obviously the dev never change an already developed update... that is why is useless to complain in the discord channel about the start of CH2
It's pointless constantly moaning in this thread, that you wish the Devs would change this or that about the game. Because the only people listening are other players.
I'm not sure that is pointless bc forums are the place where write and share opinion about the game with players...
as you are saying here a lot of players listening and the fact that Deep doesn't actively participate doesn't mean that he doesn't listen to his fans... I think he gets something... a reverberation of the comments it certainly reaches him and I don't need to go there and post what has certainly already been said
I find a sing of professionalism that he does not participate in discussions in a "unofficial" and "pirate" forum but as you can see in this post, to a specific question
about the original hairstyle will be back in the game...: Deep answer was: YES!
I don't know if his replays are reliable or just made to please the person was asking the question... but i hope for a YES!
Also in all recent wallpapers she looks great and head/body proportion are perfect
Here her nipples are in the correct place for a 23 years old stunning girl!
and from what i see in the wallpapers i am hopeful that in the future the wet hair problem and the head/body proportions will appeal to me more. I'm also sure there is no way to fix the errors made in old updates.
Her body is perfect here! Sometime in the game there are problems and she looks older and fat but I'm optimistic that in future updates everything will be fixed.