
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
So I was thinking.... her name is Emily... and she kinda maybe looks like the PL Emily.

Could she actually be her just younger and different hair color?

Maybe it's an easteregg?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I think she looks good in both games. Not sure why some people don't like her in PL.
I always thought she is cute.
The "white" hair she started with appeared grey to most people and she looked far older than she was intended to be to some. Once she dyed her hair, I think she looked a lot better and younger. That was a case where Luxee adjusted things in the game to respond to fan criticism. But he did it within the story.

Personally, I wasn't into the mom because she seemed like a smart woman being incredibly stupid. She meets her ex-husband who she kicked out long ago because of his drug habit. Then she invites him back with open arms, immediately starts sleeping with him again, and ignores all kinds of red flags involving how their daughters were acting around him and vice versa. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad she was that dumb, or it would have been a very short game like it is in at least one path. I think that element of the story could have been set up a little better so that there were less reasons for her to be wary of the MC.

I think that's the opposite of the issue I have with the mom in A69. She's the opposite end of the spectrum. She knows what's going on before even her children really do, and she's working to make it happen. It just seems kind of a weird flex that hasn't been mentioned again for at least a couple of updates or explained.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
The "white" hair she started with appeared grey to most people and she looked far older than she was intended to be to some. Once she died her hair, I think she looked a lot better and younger. That was a case where Luxee adjusted things in the game to respond to fan criticism. But he did it within the story.

Personally, I wasn't into the mom because she seemed like a smart woman being incredibly stupid. She meets her ex-husband who she kicked out long ago because of his drug habit. Then she invites him back with open arms, immediately starts sleeping with him again, and ignores all kinds of red flags involving how their daughters were acting around him and vice versa. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad she was that dumb, or it would have been a very short game like it is in at least one path. I think that element of the story could have been set up a little better so that there were less reasons for her to be wary of the MC.

I think that's the opposite of the issue I have with the mom in A69. She's the opposite end of the spectrum. She knows what's going on before even her children really do, and she's working to make it happen. It just seems kind of a weird flex that hasn't been mentioned again for at least a couple of updates or explained.
I actually preferred Emily with the white hair. IMHO looked way better than the blonde she has later on.

The A69 mom is an interesting one. I hope we get to have her and not only the sisters.
Unfortunately she has almost no content in the current version.
Hoping for a family foursome Sisterly Lust style.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Hey, I know we were arguing before but I'm not trying to start something, just thought of a better way to handle the people here only to talk about how they hate trans characters; just report their posts as off topic and ignore them.

Hopefully, a mod will just come in and agree that these fights are just dragging down the thread and remove those posts and then we can all get back to fighting about if the game is abandoned or on hold (I joke)
Talking about whether you hate a character or not is on-topic, nor I would argue saying something more general that can be tied back pretty clearly to the game. If I say I hate sandbox games, I'd say that's on-topic for here. If it were a VN, then it's clearly off-topic.

Now, if they're explicitly saying they hate a character because they are trans or all trans people, that perhaps violates other rules on the forum, although I haven't looked. But just because they don't like Nea or aspects of the character or her implementation in the game are definitely not automatically indications of transphobia as some think. I could find something to criticize about every single love interest in the game. Should Nea be different because they are trans, or others because of their race? Maybe people need to tread lightly with their words, but unless they fall into the clear realm of prejudice, they're just as valid as someone who says that the mom's story seems bizarre given her plans or that Alicia because of her kinks.
You mean like the guy who recently posted a review trashing/slandering the game by pretending it forces a fake choice to push you into gay content with "a blond dude" because he's too fucking transphobe to see the world as anything else than "boy or girl" and using the word gay like we're back in the early 2000 and it's still an insult ?
Just saying.

Honestly, even the "you pick Nea" option for the "supermarket/roof" scene is just really badly written and handled and I'm on team "rewrite the entire scene" it doesn't work.

