
May 11, 2017
And if you actually cared about the character as you claimed, then perhaps understanding the fragility of their emotional being and generalized background of trans folks being one of the most highly abused demographics could give you an inkling of why they could fall into a bad path after feeling emotionally exposed and let down for the "last time."
"Cry-bullying," that's all this shit is. Manipulation. Can't control biology must resort to manipulating society. You're paving the road to hell with assumed good intentions. Sometimes the best thing you can say to someone you care about is "NO."

I like the character, it's the fucking white knights I can't stand. Some serious co-dependent relationship shit going on. You can't force preferences on someone by making them feel guilty about perceived "fragility."


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Please correct me if this is wrong it's been a while since I've played it. Wasn't there mention that Nea's bullying was mainly the result of her being caught the first time in a locker room doing the same thing that she did in the MC's Apt?? Or here's a question if you knew that this act was the result of so much crap in your life why would you do it again?? That's like touching the hot stove knowing full well that you will get burned..
Yes, it was.

Yeah basically people were bullying Nea because she's caught masturbating in a gym's locker room few years prior, some guy saw her sniffing a stolen underwear too. MC mentioned that despite being shy and quiet, Nea could be pretty lustful at times so she's probably doing it cause she's love the thrill or something idk.
And to answer you both on that, that could also be a case of simply Nea feeling like she's in enough of a safe place at the MC's place to not have the same fear of being caught as she did at school. At least enough to make her forget/not think about the risks at least. Adding that to her feelings for the MC and you get a relapse that triggers memories from the first time it happened, the consequences that ensued, the terror of losing the only good thing she has in her life, and...
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Finding she was just one of many girls, especially a wide range of them, wouldn't be good for her mentally in my mind. She thinks the MC likes her for her, and not just because he will fuck anything with a heartbeat, including family members. The idea that she herself in turn could be loved would be shattered. Or at least that's how it should play out.

I do think she wants a family. Her current family sucks. I just don't think she's looking for a harem family. She's probably already thinking of a wedding dress, a honeymoon with the MC, and adopting kids and a cat and dog.

Disclaimer here in that generally I don't like harems. They feel forced and then there's also a feeling of a cult to them, possibly because they are a feature of some religions and especially cults. And what we're describing here is basically a cult where Nea is love-bombed by the others because she's vulnerable. If she joins, it's either because of her mental health or just because it still beats her current life and she's willing to settle.

Nea needs her own path, at least as an option. Or maybe Luxee can write things so that Nea joins the harem and it makes sense, and isn't just kind of sad because she's settled for far less than she wanted. The other women more or less will all fit into the harem, but then again none of them have the depth of Nea's character, and none of them as desperately need the full attention of someone who loves them and them alone.
Which is far from the truth, I can already picture what might happen if Nea happens to run into them together, or worse, walk in on them in bed together. That would hit Nea like a ton of bricks and that is not the kind of hit someone in Nea's position can take.

I could see it, Nea is 'lovestruck' as it is now, already reacts drastically to being let down as gently as humanly possible, and probably wouldn't react any better to finding out there are other girls. I agree, Nea wants a family, but in the traditional sense, which does not blend at all with the harem sense. The traditional sense is one pair with maybe some children, not a whole bunch of people around one.

There is one VERY iffy possibility for Nea joining as part of a harem, but every other member of that harem would have to be on suicide watch, there's no telling when Nea would snap from this clash of Nea's perception vs reality. Nea cannot be left alone for even a second, whether that means each of the others takes a shift on watch while trying to make it appear less like watching for attempts and more like spending time with Nea or one member being assigned to Nea in secret 24/7. This is where it gets really bad, the possibility that Nea figures out the others are not just being friendly as fellow harem members, but are watching for suicide attempts in secret. That betrayal of Nea's trust would break Nea even worse than the clash between Nea perceiving a singular love and the reality that there is no such thing with the MC. Hell, it would break Nea even worse than the betrayal of Nea's own father.

