
Active Member
Jul 12, 2018
Made a simple Incest patch. I haven't fully tested it, but it should work.

Make sure Alexandra is your "mother" and Kate is your "sister".


The game needs some serious proofreading, lol. I'm fixing some misspelling so the patch works. If anyone finds more, please inform me.
how do i download this patch? when i click it, it just opens text in browser.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
how do i download this patch? when i click it, it just opens text in browser.

oh lord gimme patience.

anyways right click and save as or save link target as or anything else.
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New Member
Jan 5, 2020
I'm sure I'm an idiot but how do you use the phone messaging in the game? I can open up messages, click an option like "Play a prank on .." and it shows up as a message and then..... there's no where to click, even to get out of the phone. Note I have tried clicking the blue arrow, the contacts, the message, the scrollbar, all the side buttons, all the fingers. I can't even get out of the phone as there is no X anywhere. I have to click Back to get out of the phone. Unsure if this is a bug or I'm just missing something obvious but any help would be appreciated.
Did you find out about this? I am having the same problem and have no idea what to do

Edit: I screwed around a bit and found out that if you choose the message, save, and reload that save, the game loads the messages correctly. You can save and reload every time you reply and it should work in the end.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 12, 2018

oh lord gimme patience.

anyways right click and save as or save link target as or anything else.
ok smart ass. not everybody is a computer wizard. i looked for the save as but i did not get that prompt. i did not know you could choose save link as. i thought that was meant as save it in the browser as a favorite or something.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
I've seen worse. One of our employees in the customer department didn't know what we meant when we told her to copy a URL into the adress bar of her browser.

'save as' has become unimportant over the years, but it's still the way to go to save a directly linked file, especially the type your browser would otherwise display as text.

What also would have worked: Save the file that was displayed as text in your browser. Ctrl + S, tadaaa!
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Jun 28, 2020

Discussion about the game’s story
Hello everybody!
In the comments you often complain about the fact that the story of the game is slowly progressing.
Over the last six months of work on the project, only Alexandra's story has been significantly developed, but the plot has not made any great progress.
We are, however, actively working on the script of the second act. Players can expect unexpected plot twists and new locations. As you remember, MC needs to solve three main tasks: to find out the secret of his amnesia, to take care of the financial situation and to solve his medical problem. At the moment, he is closer to solving the last of them. Not without Alexandra's help, of course
However, when developing storylines, it is not always possible to harmoniously add XXX scenes so that they progress the characters and move the overall plot along at the same time. It's because recent updates have focused on scenes that develop the relationships between characters but don't move the story along that many players have the impression that the game's story stands still.
We partly agree with them, that's why we decided to start a discussion on this topic in our community. Which way is the balance of scenes in the game skewed at the moment? Is there enough erotic content? Is it important for you to reveal the personalities of the female characters, or do you want to solve the mystery of the main character's amnesia?
Share your opinion in the comments.
Best wishes, Super Alex!
Дискуссия о сюжете игры

Привет, друзья!
В комментариях вы часто жалуетесь на то, что сюжет игры медленно развивается.
За последние полгода работы над проектом только история Александры получила существенное развитие, однако в сюжете от этого не случилось грандиозных продвижек.
Мы активно работаем над сценарием второго акта. Игроков ждут неожиданные сюжетные повороты и новые локации. Как вы помните, ГГ нужно решить три основные задачи: узнать тайну своей Амнезии, позаботится о финансовом состоянии и разрешить его медицинскую проблему. На данный момент он приблизился к решению последней из них. Не без помощи Александры, конечно
Однако при развитии сюжетных линий, не всегда удается гармонично добавить ХХХ сцены так, чтобы они раскрывали персонажей и одновременно двигали сюжет. Именно из-за того, что последние обновления были сконцентрированы на сценах, развивающих отношения между героями, но не двигающих сюжет, у многих игроков сложилось впечатление, что сюжет игры стоит на месте.
Отчасти мы согласны с ними, именно поэтому решили развернуть дискуссию на данную тему в нашем сообществе. В какую сторону на данный момент перекошен баланс сцен в игре? Достаточно ли эротического контента? Важно ли вам раскрытие характеров героинь, либо хочется скорее раскрыть тайну Амнезии главного героя?
Делитесь своим мнением в комментариях.
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Super Alex!


Hello everybody!
Recently, we've noticed a trend in the industry to voice character lines. However, after doing a bit of analysis, we found out that there are a lot of nuances.
A large amount of text requires significant costs for voice acting. In addition, players simply get tired of waiting until the whole audio is played. Someone voices the lines with the help of neural networks, but it completely kills the liveliness of the characters. There is a third way - to voice only sex scenes. In general, in addition to working hard on the update, we are making big plans for the future and want to know your opinion on voiceovers. If you would like your favourite characters to get a voice, write about it in the comments!
Привет, друзья!
В последнее время мы заметили, что в индустрии сложился тренд озвучивать реплики персонажей. Однако проведя небольшой анализы, мы выяснили, что здесь имеется много нюансов.
Большой объем текста требует существенных затрат на озвучку. Кроме того игроки просто устают ждать, пока проигрывается вся аудиодорожка. Кто-то озвучивает реплики с помощью нейросетей, но это напрочь убивает живость в персонажах. Есть третий путь – озвучивать только секс сцены. В общем, помимо усиленной работы над обновлением, мы строим большие планы на будущее и хотим знать ваше мнение по поводу озвучки. Если бы вы хотели, чтобы ваши любимые персонажи приобрели голос, пишите об этом в комментариях!
  • Озвучивать только междометия и прочие ахи, вздохи в секс-сценах с помощью актрис.
  • Озвучивать ключевые реплики и стоны героинь в секс-сценах с помощью актрис.
  • Озвучивать все реплики с помощью AI.
  • Озвучивать секс сцены с помощью AI.
  • Не озвучивать.

Only voice sighs and moans in sex scenes with the help of voice actresses

Voice key dialogues and moans of characters in sex scenes with the help of voice actresses.

Voice all lines with the help of AI

Voice all sex scenes using AI

Do not voice anything

286 votes total


Active Member
May 3, 2017
Voice Acting is bad in adult games but what's worse is getting no resolution for anything.

I can understand that it takes time to explain the story but there has to be a point where something is resolved so the story can progress.

If one of the three main points was sorted then it would make the interest of the plot more interesting.

Or nudge it enough that something is actually gonna happen in the future without waiting years when it could get cancelled or rebooted without solving any issues.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
I for one am not one of these who need a mandatory sex scene in every update. That even seems forced in many liniear VNs, in a sandbox game like this one which also is centered on relationship progress it's not needed.
In such a case devs often tend to introduce new chars, just so the MC can get layed by someone which I think is the worst idea ever.
Focus on the main characters, bring the story forward, add a little spice now and then. Am I looking forward to see Elena doing the naked bretzel? You bet, but I will happily wait if that means that the main storyline will finally progress. The story is the most important thing. Whenever a sex scene fits in, that's great.

Voice acting ... only makes sense once the game is completed. With episodic releases like this one you can never be sure if an actor dies between one update and the next.


Feb 5, 2020
For me, having a sex scene with Alexia is necessary and that does not mean that I can change the plot later, it can be done like the scene they were drinking together or a warm-up in the washing machine area...but I do see that scene as necessary. between them, that would calm people down a lot

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