Yea the game started production like a year before Covid began and here we are 3 years later(2 years into the Covid that seems to be ending) and the game barely has like 10 maybe 15 mind of content if you read it really slow lol.
Oh yea i remember when this first started i was literally blown away by the images, no game looked like it came close to it, unfortunately this was years ago. Plenty of games have come out since that look just as good if not better and some games have gotten a rework like Where it all Began whose first chapter already has renders that not only look better than this, but has better, longer and more complex animations and also the whole 0.1 release is longer than the 0.03 releases we have gotten so far from this game. It also took way less time to put out and that's from a Dev that works on 2 games simultaniously, there are literally no excuses here.