Ren'Py - Amnesia [v0.100a] [Super Alex]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The female characters are super hot and some scenes are extremely erotic but the game itself is an absolute waste of top level art. There is no cohesiveness and the whole story after so many years of development goes nowhere. Especially the useless sandbox element without scrappy's mod would have made the majority of us not to ever play the game. Deliberate delays in sexual activities and the MC to be somewhere between a retard and a complete idiot probably because of a prolonged stay in a rehabilitation facility.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    All in all the game concept is pretty good from storytelling (apart from those unnecessary dreams) to the mechanics and graphics. If it wasn't so much teasing only years after the game launched it would be a straight 5 Stars but unfortunately it seems this is all this game is about, Teasing and foreplay...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I can recommend it, from my monitoring I can say that the update is faster than the other Episodes and the story has a direction that will make you curious as to what else the author can show. The render is top notch, the update is consistent, it's not that big since I think it's 2 months per update, the story is just ok not just some normal story of incest, Better to try it out before reading on here.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Fake tags, no vaginal sex after years of dev, no rape either
    Great renders, but should focus on single sex scenes and story instead of trying to get 24K LED LCD Google prototype renders every update for 5mins of content without skip.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Real good game with interesting plot. Amazing characters which have good background stories even more interesting that MC rsrs . The renders are excelent as well and there are constant updates (2 - 3 months avg)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't want to rate this game with such a low and negative rating but it can't be avoided. The game has great renders, but why insist on a point-n-click sandbox? besides, why insist on "mini-games"? it's very tiring to have to keep doing X things and Y things like that, look for this, do it in a certain time, progress with the story X of that character to advance with the rest, all of this ends up being quite annoying and also i bet it's tiring for the developer to create these kinds of things, my question is, why do it?

    Game progress is already bad, you spend the most time doing this and that and then you find a bug in the game that prevents you from advancing in the story, do developers not realize that this kind of thing can happen? the worst thing is that you depend on the character's "story" to be able to move forward with the rest, if a bug occurs, you've wasted your time.

    The game should have a focus but the dev prefers to stalling with this tedious game that bad has a relatively good scene. Unfortunately the game has a horrible proposal and honestly I wasted my time playing this.
    Moving to recycle bin.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Will just say this was my 3rd vn I played 1.5 years ago and at that time it was 4/5 but as of now it's 0.5/5. The story hasn't progressed at all like really at all. The updates are very slow and contain literally nothing even though the changelog says something. It's clear the dev is just milking now. Also the sandbox part is a mess sometimes.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    UPDATE: Amazing renders and animations, but poor story, writing and lack of content
    VERSION: 0.99a

    1. Very nice looking models and renders.
    2. Some of the best animations you will find on this site that allow the player to have interaction to progress with. Clear effort was made here.
    1. The developer hardly produces content and updates are sparse.
    2. The content that is provided in updates is tiny and is IMO, clearly a ploy to retain paying supporters.
    3. The game doesn't seem to know what its about, the developer has little plan if any and if he did we have still no idea what it is because of the points above (this game has years of development with very very little to show for it)
    4. There is just no structure or point to any of it, there are no chapters with any real revelations providing intrigue to the MC past, reasons for being in coma or anything remotely interesting or heaven forbid profound.
    5. While characters look good and the method of design, play and interaction with characters is good there is no substance to characters and the MC is a clueless beta (and no, the amnesia is just no excuse)
    6. Quest progress is tedious and frustrating, the player never knows if he is facing a bug or simply came to the end of the content.
    7. The writing, spelling, grammar and overall message the developer wants to convey often gets lost in translation. I get if you not English, but after years of development and support, at least one decent English proof reader can't be so hard to come by.
    SUMMARY: The developer has been at this game for a long time, never really had a clue what he was making, just had an idea and spat out a bunch of random events and figured it out as he went, which he clearly still has not figured out. Renders are good and that is it, the game is click bait, time and money sink (more so than any other game IMO)
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is called Amnesia, and after a couple hours of playing I wish I had amnesia. It’s that bad. Gorgeous renders and decent music can’t make up for awful repetitive dialogue, confusing and repetitive grind, and unlikable characters.

    Let us start with the good points. The women are gorgeous. Mom, sisters, ex-girlfriend, etc. Virtually every woman you meet is a knockout model.