Edit: Also, I feel like maybe my save got messed up and I skipped some scenes (or maybe I just completely forget the last time I plaed)
but wasn't Nea staying with us? I like to play a couple updates at a time, so I know my memory can be bad, but the last thing I remember with Nea's story was her moving in with us after her dad threw out all of her stuff. What are we talking about asking her if she wants to stay or if she has to go home?
I think it was the case ? Or was the MC just hanging on to her clothes because her retard of a dad kept burning them ? :unsure:

Also yeah, the whole thing about the suicide is weirdly written.
That's mainly why, despite being able to see some logic in the idea, my theory is that it might have been a hot tempered reaction from Luxee against the whole transphobe reactions thing. Makes some sense. A few people push back and demand like a herd of Karens that Nea be removed from the game immediatly, Luxee tries to ignore them, but they don't shut up and Luxee ends up so fucking pissed they add a suicide scene in an overreaction à la "You fucking happy now !?" type of thing.
Sadly we can see that the transphobes have not stopped and probably won't ever. At least until enough centuries have passed and that ilk is nowhere to be found on this planet. Unless we end up in the idea that we most stop progress and go back on everything, at least...

But what annoys me is people saying the games forces you into Nea no matter what you want or choose. The game is in fucking version 0.06. There's not enough content to be able to tell what she will be in the overall project once it's further along. Stop pretending there's a problem when you're making said problem up out of not enough information.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I think it kinda REALLY matters that a dev who's goal was to make a game with a trans positive character decided to cowtail to a small group who were actively transphobic in the thread. That'd be like if a bunch of people got mad that Cha'relle was in the game and the dev decided to lynch her if you don't pursue the romance route.

Like, I KNOW there are racist AF games like that on this site, but I'd still feel some type of way if a dev started a game trying to be positive toward a group, and then go 100% "phobic" due to some nasty comments.
Indeed, I could see Luxee as he is now doing exactly that and it would get the same response from me. It would be the same kind of negatively emotionally charged reactionary addition that this was and one that does not belong or ever did.

Isn't that game already complete ?
WAS already complete, Luxee decided to add more.

The Nea suicide is hamfisted bullshit. Ya'll can defend it all you want but the way it happened is shitty. You can argue "her life was hell' and all that garbage all you want. The fact that she kills herself after rejection is just wrong and stupid and selfish. Suicide harms the people you love. Bottom line. I know. The emotional baggage that she would leave the MC after that scene is unconscionable. He barely knows her and now has to shoulder the burden of being catalyst to her suicide? That shit is rough. I also do not think it fits the rest of the tone of the game so far regardless of dev intent. Best thing is to admit it was poorly written and retcon.
I was being nice about it and definitely wouldn't have put it in those exact words even at my worst, but this sums it up in the most direct way possible. I agree, it needs to be retconned. The intent is actually fairly obvious, the rest of the player base having to go through such a horrible thing is collateral damage for a reaction to haters, plain and simple.

On second thought you might be right on the retcon. Just remove her entirely. It was very poorly written and handled anyway.

P.S.: And just cuz it COULD happen in real life doesn't mean I want to see it in my porn games lol. Like I said...hamfisted bs.
However, this I do not agree with. I still want Nea, what I don't want is to be at fault for Nea's suicide just because I didn't want to be a suicidal person's lover.

I respect everyone's opinion on the whole Nea debate and it's great that people are so vested in it. Having said that, please can we stop beating this horse... it's been dead a long time now!
You are aware that new people who run face first into it and don't like it are just going to keep it going even if existing people stop, right? Your request for it to stop can only possibly apply to existing people due to the comment first mentality of some, which would bypass your comment entirely.

I am hoping that after doing the PL update, Luxee will feel like returning to the sisters and mother here. The reason the Nea debate rages is that Nea is really the only route in the game right now. You have bits of other routes, but the most fleshed out is Nea and without restarting the debate, there is plenty of reason to be unhappy with the way that route's choices end up.
Yes and no, the debate is largely over how it ends if you don't go the romance route with Nea, but it is certainly a contributing factor that Nea is a large chunk of current content and is a requirement for several other characters.