I agree completely on how detrimental it would be for her, which is why I initially thought of the idea for her to have her own game and not have to deal with teh BS in this one; the bullying, the other girls, and other bullshit. The MC basically has to be monogamous if he wants to start a relationship with her and he really has to be careful where his eyes wander off to.

As for harems, I don't like them at all and only in Luxee's games do I even consider MFF combinations too (like the Ada/Elly ending in PL) I'm not a very big fan of things like that and usually I just want a one-on-one with a girl in these games. I learned through PL that you really don't get that, only with Emily, and that was not a fun route at all having to repeatedly turn down Elly at every turn. God that broke my heart to do that route.

I'm hoping she doesn't have to be a central LI in the game for all the other relationships in the game to work. I want my specific endings, and I hope that she doesn't have to be a part of that in order for her to not commit suicide. If I wanted a solo with Seki, Millie, or Evie, I shouldn't have to keep Nea around (or alive) for that. That's what has me spooked in this game is the necessity of her being a part of any LI route other than hers.

Knowing Lux, he'll have a harem route for the "Gotta catch 'em all" players but hopefully for ones that don't want that, we'll have a good selection of Solos or MFFs, and hopefully one of them is NOT a route with Seki & Alicia with the MC. *Shudders*
Not only that, but some of the backstory details feel like they are unfinished specifically because Nea is being held back by being a love interest in a harem game. All of those details, the bullying, Nea's father betraying Nea, all of it could be far more fleshed out in a game entirely dedicated to Nea.

They are just making reasons up why she can't or shouldn't be in the game.
That's where the she should have her own game talk comes from.

I'm pretty sure all will be alright in the end and Nea will be part of the harem and everything will be fine.
No, nobody is saying Nea shouldn't be in the game except the people who wanted Nea to die. What the people talking about giving Nea a dedicated game are talking about is the clash that ensues when you try to stick a person who perceives a singular love into a harem. It doesn't end well, especially if the character is suicidal. Nea is showing signs of singular romantic thinking, like the MC is only going to love Nea, which is in direct opposition to the rest of the game.

Then you have all these seemingly unfinished backstory details that could be fleshed out so much better in a dedicated game.

No way to know until it happens, really.

I just don't like the thought of playing this game for a couple of years or more until completion only to find out, "too bad Mark, she's going to be part of whatever route you take because if you kill her off, no one will like the MC... yadda yadda."

That has me worried more than anything at this point. I don't want a stowaway with baggage around any girl I happen to choose.
Oh that would REALLY get me pissed off at Luxee beyond where I already was over having to watch Nea die because of me. That would be blatantly punishing the player for playing a harem game for the harem. I can definitely see the potential for what you say and it has me extremely worried for the quality of the other characters specifically BECAUSE he would be forcing a very specific character on us and would therefore put more focus on that character than any other to the detriment of the entire game as a whole.

For the record I WOULD play a Nea dedicated game.

Is there any reason you think she can't do all that in a harem family, or are you just hating?
Because Nea's mental health won't allow it, Nea is already on the edge of suicide and adding Nea to a harem would simply be a push off the edge as a betrayal of what Nea perceived as a singular love.

I don't think it's the same dynamic as a more traditional family versus a sex game harem. I've played some of My New Family, and it's a fun but silly sex romp. A harem is pretty much the expected outcome, with every character created with that ultimate path in mind. As mentioned before, Nea seems made for something different. Maybe Luxee turns her into a harem girl, but I don't think that would feel like Nea anymore if she just goes along with the harem idea.

Would it be the same thing if suddenly Nea had several boys actively pursuing her, but it was okay because the MC could join her harem and share her with the other men? They could all be one happy family, with the MC and his new "brothers" having their allocated time with Nea. You'd have the romantic love of Nea and the brotherly love of the other men, so it's all cool, right? And for some people, it would be, which is fine. Personally, I wouldn't want that for the MC. I wouldn't want it to for Nea. I suspect the idea of having to share any romantic interest in the game freaks out a lot of players, as it should freak out many love interests in these games, but they think that it's some secret sexual fantasy for women to be part of some man's harem. As stated by many, these games aren't reality, but they often do make attempts at approximating it. When Luxee made the choice to include Nea and focus on trans issues somewhat versus just trans fetishism, it kind of ups the ante on trying to keep the game elements surrounding Nea real.