    …crap. That was it. It’s all downhill from here.

    While the renders are gorgeous, the personalities attached to them are anything but. The tags for the game failed to mention that the MC is a pathetic beta-male with no redeeming qualities who has the sexual maturity of a 14yr old boy. Even when he’s supposedly being dominant, such as an early scene with his pointlessly cruel and bitter younger sister, he still ends up impotently cleaning up her room for her to avoid upsetting his mother. Seriously just… WOW. Worse still, there’s no way to avoid this scene, nor the free roaming pixel hunt where you hunt down every piece of clothing and garbage, all of which requires a pointless internal monologue from the MC, “Oh god, these are her panties. Should I sniff em? Maybe I can touch her leg, OMG I might cum in my pants!” The MC is so hopelessly cringe that it was honestly difficult just finishing the first hour or two of gameplay. This is the opposite of what I’m looking for in an in-game avatar.

    Beyond the MC, we have the mother who wanders around at night in sexy lingerie and visits her amnesiac son in the middle of the night to ask, for the fifty-thousandth time, “are you doing alright?” Well, I was before you woke me up dressed like a stripper, mom. I get that this is an incest focused game, but there’s a thing called pacing which this game sorely lacks. On top of that, every interaction with your mom or sisters includes a “click here to perv on them” option where you look at their legs, their cleavage, neckline, you name it. Again, sexual maturity of a 14yr old boy, “OMG BOOBIES!”

    It feels odd writing this, but the first few chapters should have story focused. The instant-perving, and worse still, the endless internal monologuing about what we’re perving on, felt completely out of place when the main focus should have been, “I just woke up from a coma after over a year. This is going to take some adjusting.” Sadly, the authors idea of adjusting is going over the same dialogue over and over and over again with each family member multiple times.

    “So, coma huh? That sucks.”
    “Yeah it sucks, cause of the coma. No memories either.”
    “No memories huh? So you don’t remember me?”
    “Yeah dumbass, because that’s what no memories means. Did you eat paint chips for breakfast?”
    “Well, I must have, because I’m about to ask you twelve more times if you really really really don’t remember me or if you only sorta remember me! So do ya? Remember me?”
    “Well that’s too bad. So anyway, how are you doing? Remember anything yet?”
    “I will fucking stab you.”
    “Oh, so no memories yet? Sucks. Coma huh? So how are you doing?”

    Repeat this for every character he meets, coupled with endless internal monologues about the exact same topic over and over again and you’ll understand what I mean when I say that the dialogue is tedious. Tedious is an understatement. Even while fast-forwarding the dialogue, the time it took to fast-forward felt long, and every time I let go of the control key, the tediousness started up again. Every conversation is boring small talk or going over the same “OMG COMA” issue over and over and over again.

    Oh, but it could be saved if the adult content is good, right? You’d think that, but the adult content is garbage. Yet again, 14yr old sexual maturity, so “sexy” is having your mother use a fleshlight on you for ridiculous reasons, or jerking off in front of a nurse because that’s totally a thing a nurse will ask you to do. Seriously, if the tags for this game were listed honestly I wouldn’t be here writing this thoroughly scathing review. “This game is about an amnesiac beta-cuck who is treated like a child or like dogshit by everyone in his life, who can do little more fail to get hard while masturbating in front of a nurse who’s demeaning him.” It doesn’t help that his character design is of someone who spends 90% of his time looking at his shoes sheepishly to avoid eye contact with his betters.

    So we’ve got gorgeous renders and nothing else. A beta-cuck whiney impotent MC whose idea of an exciting night is touching his sisters leg with all the glee of someone who just hit puberty, a cast of female characters around him who either tread all over him or treat him like he’s a baby who needs to burped, dialogue that bounces between overwhelmingly tedious and sickeningly cringe, and did I mention the pointless free roams and grinding? Did I also mention that the quest log is beyond confusing resulting in having to click through every room available followed by laboriously hunting for the one pixel that may or may not be in that room that will continue the story? There are worse games out there… and this one belongs right alongside them.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Wow for such a great looking game it is sadly very disappointing to play.