Yeah, that's the thing. There's not much to talk about with regards to other characters. We get lots of speculation of what might happen, but we've really had little interaction with many of the other characters. The design of the game has us just hitting important memories, but kind of missing out on character-building opportunities, or conversations that are more casual but still ultimately important. The only other character with content is... Alicia, I think her name is? The token "you can have sex with her while the story is developing" character. I'm not opposed to that idea in general, except I don't find Alicia appealing at all. There are other characters with potential, but that's all it is right now. Or we have some stuff that is rapidly escalating despite very little build up in the game, because we're just hitting high points in the relationship. PL had some rapidly escalating stuff contextually, but there was also story there and conversations and things like that.

I do think Luxee will be somewhat refreshed after the next update for PL. They may change their focus in A69 for a bit as well, especially given the controversy. I think other characters do need to have their stories advanced to level out the game a bit. But I'd also like to see more depth to it and character development for the other characters.
I don't even have enough to comfortably speculate on other characters with, for me, any speculation would just go to Nea anyway due to the overwhelming amount of content Nea has compared to the rest. Due to the obvious, that is not the best place for my own speculation to go at the moment.

idk it feels to me that if you hate a character enough to spend 70 pages talking about how much you hate them for being trans, then you should just move on to a different game and shut the fuck up. Like you're not talking about the game and if a mod saw people talking about sandboxes generically for more than a page they'd prune that shit down; I've seen them do it in that exact scenario before.

like, you're talking about this like we're talking about a single post or two, I'm talking about pages and pages of off topic repetitive whining that a character even exists in the game, so much so that the dev just had her jump off a roof in the last update. It's a problem, and I'm not even here that often.
That is most certainly what they should do if they can't reconcile their dislike for the one character in question and move on with the game. When the whining is so bad that the developer even adds something to the game as a reaction, that's a problem and that is when people need to leave the thread for a game they actually like. At that point, they have reached a level of dislike for the game itself that cannot be overcome enough to enjoy the game, the game simply isn't for them.

Except most of the talk isn't about hating Nea for being trans. The dominating topic is that it's messed up that Nea dies on the friendship route precisely because people wanted to help Nea, but at the same time not necessarily have sex with her. There are transphobic people here saying transphobic stuff, but you're over-representing how much that is. As I've said before, criticism of a trans character or their story is not necessarily transphobic, although some are taking that way. Maybe they think they are standing up for trans people, but putting them on a pedestal and believing they can do no wrong ultimately hurts them in the long run. Trans people are people that just happen to have the word "trans" in front. They're not worse than anyone else, but they're not better. They have flaws, they make mistakes. They can be horrible people or heroes, or sometimes both or neither.

As people point out, Nea is the main love interest in this game, despite assurances that the content was also optional, which is part of the debate about how well exactly that is working. Most of the content is about them. So most of the discussion is going to be about them and also what they did in the last update.
Indeed, the majority of the issue as I have seen it is also talking about Luxee's reaction and how messed up it was to make Nea jump off the roof over being rejected just because some players reacted unnecessarily harshly, not the initial cause. People wanting to help Nea weren't the reason Nea was made to jump, it was reaction to the people that wanted Nea to go through even worse things than Nea already had just because Nea is trans. It is misrepresentation, but only because the jump blew up in discussion, not because of how little the cause of the jump being added actually was, but because of how many people didn't want Nea to die and actually cared for Nea. It was by no means substantial, but there were a few incessant people talking bad about Nea for being trans.

You're right, Nea was supposed to be optional in terms of sex and the point we were led to believe was the point where we could choose not to go all the way to sex was exactly where the choice to kill Nea off was set with no way other than the sex path to keep Nea alive. That's what caused Nea's suicide to blow up even more than the cause of the jump being added.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
But what annoys me is people saying the games forces you into Nea no matter what you want or choose. The game is in fucking version 0.06. There's not enough content to be able to tell what she will be in the overall project once it's further along. Stop pretending there's a problem when you're making said problem up out of not enough information.
To be fair, the game does ask you over and over how you feel about Nea. Like, idk if the question just kept getting moved forward as I played updates so I kept running into it or not, but I swear the MC asks himself like 3 times before the big one in this update and while I said yes every time, and I can see what the dev may be going for story wise; to those people I could imagine every time they see it being like "I already told you I don't want this stop asking."


