Why don't you use the functions provided by the site?! Either use the search function, or even easier, scroll to the last pages and you will find it.
I'm struggling just as much as the first guy.
When searching this forum thread for "compressed" = 21 pages of results from mixed dates.
Nothing pinned to page 1.
Last page, per your instructions, is nothing.
Going backwards from the end, page-by-page, I see one user posted a Google drive of the Android version (post
18959) which is smaller than 700Mb, but no searchable keyword that this is compressed. Same goes for Win/Mac version on post
18925...not compressed.
Going back further...still no compressed versions and on some very early version posts there are no keywords included; only a Mega link, which would not have shown up in a search.
Thus your reply, is in the end unhelpful.
I had to go back to post
18890 on page 945 to find the latest compressed.