I'm a big fan the game is now on Renpy. Great renders, the setup will only get better with more experience.
The storyline however is really going nowhere. This update doesn't even cover a day... you go to work, then to the gym, a photoshoot (scene #1), a sex shop visit and then visit Andrew with John (scene #2). A lot of the content is still re-introducing you to characters (we're on update 4!) and some of the scenes/characters are pointless. I definitely recommend the Dev to focus on the key players in the storyline.
- Scene with John.
- Threesome on the pool table (the previous jeff scene was sexy in lingerie, this wasjust Anna being DPed like a disposable ho)
- Too much Rebecca, git.
- Update only has 2 scenes?
- No Alfred, Timothy, Ashely, etc.
- Journal is the final boss (buggy)