Points of 'intrigue' and 'temper' will further unlock certain scenes. For example Anita can become dominant in BDSM scenes if she has a certain number of 'temper' points.Out of curiousity, how does the anger/intrigue split work in terms of the saucy stuff? Most of the scenes where you stand your ground typically removes you from the sexy times scenarios, which you know, is a solid chunk of why folks play in the first place.
While the BFF is probably an acquired taste for some, I'm assuming Anita will have the option to get a bit more involved with their antics? And by involved, I mean the horizontal bop or maybe some group play scheningans.
And may you have a fabulous day as well.
Since this is mostly a game/novel for an adult audience, that's why the overweight is on the presence of lewd scenes.
But I try to balance the opposite side as much as possible