    First, its not a tiny download so you think great it actually has some content. Then you play it to find it actually does not indeed have a lot of content at all. There is very little content, There are just 3 locations that I maged to have unlocked on my decent sized map in 5 hours of non stop playing. Most of the content outside of the home was played out in the first hour. Some of the boring stuff (non sexual) is repeatable as many times as you care to visit but why bother.

    Like Teasing. Well you better. They say there is sex in this game but I have only encountered one scene. The MC gets drugged, tied up to a rack, and raped by a complete bitch of a boss character. But unrealistically he just seems to be "whatever, she paid me for it" after. WTF?

    This game is grindy as hell. There will be multiple events going on simultaneously yet you can only manage to convince one of them to fire off usually in a day, Not always but most of the time. Fun part is when all four are at the same time of the day but different locations.

    You can't skip through conversations at all. So if its one that you are repeating you will be repeating it again every time you fire it up.

    Supposedly you can make money (other than the fake boss who raped you while squatting in a job site) but never saw it. I cheated in some money. Spent the money I earned on a washer and dryer set that never appears in the basement despite being crossed off as done. Supposedly you buy furniture but I quit playing angry at the non content and drag ass gameplay. A lot of the story objectives are marked as not implemented yet on the quest list. So there is material but apparently just not yet.

    Maybe next year I might take a fresh play at this nad maybe by then there might actually be something here. Sadly I was not impressed by this otherwise good looking game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Not giving this game 5 stars solely because of the unrealistic and illogical parts of the story. The rest; the renders, animations, sound effects and music is great. The dialogue isn't even that bad, but the problem I had with the plot are some unaddressed parts of the story, as well as inconsistencies.

    Here are a few things I noticed:
    -MC's house: It's very hard to believe the family is indebted and broke while they're still living in such a modern, luxurious, and big home. At one point, Alexandra mentions that they are practically starving, and also scolds MC if he buys flowers.
    -Rei's sex dungeon scene: If this was reversed, and the MC was a girl, the scene could be seen entirely different. Not only did Rei violate MC, she also drugged him and tied him up in her sex dungeon. Afterwards, it also seems like MC has no ill feeling because of that, because Rei has given him a lot of money.
    -The unexplained anger the younger sister has for MC: I get that the character of a bitchy younger sister is a classic in these kinds of games, but this time I was really annoyed by the way Elena was written. She is acting like a total bitch, had anger issues, calls Mc bad names, and nothing ever really gets explained. Also, MC still acts submissive to her. Why?

    Generally, the characters are pretty hot, the sex scenes are great because of the animations, but the overall sexual content isn't that present. There's still a lot of peeking though.

    So, in short:
    Renders: 5 out of 5
    Models: 5 out of 5
    Story: 3 out of 5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This has got to be the best AVN on here. It has mystery, sexual tension, good (not amazing) story, renders are phenomenal, animations are absolutely top notch and I love the music.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG This game so awesome i never think its have like this games 5 stars form me Good Job :) looking for game link this in long time finally found this game have awesome animation and top quality graphic images models also very beautiful .
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this 5 stars for one simple reason: the type of lewd scenes are right up my alley - a lot of foreplay/fondling, sexual tension, partially-clothed poses and similar sexually suggestive scenes... very good long and slow build-up, instead of the usual zero to fully naked intercourse in 10 seconds.

    A lot of people will feel exactly the opposite and dislike this kind of content, I'm not one of them. I hope the Dev stays the course with this style of work, he's a master at getting that balance just right.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Im giving 2 stars because the visuals arent entirely bad, the renders are clean enough. But funny enough the game needs you to have amnesia in order to enjoy it. Why?
    Because the story you have already played it in 200 games before this one, and probably half of those were better. IT needs you to have amnesia so youo don't remember what an actual woman looks like, cause if you do you will do what i did, delete the game cause the girls look hoorrendous, with broken proportions, the hair in 2 of the characters look like wigs, its quite awful in my opinion. I can totally say that I wouldnt play this for the girls.

    The navigation and the gameplay elements seem to be attractive enough, and that plus the renders deserve the 2 stars. IF you can ignore the fact that the girls look like action figures from the 90s, maybe you can continue to paly and enjoy the rest of the elements.
    The previous game from this dev was 10 times better in everything, with its flaws.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    While the game has some shortcomings, notably it being quite unfinished, I have to rate this 5/5 for the game's potential and it's incredibly attractive females. I was mesmorized from start to finish.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has potential but only if the MC actually evolves.

