First: I like this game alot so far, its very promising and has enuff potential to keep one intrested.
Chars: MC good (looking) guy, not oblivious nor retarded or straight out perverted, has some character and spine.
Mom is decent, looks quite good for her age but isnt overly sexualized, as in some other games...a mom most ones would like to have.
Older Sister...meh, something is off the chart here, not that shes ugly or so, but...meh, dunno about her personality yet.
Noah..erm Nea, well im not the slightest bit into Traps or so, but shes cute as of her appearence and nice and shy, would not bag or date, but having her as a friend, everytime.
Bully's GF...must agree, shes darn hot and appears to have atleast some bwainz left and is not totally into Eric-Types. cute and adorable, just adorable, make her real and give her to me, i want her as MY little sister!