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
To be fair, the game does ask you over and over how you feel about Nea. Like, idk if the question just kept getting moved forward as I played updates so I kept running into it or not, but I swear the MC asks himself like 3 times before the big one in this update and while I said yes every time, and I can see what the dev may be going for story wise; to those people I could imagine every time they see it being like "I already told you I don't want this stop asking."
Yeah, but that's also the only route that is currently developed that far. Nothing says other routes won't have the same. As I said, the game is only on version 0.06. That's hardly representative of anything yet.
For example, we have a bit of an idea about where Cha's story is going, and there might be some insistance about "are you sure you want to do this, her brother's gonna be pissed" or something. Same goes for the sisters, there could very well be some insisting warning about the fact that they're the MC's sisters.

And yeah, of course the MC kept going back to his feeligns in his head. That's logical since Nea's the first trans person he met, not even mentionning got close to. That's bound to have you mull over your perceptions, especially since a lot of men tends to fear that having a relationship with a trans woman that has yet to fully transition makes them gay "because penis" (it doesn't, by the way, unless they're only attracted by the dick, then there's more questions they should ask themselves).
I'd say that's actually one of the better written parts. Sure, it would have been easy to just make the MC super open-minded and immediatly accepting, but it's interesting to see him think about it, doubt then correct himself, and shift his perception because of a new variable in his perception of the world.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
Yeah, but that's also the only route that is currently developed that far. Nothing says other routes won't have the same. As I said, the game is only on version 0.06. That's hardly representative of anything yet.
For example, we have a bit of an idea about where Cha's story is going, and there might be some insistance about "are you sure you want to do this, her brother's gonna be pissed" or something. Same goes for the sisters, there could very well be some insisting warning about the fact that they're the MC's sisters.

And yeah, of course the MC kept going back to his feeligns in his head. That's logical since Nea's the first trans person he met, not even mentionning got close to. That's bound to have you mull over your perceptions, especially since a lot of men tends to fear that having a relationship with a trans woman that has yet to fully transition makes them gay "because penis" (it doesn't, by the way, unless they're only attracted by the dick, then there's more questions they should ask themselves).
I'd say that's actually one of the better written parts. Sure, it would have been easy to just make the MC super open-minded and immediatly accepting, but it's interesting to see him think about it, doubt then correct himself, and shift his perception because of a new variable in his perception of the world.
I don't disagree, and that's what I was getting at with "I understand what the dev is doing story wise"
but the type of people to complain about it don't care about the story reasons;
they just want a yes/no switch in the menu to lock-in the friend path.
(Well we all know they want more than that but that's the most they should get)


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I don't disagree, and that's what I was getting at with "I understand what the dev is doing story wise"
but the type of people to complain about it don't care about the story reasons;
they just want a yes/no switch in the menu to lock-in the friend path.
(Well we all know they want more than that but that's the most they should get)
Honestly, a yes/no switch would be nice. Or a lovers/friends/no Nea switch. Most games with optional content go that route, with options that are pretty explicit or aren't too hard to figure out, and the only downside to choosing them is that you miss the content you are explicitly saying you don't want anyway. Maybe an update seems really short because you've opted out the content.

But with A69, there are bad consequences to decisions that should honestly not literally be life or death decisions. There's a deferment of the choice of whether to romance Nea or not, despite the story being written as two people falling in love, and the MC just happening to catch Nea naked and masturbating to the MC. I get that Nea is the central character because I've been here through when Luxee first wanted to include a trans character in PL and the many polls they held about that, and later about A69. But they've still built a game that looks like a harem/incest/loli game with optional trans content, but ends up being possibly mandatory trans, with hints of the other stuff that may or may not go anywhere based on Luxee's whims. I wouldn't rule out them just powering through on Nea's story and ignoring other characters, or just rushing through their stories which is already kind of happening in some cases. I don't think it's idle speculation to wonder if Luxee is already thinking past A69, just as their gaze was set past PL back when they were working on that.
Mar 24, 2022
Honestly, a yes/no switch would be nice. Or a lovers/friends/no Nea switch. Most games with optional content go that route, with options that are pretty explicit or aren't too hard to figure out, and the only downside to choosing them is that you miss the content you are explicitly saying you don't want anyway. Maybe an update seems really short because you've opted out the content.

