You will get her content by also playing through the other girls content have you raised Neas relationship aswell?
When I played through this game I got to the end of everyones content without any issues.
Don't focus on just one girl and play through all available content and eve's will unlock when you fulfil the requirements.
fyi Nea = best
girl trap
Also 'dated' Cha'relle until it said 'End of her route for 0.01' or something. Honestly, if it moves, I'm pursuing it, but I really really can't find *any* more content, though only Evelyn is making me cry -__-
My moves:
Meet, but not pursue Nea everywhere (park, canteen, gaming, canteen etc until they vanish)
Ditto Cha'relle (Hallway, phone-call, cafe, then off with big bro)
What else am I supposed to do? I've 'sat' at every location and cycled through all the times of day multiple times, and nothing happens / appears / seems clicky)
Looking at my save-file variables, I notice quite a few completedX(0), which I assume is bad, but I have no idea how to complete them!
_confirm_quit 1/0 :(1)
_console._defaults_set > traced_expressions 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > _history 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > _history_list 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > _nvl_language 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > aarow 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > aaroww 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > mapbutton 1/0 :(1)
_defaults_set > timebutton 1/0 :(1)
_history 1/0 :(1)
_side_image > default 1/0 :(0)
_side_image_old > default 1/0 :(0)
_side_image_raw > default 1/0 :(0)
brused :(4)
charel :(3)
completedc :(1)
completede :(0)
completedh :(0)
completedj :(0)
completedm :(0)
completedn :(0)
completedt :(0)
completedversion :(0)
currzone :(1)
day :(14)
daytime :(1)
everel :(0)
heatherrel :(0)
intro_abbyevar :(1)
intro_evebyevar :(1)
intro_tessbyevar :(1)
jamierel :(1)
main_menu 1/0 :(0)
mapbutton 1/0 :(1)
mapvar :(1)
millierel :(0)
mouse_visible 1/0 :(1)
nearel :(6)
p > dynamic 1/0 :(1)
skipnea :(0)
suppress_overlay 1/0 :(0)
tessrel :(0)
timebutton 1/0 :(1)
timevar :(1)
v01checkday :(-1)
v01eve3choice :(-1)