As I've explained in the past, the current issues that the game has, are a result of some mistakes that Awake made, whilst coding the early part of Chapter 2. At that point, Awake had only recently joined the development team, and he was pretty new to coding, having primarily joined to do the writing. Unsurprisingly perhaps he made a few errors, some of which are only now starting to come to light. Because not all errors immediately cause problems.
In this case, changes were made to functionality in the game in the last update, and some of those errors (which up until this point had caused no issues, and thus weren't known about) started to cause problems. These were corrected in v0.952, once Awake became aware of them, after they were reported to him, by people playing the game. Because some issues don't immediately get spotted by players in the Alpha period. It's only when a much greater number of players get the opportunity to play, once the game has gone Beta, that some issues are reported.
So it's not terrible development at all. I can assure you the Devs of this game bend over backwards, to try and correct issues in a timely manner. But they're not perfect and sometimes they make mistakes.