the family, yet when I look in the gallery screen I think the dev has his priorities wrong....

    -I think the biggest downside is the writing. Especially the oblivious MC. He is just too dumb. That's the reality...Stealing the gift certificate is one of the most incompetent developer decisions I have seen in a patreon sex game. Why the hell just not find a job, work and buy a new gift for Kate?! Like everybody else does! After all the whining we had to read, about the over worked mom and sad sisters, he steals something?! The MC keeps contradicting himself.

    -I managed to spot what discourages me the most in the game. The MC actually revels in thinking like a creep. He wants to perv on his sisters and mom, and enjoys plotting what he will do to them...The more I delved into the game the more repulsive it felt...

    -The story takes too long. Keep in mind four years have passed. Now compare the game to any other.
    +The idea behind the game is interesting, but the dev focused on the wrong things. Incest, sleep creep, molesting. Those aren't in demand anymore.
    Midnight Paradise just got nuked from Patreon for such content.
    The MC could have made initiatives towards fixing the bad atmosphere in his household. Fixing his relationship with Eva. Becoming a photographer and helping Elena. Earn money to put Kate through college. He could've unlocked evil memories of the past as sex scenes. Build guilt and work towards bettering himself. Then the girls would reward him in all honesty with new good sex scenes. Instead the MC steals things and keeps being a perv.
    - By the way...What the hell was that scene in the hospital. Our mom and some ugly old perv watched the nurse jerking the MC :HideThePain::WaitWhat:"Move over nurse. Let me show you how it's done." as the old men grips the young man's cock, mom's smile just gets brighter. While looking into the doctor's lecherous eyes, the gaming community just whispers in terror..."four years of waiting for that"...
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    there is ONLY ONE good thing about this game and that is the models. the rest is just point and click for find how to start differnet events. i will not recomend this game. there is alot more better game out there.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Followed this game for a while, this is update of a review as of v. 0.100

    I do not believe the dev is honest in making or developing this game.
    The last update that took 3-4 months, had < 45 seconds of playtime and zero "sex" scenes.

    After 5 years of development, this game has less content than others after 4-6 months.

    The art that was seemingly good 5 years ago, now feels outdated for a game.
    The story progression is not untuitive as you need to check your "diary" all the time for the next step, as the right event to progress happens only on a certain day and time in a certain location.

    After 5 years of development there are roughly 3 scenes that could be considered "sexual.
    As someone called it, this is a simulator of blueballing and those who support this dev for years, are getting scammed.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Da fuq?

    Meaningless banter and picking on the MC, conversations that have nothing to do with story development, a couple of peeping scenes. Familygiving the MC nothing but depressions and only making excuses instead of helping him uncover his past.
    But that does not keep them from guilt tripping him about being responsible for his "accident".

    24 (in game) days and the ONLY sex scene is the MCs drink getting spiked by his office boss and him getting raped by her in a BDSM dungeon?

    This is the most unsattisfying and boring game I´ve encountered till now.
    Like a real train wreck. You know, nothing´s gonna happen, but you still can´t look away. Somehow reminds me of that trash movie "Mr. Stitch". Ruttger Hauer really needed that money back then.

    Animations are decent, though.

    Still nothing I want to try a second go on.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Summer Love

    Amnesia is a VN disguised as a sandbox.

    This game has all of the hallmark features of a sandbox game without any of the content you would expect it to have. There are virtually no open-world activities to complete, every single update pushes the story along and neglects everything that makes sandbox's fun. All of the characters forget about what happens in the story and go back to treating the MC like they did at the start of the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I just finished Amnesia [v0.95b Extended].

    + I like the female renders as they are all attractive.

    > I would prefer some variety in the female renders.
    More than just Alexandra has somewhat larger breasts than others. Basically all the models have the exact same supermodel, big tit, body...except for one, the clothing store chick. Thus not much variety.

    + The different girls do have different personalities.

    + I think the story is interesting enough.

    > This is a SLOW sex till v0.95b.
    But there are plenty of teasing and small steps in that direction before that, that it made it bearable.

    + Some nice animations, even subtle ones.
    For instance there are scenes where the girl is breathing deep and her tits are moving with each breath that adds a nice bit of eroticism.

    > A bit of a grind, as you have to get the specific day and time of day for some events to trigger. Thank the VN gods for the walkthrough!! The hint/task system isn't enough to know how to trigger somethings, which unfortunately makes the walkthrough a must have in order to keep the grind down to a minimum.

    Would definitely play through again once the story has progressed some.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    v097a "Standard" edit:
    2 update without alexandra(almost year) , this guy still not giving any shit about feedbacks and greedy af. bro we aint have amnesia we remember past 2 updates.

    i dont think this game will become any good, just like his first game: Lucky Mark that has endless grind for nothing, refuses to make main girl scenes so he can hold his subs for years, i mean he is gold digger nothing more, goodluck bro i wont even play the rest of this game from now on.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a weird one, i did like some of the story and how MC was a dom vs Elena which was proberly the best part.
    But then MC gets raped by Rei or whats her name, and when he finaly catch her later he goes total sub, hes not even pissed what so ever and ends out with him accepting a small gift to forgive her for raping him......
    That hole thing just made no sense to me, and killed the hole wibe of a decent MC.

    There isent even all that much content in the game even thought its close to 4 years old now, all main quests get stuck with in development very fast, most side quest is the same.

    Also not really a fan of a virgins fucking them selfs with dildos, but thats just a personal taste, i would rather have MCs to fuck her before they do anything like that.

    When i got forced to do sexual stuff with the "mother" thats when i quit playing, when your not into milfs or mothers and game has choices you expect to be able to atleast contrle who you have sex with unless its rape, but MC does it freely even when you pick all bad choices to go against it, making story line kinetic and full of fake choices that means nothing.

    Story 2/5
    Its a bit vanilla and boring, MC was decent up to the point where he got raped then i lost all respect for him.

    Girls 2/5
    There arent many girls but the look somewhat decent, nothing great for my taste but decent, same for animations they are decent but not great.

    Animations 3/5
    As to sex scenes well there really arent much 2 maybe? where one is a rape scene.

    Muisc 3/5
    Its decent but not mood setting just background stuff but better then nothing.

    Choices 1/5
    Hate when a game has choices but forces you to to sexual things with people you dont want to do it with, i am not into moters or milfs and even when i click every single choice to work against it, it still happens 100% kinetic story line with fake choices.

    Sandbox 3/5
    It isent that bad, its mostly just clicking around on maps to where you want to go, so nothing special about that.
    The in-game guide is pretty good.

    Updates 2/5
    Well for a allmost 4 year old game there is barely any content, so if this will ever get finished i dont know, it would take alot of years more at this speed.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is a buggy mess, love the renders, love the characters, but it is impossible to progress to the more interesting parts. Gonna wait till game is finished and try again. I recommend others do the same.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation: Very well crafted, don't see this kind of animation very much.
    Story: Very early at this point, everything happens slowly. That said I am interested to see how it pans out.
    Scripting: Not bad, characters have some personalization and quirks.
    Overall loved playing this game but it's a bit of a slow burn. I might wait to see how often this updates before investing anything further. That said there is a sizeable amount of content out right now.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite poor story, not reliable, all the participates are flat and dull.
    The tasks are ridiculous and without logic.
    I wanted to give it a chance so I played a few hours, but I had to stop.
    Now I need to make sure that my review contains at least two hundred characters ...