But with A69, there are bad consequences to decisions that should honestly not literally be life or death decisions. There's a deferment of the choice of whether to romance Nea or not, despite the story being written as two people falling in love, and the MC just happening to catch Nea naked and masturbating to the MC. I get that Nea is the central character because I've been here through when Luxee first wanted to include a trans character in PL and the many polls they held about that, and later about A69. But they've still built a game that looks like a harem/incest/loli game with optional trans content, but ends up being possibly mandatory trans, with hints of the other stuff that may or may not go anywhere based on Luxee's whims. I wouldn't rule out them just powering through on Nea's story and ignoring other characters, or just rushing through their stories which is already kind of happening in some cases. I don't think it's idle speculation to wonder if Luxee is already thinking past A69, just as their gaze was set past PL back when they were working on that.
I just personally don't want to wait for the development of other characters as the main focus one takes constant center stage. Right now the development is lacking on a lot of interesting characters, and even the not-so interesting characters. One character shouldn't the entire driving force behind this game, and I think a lot of fans of this game and Luxee (including myself) will be BULLSHIT if this game completely centers around that character.

I came into this game not knowing about the CIQ (Character in Question), mainly because I didn't look at the tags. I didn't care about it in PL because it wasn't a big thing, and I told her to fuck off.

This game, honestly, I don't want that character interacting with ANY of the girls I want and I sure as shit don't want the CIQ near Evie. I have hard-lined views yes, it's the way I am, but I also don't want to be forced or roped into shit I don't want to see or even think about.

I mentioned last week that even with the Ignoring, in the future, she could still have scenes with the other girls that I would probably miss. I am a screenshot collector, which a few members in this thread know about. I don't want any screenies of Evie or my other three angels mixed in with the CIQ, and FORCING a relationship with the CIQ just to get a better ending with one of the other girls I will completely fucking go bonkers over. If I have to leave that character alive just to get a better relationship with any of the four girls I like is utter bullshit.

She will eat pavement every time. I'd hate to have to stop pledging to Lux and leave this game because I'm forced into something I don't want to see or have any part of just to have a better relationship with any. or all, of my four angels.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.

But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.


Jul 13, 2018
I told myself I wouldn't come back as pretty much everything I said got deleted for "trolling". Which is laughable to me. Was sooo very not my intent but whatever. I LIKED Nea. I romanced Nea. I just hated the handling of her story. I also stated in deleted comments that it had NOTHING to do with trans but with the subject of suicide. One I feel strongly about having felt its effects too many times. Essentially the dev took a character I liked and made me not like them because to me the selfishness of the act in how it was done is just awful. She literally just waits till he leaves then ends herself. The emotional trauma that leaves behind is as I said before unconscionable. I get it. She has issues. If she really cared about MC though she wouldn't do that to him regardless of rejection hurt. If someone is willing to scar the person they love so much then what they really felt was never truly love. Furthermore making her the lynchpin character may have been a bad choice. In conclusion, this got blown out of proportion and has soured my experience here as far as participating in threads.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.

But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
I get the impression that they don't want the friendship path either. The wife-only path was pretty short, and I remember Luxee not being happy the entire time they worked on that update.

At the same time, they've worked hard to make Nea a likeable (in a platonic sense) character that the player wants to help, regardless of any other motives. If Luxee wanted to write Nea out, they could have had the MC help get Nea out of their father's house and maybe move cross-country to stay with their more tolerant aunt or something, and that's the last we hear of Nea. To me that actually makes more sense, as people move away all of the time and get forgotten. Someone killing themselves in high school, or dying? Even the most unliked or unknown individual will suddenly get candlelight vigils and memorials placed for them. There's immediate and ongoing impact to people, at least for a while.

