Yes, the complicated Gui of Renpy is the most difficult thing since Steve Jobs decided to create a new gui for the Apple Macintosh! This game developer is a genuine resonance man! An artist, a warrior, a swashbuckler of new ideas, and seriously? The gui is the easiest part of customizing Renpy; all you have to do is edit it in Photoshop. Speak the truth for once man.
Is he also capable of transferring digital files without causing them to break? "Hey PC, be slow and steady, I don't want the texture to break," Transferring a digital file, fast or slow, is the same bloody thing. Wtf this guy is lying and acting as if he's the only one who understands how a computer works.
In just a few days, this game developer has told 5 lies, indicating that he intends to prolong game development and will most likely take those happy two-year vacations you know if DaVinci took his patrons' money and fucked off to Sicily for two years, returning with the mona lisa's frame and saying "Follow patreons I have finally chosen the frame for my big painting" No one would have supported him anymore, and he would have been defamed and expelled from Italy.
This is the perfect explanation for the word "liar" and "slacker".
Thank you.