What are you talking about? The contract closing quest has nothing to do with Anna's corruption points. There are no corruption requirement for the contract closing scene in the code.
label officeAnna:
if DayFiveVariable == True:
if office_event_one == True:
if office_var_one == False:
if dianaGoodRelations == False:
jump AnnaContractEventOne
jump AnnaContractEventOneOne
if DayThreeVariable == True:
if dianaGoodRelations == False:
if JeremyEventTwoQuest == 0:
if jeremySexContent == True:
jump JeremyEventTwo
jump JeremyEventTwoNoSex
elif JeremyEventTwoQuest == 1:
hide screen disableClick
show screen AnnasOffice
"I should get to work."
jump officeReception
elif JeremyEventTwoQuest == 2:
jump JeremyEventTwoAnnaOffice
if EthanEventTwoQuest == 0:
jump EthanEventTwo
So far there are only two scenes that requires >40 corruption points:
- John hospital scene (for people who are not on John path -> leads to the same scene as on John path).
- Blowjob scene instead paying 500 bucks in the Red Light Distract (end of current release v0.05).