I told myself I wouldn't come back as pretty much everything I said got deleted for "trolling". Which is laughable to me. Was sooo very not my intent but whatever. I LIKED Nea. I romanced Nea. I just hated the handling of her story. I also stated in deleted comments that it had NOTHING to do with trans but with the subject of suicide. One I feel strongly about having felt its effects too many times. Essentially the dev took a character I liked and made me not like them because to me the selfishness of the act in how it was done is just awful. She literally just waits till he leaves then ends herself. The emotional trauma that leaves behind is as I said before unconscionable. I get it. She has issues. If she really cared about MC though she wouldn't do that to him regardless of rejection hurt. If someone is willing to scar the person they love so much then what they really felt was never truly love. Furthermore making her the lynchpin character may have been a bad choice. In conclusion, this got blown out of proportion and has soured my experience here as far as participating in threads.
I think Nea would have worked more as one of several separate but independent love interests. That's how the game makes you think it will be if you don't have outside knowledge. You think it's going to be an incest romp with some other choices to fill out your potential harem with. Or give Nea her own solo game, even if it's done in a handful of updates. Nea's story doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. Nea's story isn't one that you can weave in with the MC also pursuing and actively screwing other women. That seems like that would be even more likely to end with Nea killing herself.

But I don't think you can easily make a game with an "optional" character as the focus, and have so many other love interests depend on their story. Luxee set himself up to fail here. I won't fault him for making the game he wants, or possibly not being up for the task they set for themselves. But I will fault them for trying to make a game that was more than they wanted and in the process setting their sights too high, and then neglecting other stories and just poorly handling a lot of stuff. It's still early in the game. Stuff can be undone. Other characters can be focused on. But I'm not necessarily optimistic it will happen. I think updates will just continue to take longer and longer to complete as he realizes more the mess they've created and lose motivation.
Mar 24, 2022
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.

But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
If that's targeted toward me, read a post of mine from a couple of days ago, or maybe just scroll back up and look for yourself

Just a thought
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.

But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
I told myself I wouldn't come back as pretty much everything I said got deleted for "trolling". Which is laughable to me. Was sooo very not my intent but whatever. I LIKED Nea. I romanced Nea. I just hated the handling of her story. I also stated in deleted comments that it had NOTHING to do with trans but with the subject of suicide. One I feel strongly about having felt its effects too many times. Essentially the dev took a character I liked and made me not like them because to me the selfishness of the act in how it was done is just awful. She literally just waits till he leaves then ends herself. The emotional trauma that leaves behind is as I said before unconscionable. I get it. She has issues. If she really cared about MC though she wouldn't do that to him regardless of rejection hurt. If someone is willing to scar the person they love so much then what they really felt was never truly love. Furthermore making her the lynchpin character may have been a bad choice. In conclusion, this got blown out of proportion and has soured my experience here as far as participating in threads.
If he didn't want to make a friendship route, he never should have said there would be one, which is exactly what he did say only for what was thought to be that friendship route to end in death. The odd thing is, contrary to the way most end up, sandbox games are supposed to have equal or greater numbers of routes as there are many combinations to go with for endings whereas most VNs are set to have specific paired and single routes, he simply chose the wrong genre of game if he thought this was going to be less work. Also, for Nea's friendship route, all he has to do is make slight variants of existing dialogue and block off sex scenes in the code, which is one of if not THE easiest task in most coding languages.

Darklord, I agree entirely here. Nea doesn't love the MC, this is essentially the reverse of Stockholm Syndrome, Nea took the fact that the MC saved Nea from aggressors and ran with it into the realm of love born out of attachment to Nea's savior. Also, I've said it before, but again you are correct on the jump itself. Nea only ended up hurting the MC by doing that, I mean, besides the whole death thing. It only caused more pain and all of it was over getting rejected by the MC.

I get the impression that they don't want the friendship path either. The wife-only path was pretty short, and I remember Luxee not being happy the entire time they worked on that update.

