
Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
All of that scares me a little, and even a lot. Not everyone is called JRR Tiolken, or Frank Herbert, or even JK Rowling, capable of telling stories featuring dozens of protagonists in disproportionate universes and whose genesis took place over decades . The Super Alex project is turning into a gas factory that even a Hollywood producer would hesitate to launch. And there is a (very) strong probability that I will not see the end of it ... and it's a shame because I enjoyed his story and his heroines (the guy is a little too stupid for my taste). SA, please drop your dozen secondary characters and focus on the main ones (a handful is enough!). A few complex characters, full of secrets and impulses are enough to build a beautiful story.

Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
All of that scares me a little, and even a lot. Not everyone is called JRR Tiolken, or Frank Herbert, or even JK Rowling, capable of telling stories featuring dozens of protagonists in disproportionate universes and whose genesis took place over decades . The Super Alex project is turning into a gas factory that even a Hollywood producer would hesitate to launch. And there is a (very) strong probability that I will not see the end of it ... and it's a shame because I enjoyed his story and his heroines (the guy is a little too stupid for my taste). SA, please drop your dozen secondary characters and focus on the main ones (a handful is enough!). A few complex characters, full of secrets and impulses are enough to build a beautiful story.
i strongly agree on this
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Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
All of that scares me a little, and even a lot. Not everyone is called JRR Tiolken, or Frank Herbert, or even JK Rowling, capable of telling stories featuring dozens of protagonists in disproportionate universes and whose genesis took place over decades . The Super Alex project is turning into a gas factory that even a Hollywood producer would hesitate to launch. And there is a (very) strong probability that I will not see the end of it ... and it's a shame because I enjoyed his story and his heroines (the guy is a little too stupid for my taste). SA, please drop your dozen secondary characters and focus on the main ones (a handful is enough!). A few complex characters, full of secrets and impulses are enough to build a beautiful story.
what I understood is that he's going to complete the main plot with the main girls first before going to the secondary ones, which the patrons are going to vote for, one girl each update after the main plot is done.
Last edited:
Jun 28, 2020

Hello Friends!
Thanks again to everyone who commented on the last post and expressed their ideas and thoughts. It was really important to me. I got a new understanding of seemingly obvious things. I ask you to participate in the voting so that I can see the opinion of the majority.
So, there are two ways to develop the game:
1. I am guided by my own ideas about how the game should look. Namely, the main plot of the game will be intertwined with three main characters (Alexandra, Kate and Elena), with each of them there will be 6 levels of relationships (to imagine what these levels are - an example of games from NLT is good), upon reaching each of the levels will open more and more explicit scenes both in the main storyline and when interacting in Free Roam. The first thing I focus on is completing the main storyline and developing relationships with Alexandra, Kate and Elena to the maximum level. Along the way with the development of the plot, the player will meet with the secondary characters (without hot scenes). After the end of the main plot, by voting, you choose one of the many secondary girls, and I make a full story with her, from level 0 to level 5. Then again, the vote, you choose the next girl, and I make a story with her, and so on.
Pros - the game will constantly increase in the amount of content, and for new players there will be a wide range of characters with whom they could build full-fledged relationships. Since the game will be Free Roam, new players will be able to focus on secondary characters before completing the main story, and the game as a whole will take many hours.
Cons - after the completion of the main plot, interest in the game may disappear. The game will be in development for a very long time. There will be a noticeable difference in image quality at the beginning of the plot and in the later stages of development (technology and quality are constantly improving) and the first scenes of the game after a while will not be as attractive as some of the last. Some innovations and ideas cannot be applied, since the main base of the game will be made and it will be extremely difficult to change or redo something.
2. I am guided by the ideas that my subscribers suggested to me. The first thing I will do is limit the production cycle of Amnesia and finish the project in two years (late 2023, early 2024). On this path, I will complete the main plot, complete the main lines with Alexandra, Kate and Elena using relationship levels from 0 to 5. And also, in parallel, I will make several short branches with the most popular minor characters, but without levels, everything will be simplified and filled with hot scenes as much as possible.
Pros - the main plot will be completed and the project will be completed. I can start something new, with new ideas, with new level of graphics. I can place the finished game on steam, receiving additional income, which I intend to use to expand the staff of assistants.
Cons - I will not be able to realize all my ideas and scenes are in my mind and which I want to get outside, on the other hand, this is a pros, unrealized ideas can be used in a new project.

