I understand what you're getting at, we have a likeable and smoking hot, beautiful MC being forced into blackmailing, submission and to bang ugly guys, always stuck in a loophole of sexual favors and being pushed around by unlikable, irritating, old characters.
But try to think of it as I did:
→ Anna is "not really" being blackmailed; the people think they are getting into her, but she is the one in control. She is the one getting the jobs, the promotions, the raises, the thick cash, the fame. Don't forget she at one point earns $2500 from a shoot, and an additional $500 all in the same day. She is the one becoming a famous model and entrepreneur, while others just bang her once or twice and continue with their mediocre lives.
→ Anna has more connections than
anyone else in the game. From her sister to her friend Emily, to the masseur, the corporations she works for, the coffee shops, the clients she met there, the business owners, the mob and, who knows to what extent,
the police (since she made contact with her lesbian colleague's father if they get rowdy in the pool), Anna has the city at her fingertips and at every social event, every meeting, every new corner, she just expands her network. She has an absurd amount of resources.
→ To emphasize this, Anna may be responsible for a first-degree murder in a certain route and is one of the few characters in this sort of adult games who I believe actually did have someone killed for her. Would you mess with a girl who can have the leader of the city's mob beat you to death? I wouldn't.
→ Anna likes what she does, thus why she fucks people who do her good as well. She did not succumb to lust or to others, she just likes to feel free and the adrenaline of adventure and the unknown - she will get into any job, any event, go anywhere with anyone, she will do drugs, drink alcohol, play videogames, and fuck people. Who knows, maybe the accident didn't even have any effect on her, and she is using it as an excuse to do what she wants, and what
did have an effect on her was being a country girl used to the mundane and arriving to a new life in a big, exciting city.
→ Andrew is an idiot. We figured this, Anna figured this, his father figured this, but while Anna adapted to the city, Andrew lagged behind and failed to watch his back, and his girl's. She likes him though, and feels the dichotomy of wanting to be free, but not wanting to lose him - not so rare in real life in both boys and girls. They have an unhealthy relationship, but can't detach from it. To add to this, remember how in the previous update Andrew caught Anna sucking dick, and ended up accepting it? Maybe in the end, he actually liked the idea of his girl going around with other men. Either way, another win for Anna.
tl;dr - Anna is the type of protagonist that advances through the game with Charisma. Playing this game and watching her gather power makes me feel more like I'm doing a Fallout run only with 100 Charisma and 100 Barter, maybe with the [Black Widow] perk as well! Sure, some dudes banged her, but she got something out of it - fame, money, connections or just her own pleasure.
An obvious fanboy