At the same time, they've worked hard to make Nea a likeable (in a platonic sense) character that the player wants to help, regardless of any other motives. If Luxee wanted to write Nea out, they could have had the MC help get Nea out of their father's house and maybe move cross-country to stay with their more tolerant aunt or something, and that's the last we hear of Nea. To me that actually makes more sense, as people move away all of the time and get forgotten. Someone killing themselves in high school, or dying? Even the most unliked or unknown individual will suddenly get candlelight vigils and memorials placed for them. There's immediate and ongoing impact to people, at least for a while.

I think Nea would have worked more as one of several separate but independent love interests. That's how the game makes you think it will be if you don't have outside knowledge. You think it's going to be an incest romp with some other choices to fill out your potential harem with. Or give Nea her own solo game, even if it's done in a handful of updates. Nea's story doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. Nea's story isn't one that you can weave in with the MC also pursuing and actively screwing other women. That seems like that would be even more likely to end with Nea killing herself.

But I don't think you can easily make a game with an "optional" character as the focus, and have so many other love interests depend on their story. Luxee set himself up to fail here. I won't fault him for making the game he wants, or possibly not being up for the task they set for themselves. But I will fault them for trying to make a game that was more than they wanted and in the process setting their sights too high, and then neglecting other stories and just poorly handling a lot of stuff. It's still early in the game. Stuff can be undone. Other characters can be focused on. But I'm not necessarily optimistic it will happen. I think updates will just continue to take longer and longer to complete as he realizes more the mess they've created and lose motivation.
I agree, moving Nea to a safer place would have been the better decision if the intent was to write Nea out. Of course, that only takes into account a planned write out, not one based on reaction to players who have a hate for trans people. The whole Nea focus thing was NOT how this game started, I've been here since day one and it started with a more generalized approach that made even Nea simply one of the love interests, then came the focus on Nea. Everything outside the game still has that generalized feel, the mom is still a huge focus on official channels as far as what is advertised. The biggest part of what you said in the first section is that Luxee worked hard to make Nea platonically likeable, which does not automatically translate to romantically likeable and that causes the character to suffer losses in willingness to pursue romance.

I absolutely agree on Nea's story not meshing with the other aspects. Your romp is likely to get Nea to jump anyway, even as a lover on the romance path, because it has been made obvious that Nea is not the sharing type.

You can't make a character that is supposed to be optional a focus, plain and simple, that's not how "optional" works. The "optional" nature of such a character gets in the way because, let's say a player doesn't want said optional character at all, then it throws off the entire game. So not playing with Nea while Nea is a focus would throw the entire game off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.
Thank you for that.
Though, those people will just ignore that and keep saying they have a right to have something they don't like removed anyway, sadly...

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But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.
I've already mentionned it, but that might have been an overreaction from Luxee to the overall negative reactions. That's the only way, to me, the poor handling makes any sense. "Ho yeah, you don't like my favorite character ? *kill her off* NOW ARE YOU HAPPY, FUCKTARDS !?" type of deal. Because, from the rest of the writting, it feels like it should have been done way better than that. And I don't see any other explaination over the poor handling aside from that...

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
Some peolpe might think going sandbox is a cowardly choice, but having to go with a linear story and juggling all the variables is absurdly complicated. And with the sheer amount of character in A69 ? We would have an update every year, if not less. That would be absolutely ridiculous on Luxee to expect that amoount of work.
Especially since, you can bet you ass, anytime a variable would fuck up, not only would it be a nightmare for Luxee to find which one and fix it, but people would go absolutely balistic on them, ignoring how batshit crazy the workload would be for something similar to PL with 3 times the amount of character variables to track...
Mar 24, 2022
Was visiting Lux's DISCORD the other day and came across a few pictures I jumped on and downloaded. Don't know how many of his subs are here in the thread, but there were a few interesting ones that blended this game and another one.

I'd love to post them, but I don't want to get in trouble for doing so, since they're sort of provocative, but it's a gold mine for people like me who collect screenshots and extra renders for these games. It's a possibility someone here already knows about what I'm talking about, but I've definitely filled in my collection over the past few days.

Going back to the Emily thing though, I know from PL she's had a few different hair colors, but I'd love to see her in the light blue she had in high school. The white I never really liked, but the red/black on her looks amazing, especially with her younger. Makes me wonder what she would've looked like in PL with that.
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