PS In any case, now a new stage of development is beginning, the realization came to me that no man is an island. I intend to spend some of the time on strategic planning and building my own team. This is the experience I want to have. And all this is done only so that I can create, and my plans were implemented ASAP and QUALITATIVELY.
There are only two options. If you have your own version, you can write it in the comments, and I will definitely answer!
With gratitude, SUPER ALEX
Привет Друзья!
Спасибо еще раз всем, кто комментировал последний пост и высказывал свои идеи и мысли. Для меня это было действительно важно. Я получил новое представление о казалось бы очевидных вещах. Прошу вас поучаствовать в голосовании, чтобы я увидел мнение большинства.
Итак, есть два пути развития игры:
1. Я руководствуюсь своими идеями о том, как игра должна выглядеть. А именно, основной сюжет игры будет переплетаться с тремя главными героями (Александра, Кейт и Елена), с каждой из них будет 6 уровней отношений (чтобы представить, что это за уровни - хорошо подойдет пример игр от NLT), при достижении каждого из уровней будут открывать все более и более откровенные сцены как в основной сюжетной линии, так и при взаимодействии во Free Roam. Первое на чем я сосредотачиваюсь, это на завершении основной сюжетной линии и развитии отношений с Александрой, Кейт и Еленой до максимального уровня. Попутно с развитием сюжета игрок будет встречаться и знакомиться с второстепенными персонажами (без горячих сцен). После окончания основного сюжета, методом голосования, вы выбираете одну из многочисленных второстепенных девушек, и я делаю полноценный сюжет с ней, от 0 уровня к уровню 5. Затем снова голосование, вы выбираете следующую девушку, и я делаю сюжет с ней и так далее.
Плюсы - игра будет постоянно увеличиваться в объеме контента, и для новых игроков будет широкий выбор персонажей, с кем можно было бы выстроить полноценные отношения. Так как игра будет Free Roam, то новые игроки смогут сосредоточиться на второстепенных персонажах, прежде чем завершать основной сюжет, и игра в целом займет много часов.
Минусы - после завершения основного сюжета, к игре может пропасть интерес. Игра будет в разработке очень продолжительное время. Будет заметна разница в качестве изображений в начале сюжета и на поздних стадиях разработки (технологии и качество постоянно улучшаются) и первые сцены игры через некоторое время будут не такие привлекательные как одни из последних. Некоторые нововведения и идеи не получится применить, так как основная база игры будет сделана и поменять или переделать что-либо будет крайне сложно.
2. Я руководствуюсь идеями, которые мне подсказали мои подписчики. Первое что я сделаю - ограничиваю цикл производства игры Амнезия и закончу проект через два года (конец 2023, начало 2024 года). На этом пути я завершу основной сюжет, завершу основные линии с Александрой, Кейт и Еленой используя уровни отношений от 0 до 5. А так же, параллельно я сделаю несколько коротких веток с самыми популярными второстепенными персонажами, но без уровней, там все будет упрощено и максимально наполнено горячими сценами.
Плюсы - будет закончен основной сюжет и закончен проект. Можно начинать что-то новое, с новыми идеями, на новом уровне графики. Законченную игру я смогу разместить на steam получая дополнительный доход, который я намерен использовать для расширения штата помощников.
Минусы - Я не смогу реализовать все свои идеи и сцены, которые у меня в голове и которые хотят выбраться наружу, с другой стороны это и плюс, нереализованные идеи можно использовать в новом проекте.
PS В любом случае, сейчас начинается новый этап разработки, ко мне пришло осознание, что один в поле не воин. Часть времени я намерен тратить на стратегическое планирование, и создание своей собственной команды. Это опыт, который я хочу получить. И все это делается лишь для того, чтобы я мог придумывать и творить, а мои планы реализовывались МАКСИМАЛЬНО быстро и КАЧЕСТВЕННО.
Есть только два варианта. Если у вас есть свой вариант можете писать его в комментариях, и я обязательно отвечу!
Благодарю вас, SUPER ALEX


Active Member
Jan 20, 2018
She wrote alot in the last 2 dev logs. Still nothing about the release date though. I mean, it has been almost 5 months since the last update, and she is talking how her goal is to release updates often. When i was reading those updates, i had a feeling like she has a multiple personality disorder, seems like she does not know what she wants to do with the game yet.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2017
She wrote alot in the last 2 dev logs. Still nothing about the release date though. I mean, it has been almost 5 months since the last update, and she is talking how her goal is to release updates often. When i was reading those updates, i had a feeling like she has a multiple personality disorder, seems like she does not know what she wants to do with the game yet.
She (He wrote)
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Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
I just hope he's making good progress with the update because it's possible that he's been too busy reviewing his approach with the update, the project, hiring people, etc.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
Guys anyone know where and in which file the game stats are kept???
Unlocked scenes are ususally stored in the persistent file in the savegames directory. Stats should be part of the savegame itself.
3.40 star(s) 196 Votes