
Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
With the way Nea is now, even if we say yes to a romantic relationship, that could still lead to suicide. All it takes, from where Nea is now, is one tiny push. Nobody here is ignoring that Nea was devastated, what we are saying is there needs to be a way around the suicide, give the player character a chance to work around a friendship route where he helps Nea get psychological help for the trauma endured instead of immediately ending the character just because we don't want to go all the way to romance. That's the thing about people who have suicidal tendencies, you don't leave them alone, that's the absolute worst thing you can possibly do because it gives them a chance to act on those tendencies with nobody to stop them or get them medical attention if they manage to harm themselves.

Also, yeah, it honestly does feel like manipulation to take the romance route. Nea's been through hell, then suddenly a knight in shining armor comes to Nea's rescue and Nea falls in love. That's not real love, that's an infatuation for Nea's rescuer, which isn't healthy. It is essentially Stockholm Syndrome, but directed at the rescuer (there's no name for this psychological condition, Stockholm Syndrome, while targeting a captor or aggressor, is the closest I can find).

Nea needs help to get through the trauma, only when that psychological infatuation because of the player character being the rescuer is out of the way will there be a chance for real feelings to develop and only then would it not feel like manipulation. As it is now, a relationship can only really serve to tie the player character down because all he needs to do is rock the boat a tiny bit and we're right back to where Nea would have been if told no to a romantic relationship. It is basically holding him to Nea all for the sake of preventing another suicide situation.

Not sure what you mean by not allowing Nea support, we aren't support, we're enabling a behavior that could end up making things even worse, and yes, ending with Nea dead (which means we might as well have told Nea no in the first place, same result). Nea's support would include therapists and other people helping Nea to overcome the trauma, not including people, like the player character, who enable behaviors that serve to fuel Nea's suicidal tendencies. No, it doesn't mean going away for a while, it means staying on top of Nea at all times to make sure there are no suicide attempts, making sure any treatments are being followed, and making sure all appointments are being met.

The big problem with the no romance end for Nea was that Nea was given the opportunity to commit suicide, that's rule number one when dealing with suicidal people, NEVER leave them alone with anything or in any place that could be used for suicide.
The sense I'm getting here is for those not wanting a romantic relationship with her, which is fine btw, feel the trauma she's experienced will make any relationship she has will inevitably be codependent and/or dysfunctional. While its not for us to judge her mental state, it would be far crueler to believe she in incapable of being in a loving, healthy relationship with someone who loves and respects her for who she is and not how she was born.

I guess it goes to the type of person your 'MC' is in-game. Given this is not real life, I'd like to take the optimistic view (given the lovers the MC has/will have), that she is someone who could use the support and reassurance there is nothing wrong with her, and if she is someone you can see yourself with romantically, then there should be no issue compared to the other LIs in-game. That said, I do agree some players may feel trapped not wanting a physical/romantic relationship with her, but do not want to see her despair and depression cause her to commit suicide or any type of self-harm.

That would be the only critique I have of Luxee, where it seems that we are just not given enough options in our relationships. Slightly off-topic, I also do not like how we treat the teacher. I'm not into Dom/Sub play and hate any and all degradation roleplay, so treating the teacher like the MC's personal cum-dumpster slave and threatening to impregnate her at any moment, regardless if she gets off on it, is a turn off for me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
The sense I'm getting here is for those not wanting a romantic relationship with her, which is fine btw, feel the trauma she's experienced will make any relationship she has will inevitably be codependent and/or dysfunctional. While its not for us to judge her mental state, it would be far crueler to believe she in incapable of being in a loving, healthy relationship with someone who loves and respects her for who she is and not how she was born.
Not to mention there's quite a few scenes where you don't have a hint of dysfunctionality. All the times I mentionned when the MC manages to help Nea forget all the shitstorm around her and thus letting her be herself, without fear of what others think. If she was as dysfunctional as some make her out to be, her behavior would always be about making is that the MC can't take his eyes of her for a second.
Sure, she's not the most stable, mentally, but she's not some nutcase either, like some posts seem to hint at (at least that's what it felt to me, reading them). She's very lost, fragile, and very scared at the idea she had all that hopeful happiness for nothing. Which might not be understndable for people who never struggled with their identity.

I guess it goes to the type of person your 'MC' is in-game. Given this is not real life, I'd like to take the optimistic view (given the lovers the MC has/will have), that she is someone who could use the support and reassurance there is nothing wrong with her,
This. Even without the idea of how each player view their MC, it's clear he was written as a very toughtfull, considerate guy who'd rather get his hands in a problem and help than hand it off to someone else to fix while hiding behind the "It needs professional help" excuse.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
The sense I'm getting here is for those not wanting a romantic relationship with her, which is fine btw, feel the trauma she's experienced will make any relationship she has will inevitably be codependent and/or dysfunctional. While its not for us to judge her mental state, it would be far crueler to believe she in incapable of being in a loving, healthy relationship with someone who loves and respects her for who she is and not how she was born.

I guess it goes to the type of person your 'MC' is in-game. Given this is not real life, I'd like to take the optimistic view (given the lovers the MC has/will have), that she is someone who could use the support and reassurance there is nothing wrong with her, and if she is someone you can see yourself with romantically, then there should be no issue compared to the other LIs in-game. That said, I do agree some players may feel trapped not wanting a physical/romantic relationship with her, but do not want to see her despair and depression cause her to commit suicide or any type of self-harm.