Nea's on a different level than the other characters in the game, and Luxee has been trying to make a realistic story arc here with a trans woman as the focus. I don't think it needs to be a separate game, but it would help. Unless Luxee can do it just right, it's just not going to feel right, although most people probably won't care as long as they get their harem and can say they've collected all of the girls. But I'd like to see the level of realism continue and a ending for Nea that is good not just for the MC, but for Nea too. I don't think Nea gets her best ending unless its her and her alone that ends up with the MC in her story.

It's weird that I keep arguing for this, because I have no current intention of taking Nea's romance path. But I do like the character enough where I want to see her with the best outcome she can get. And who knows? If it turns out she's not dead and I can interact with her more and get to know her even better, maybe I'll end up falling for her myself. We'll see. I just hope I get the chance for her to not be dead on my friendship path someday.
It isn't, harems are far from the traditional family dynamic OR the singular love that Nea seems to want. It wouldn't feel like Nea, Luxee would literally have to shoehorn in a desire to be in the harem to make it work and it would immediately feel forced on Nea. Yes, it would be exactly the same in reverse with Nea as the head of a harem, and yes, it would still feel forced. Doing it right is an extremely delicate balancing act, one wrong move, one little detail in the wrong direction can ruin the entire thing. I've said it before, but he's handling the trans issue with the delicacy of an elephant in a china shop and that simply isn't delicate enough with this particular issue.

Spiked dildos/strapons - electrified dildos/strapons - rub some Caroline reapers onto a dildo/strapon - tie them up and then have a bunch of trans girls come and show him a good time and while your at it video tape all of it especially if he's enjoying it and use it against him to make him leave Nea alone for good.
Why not all of the above? Spiked AND electrified, better make it extra girthy while we're at it, with a coating made with Pepper X, the new hottest pepper on the planet at 3 million scovilles. He'll be feeling that burn from the inside out for the next week on top of the pain from the rest.


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
I still see some posts on this, so:

The game is not abandoned

The Dev didn't explicitly post at their patron sites that it was on hold + no status for over three months: that meets our criteria for the Abandoned tag. Yes, it was implied that he was switching gears to PL and putting A69 on pause, but that was not said in clear language. So, a technicality.

In fact, the game has been on pause and the Dev recently posted that their poll for the v0.7 bonus scene will be up in a week.
Doesn't the May 20th post about the .7 poll on Patreon count as info and not abandoned anymore?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Doesn't the May 20th post
It was tagged abandoned before anything new was posted on their patreon as the last post was on DEC 7, 2021 AT 1:02 PM and nothing new was posted till it got the abandoned tag. Everyone that has been around for awhile knows that it's not abandoned as they were only working on a PL update and then coming back. So most of us are not worried.


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
It was tagged abandoned before anything new was posted on their patreon as the last post was on DEC 7, 2021 AT 1:02 PM and nothing new was posted till it got the abandoned tag. Everyone that has been around for awhile knows that it's not abandoned as they were only working on a PL update and then coming back. So most of us are not worried.
I know

I made a reply to the MOD since there is NOW a Patreon post about A69 info..... You did read what I said and who I said it to? Right?
Mar 24, 2022
From his homepage:

Progress Tracker
Apartment #69
Version 0.07
Release estimate: Imminent

He clearly has no concept of what "imminent" means.. but who really cares at this point?
That means nothing. If you look further down you'll see "Placeholder" twice. He just released a PL update. Obviously he hasn't updated his page since said update, so your post means nothing to any of us here. Just making yourself look silly.

Once he does have an idea about what he's doing and how much he's doing for the next update, the Tracker will also be updated. That's how it works.

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