    The artwork is excellent just like the other finished project. The animation is great too and the choices do add some spice even if they don't have enough range (nothing drastic enough to end game).

    The writing is pretty decent and there are multiple character arcs running at the same time. These are interesting in how they intersect but there is one glaring problem which can possibly be fixed with the addition of a real character.

    The females in this VN are so vapidly selfish that it boggles the mind. If this was a female MC who had just gone through a 1 year coma and had complete amnesia surrounded by males, they would all be treating her kindly and accommodating her every wish. Perhaps 1 of them would be insensitive, but not every last one of them. The female characters are constantly forgetting that he just lost 1 year of his life and can't remember a damn thing and yet all they do is demand demand demand. The poor MC has literally zero side characters that actually give a shit about him, just what he can do for them.

    If this is supposed to be some kind of statement about beautiful women (all of them look like models) then perhaps that would work, but it feels more like an approach at having spicy female characters at the cost of their humanity.

    A couple of other concerns are that the MC is a teenager (as is mentioned multiple times) but he goes to work for a female boss who is much older than him lies, drugs, and rapes him in a sex dungeon, then sends him on his merry way in a taxi with a pocketful of cash. The excuse of "well he's just a horny MC so he doesn't really mind" is the same as (if the MC were a girl) "well we all know she's a slut and dresses like it so she didn't mind"... So the only time the MC actually gets any action is from a trespassing psycho who would probably get 20-50 years for all the crimes she committed just to violate him.

    The MC's main moral counterpoint character (Alexandra) then praises him for "working extra hours" because Rei lies to her. This issues is never addressed afterwards and we are left with the impression that all is well in the land of the MC "bringing home the bacon". So once again if genders were reversed this game would probably never have been approved at F95 no matter how many tags you threw on it.

    I'm not saying the game should be censored I'm just saying the glaring inequity in how male MC's can be treated vs. female couldn't be more stark than here.

    Also the characters seem very tunnel vision dominant. I get that this has a "female domination" tag but to have every single female character run over the MC makes it seem like they are all the same with minor differences.

    Every single female introduced has this function so the compelling writing (which was done well) starts to become greyed together due to this lack of variety in female personality.

    I will be checking on character development to see if more variety or evolvement (of the MC) takes place. This is the main reason I went with an average rating but am happy to update it as time goes on.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Another underated game , with too many negative votes ....
    Characters and graphics are top notch ... one of the best i see it . Animations are also verry good , sandbox is verry friendly not grindy at all .
    Story is good not the best , but also not the worst , it is authentic and has some personality .
    For me is one of the best games on this forum if i can give more then 5 stars , i would gladly do it !
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Amnesia [v0.92a]

    Great Renders
    Decent Character Models

    Quests are confusing and the quest descriptions are terrible
    Grindy, where you wander around and get lost just to trigger a scene
    Sex Scenes: There are apparently 2 Sex Scenes and I only remember one and that wasn´t even a good one.
    Choices don´t seem to matter
    Boring Characters
    Boring MC
    World feels empty
    Boring Story that doesn't make any sense
    Lack of Content
    Big chunks of Russian text when you talk to Elena, Alexandra, and Rei near the end (that's just lazy)
    No skip or auto function


    I make it as short as possible, just like the game that has been 3 years in Development and severely lacks content.
    This game is a great example of what you can do all wrong with a Sandbox game.
    The quest descriptions are so bad, to the point where you have to wander around and waste your time, just to find a boring scene and often times get stuck.
    The Story doesn´t make much sense and the Characters are just boring.
    I´m blown away that this game is already 3 years old, because it feels so empty and i´ve seen games that were maybe a year in, and had far more content.
    I´m stuck at 2 quests, I think, and the rest is marked as not finished yet.
    I´ll be totally honest in saying, don´t waste your time and money with this game, because it´s just not worth it.
    It´s just a lot of nothing packaged with good renders and that's it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I give you five stars for the story, the achievement system and the animations, but I'm very upset. Three years of development and still a very low amount of content. Hope next updates will provide us what we are looking for.