That would be the only critique I have of Luxee, where it seems that we are just not given enough options in our relationships. Slightly off-topic, I also do not like how we treat the teacher. I'm not into Dom/Sub play and hate any and all degradation roleplay, so treating the teacher like the MC's personal cum-dumpster slave and threatening to impregnate her at any moment, regardless if she gets off on it, is a turn off for me.
When the love interest kills herself under those specific circumstances, that's a sign there's more going on than just the normal unfortunate amount of trans-related mental health issues involved. The game itself makes that clear. If Nea is willing to kill herself over that level of rejection, imagine what she'd do if the MC and her were actually dating. If you turned Nea into a ciswoman and that took away all of the mental health issues that come from the pressure and other factors of being a trans youth, I think you'd still find them to be unstable in a scary away.

And I don't think the MC is that person. That MC is incompatible with the pursuit of the other love interests in the game. The MC himself, depending on the choices the player makes, is themselves infatuated or at least curious about Nea due to their vulnerable status and their being trans. That's not really a good basis for a relationship. And again, Luxee himself chose to "reward" anyone who tried to befriend and be an ally to Nea and not take sexual advantage of their vulnerability by killing Nea.

I'm not saying there isn't the potential here for a good story involving Nea in general, but Nea and her mental health issues aren't really being handled right, and neither is the story. Maybe it's part of Luxee's jumping around within the story, so that things make zero sense. But mainly it feels like this is a trans story for people that fetishize transwomen (as long as they're cute and act in the stereotypical manner) versus trying for true realism here or a consistent story. There's also a factor of "oh, you don't want to have sex with Nea? Well, she's dead then, thanks to you" from Luxee.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
imagine what she'd do if the MC and her were actually dating.
I mean... Just because you don't want to date her doesn't mean it not something that happens. It does for quite a number of other players, so how about not saying that in a way to imply "Thankfully they're not dating because it would be so much worse" ?

We get that you think this is the most fucked up relationship in the game, and nobody will ever change your mind. Right now, that topic is running circles, which is more tiresome than anything else. You don't need to repeat yourself over and over.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Yeah this discussion is not really going anywhere, the people that didn't like Nea until now, will not just suddenly change their minds. It's time to move on.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
So....Charelle... waifu material, yay or nay?
She's promising. But she seems to me like there's more to discover about her, and especially her family, before being really sure.
Though, I quite love the little sister's friend (Millie, if my memory's not too crappy ?). Not because of her age or something like that, but because the way she acts with her crush is just god damn adorable. She has no idea what she's doing but she's going in full throttle to try and seduce the MC. That's so sweet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Well we know that he brother probably has the hots for his sister and is trying to prevent her from dating anyone so that they can get her instead.


Mar 2, 2022
Well we know that he brother probably has the hots for his sister and is trying to prevent her from dating anyone so that they can get her instead.
yea.. we don't know that actually...we know he's being really aggressive but that's all we know.
Could be a plethora of reasons why he is so overprotective about her.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Well we know that he brother probably has the hots for his sister and is trying to prevent her from dating anyone so that they can get her instead.
Or he's such a dickhead that he doesn't think anyone ever deserves his sister.
Or it could also be something about arranged mariage. Right now we don't have enough informations to really tell.
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Mar 2, 2022
Or he's such a dickhead that he doesn't think anyone ever deserves his sister.
Or it could also be something about arranged mariage. Right now we don't have enough informations to really tell.
at the moment we don't have enough information to reach a viable conclusion.
I'm not saying it's not possible for him to have the hots for his sister .. but there is no evidence to sustain this conclusion.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
I mean it's an adult game, it wouldn't surprise me if him having the hots for his sister was the reason. The character I am most interested is the mom. I want to know why she seems to fixated in making her daughters have a relationship with their brother.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Well I'm going with the he doesn't think anyone deserves his sister but him or he gets off being controlling and abusive towards her.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2021
I like how chill Charelle is with the whole dating other girls thing, and Im sure the brother will present a pretty good story when her arc develops...I kinda want to be able to understand what's going on trough her brother's thick head, after all people usually get this possesive and protective after sufering some kind of trauma.... I don't want to believe her brother is just a psyco who want to control her sister.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2021
I mean it's an adult game, it wouldn't surprise me if him having the hots for his sister was the reason. The character I am most interested is the mom. I want to know why she seems to fixated in making her daughters have a relationship with their brother.
The mom? really? , I mean, she is nice and all, but she strikes me as the generic "landlady" with unexciting sex life that kinda wants to bang her "tenant" that we have seen in 99% of VNs out there...
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Mar 2, 2022
The mom? really? , I mean, she is nice and all, but she strikes me as the generic "landlady" with unexciting sex life that kinda wants to bang her "tenant" that we have seen in 99% of VNs out there...
eh .. no.. we haven't seen a mom like her in 99% of VNs, or better said I have not seen a mom like her, only 1 VN comes to mind to someone like her , more aggressive actually but no.. most of the moms in VNs don't want to sleep with their children, they do get to that stage after quite a few updates and development in their relationship, but no , I don't remember they wanting anthing like that.
I would say this mom is quite unique.
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