Fuck man anyone got a walkthrough this shit is convoluted and confusing as fuck, hopefully the developers add a better hint system that norrows down the exact items and where to find them. Great art but gameplay is annoying.
talk with JoAnyone have trouble with getting the tapes? Ive skipped 3 days already and nothings arrived after I paid the $50.
Do you have a save from this part D:? becouse i didnt save.. once and im fucked up xDI figured out a fix for me, i had to re load a safe to before i did the laundry, and do the phone part first.
I'm having the same issue and this doesn't work for me. All I'm getting from mousing around the sound animation is basket and clothes. No phone hotspot.Shouldn't need to. I didn't and I had no problem. Mouse around until you find the phone's hotspot.
OTOH, I've been having issues that other people haven't been, so YMMV. This game seems to have a lot of item-related bugs (things that cannot be found even when someone tells you precisely where/how to get them), which only affect some people.