
Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
I'm not preaching against piracy, but hypocrisy.
It's like a tapeworm sitting inside somebody's belly, complaining that the reason why the human you're inhabiting is not doing well lately is probably because he's being mistreated and underpaid by other humans, looking for any other cause for his misery but ignoring the fact that you are the sole reason for that, a parasite feeding off of this poor guy.

I had my fair share of free content from this site, so i'm in this boat with you guys, but atleast i'm aware of the harm i'm causing and not i'm trying to hide that fact and trying to shift the blame to others.
Digital Piracy or Piracy of Content has never I REPEAT NEVER STOLEN ANYTHING FROM ANYONE! Let's got back 30 years in time shall we?

Video recorders and tapes are the shit and literally everyone is recording their favorite TV shows. Nothing of that is legal but by law it also isn't illegal. You can buy the hardware literally everywhere. Everyone is doing it. 20 years before that everyone is recording from the radio and using a pencil on the casette tapes for obvious reasons. Shit the Walkman with casettes alone sold so many times you can still buy the damn thing for 30 bucks on ebay.
CD's and DVD's come around and the new internet now affordable by everyone. Games, Movies and Music gets copied and fileshared all over the internet and in the private sector.

Oh no. Everyone is losing money right? WRONG!
The people who build the video recorders or CD burners etc. Sell more harware and software than they ever imagined. Stores who sell this stuff get almost overrun and sold out every weekend.
The movie industry is making more money than ever before.
The music industry is making more money than ever before.
The Gaming industry is literally a new market and rising so fast it outperformes the music and movie industry combined in a single decade.

Why are they making that much money if everyone is pirating their shit? Because it is free advertisment and mouth propaganda that skyrocket sales into oblivion. After 30 years the lawmakers decide this is illegal despite the fact that everyone got rich by it.
The Market share of money in the pool drops and only a few people are getting rich from it now and the musicians blame the pirates and the movie stars blame the pirates and the studios blame the pirates and the game developers blame the pirates and the Lawmakers for sure blame the pirates and demand prison time.
All while they get more money than ever before and work for absolute ridiculous amounts of money in their contracts! Yet it seems to be not enough.
Ask any hollywood star what they got paid in the 70s or 80s and ask them how much money newcomers get today?

Game of Thrones, The Mandalorian, Stranger Things, GTA 5, RDR2, FF games are the most pirated things online and yet they all made more money than you or me or every user combined on this website will ever have.

There is no hypocrisy about a pirate site because this is literally how you make money as a dev or get words out that your game is the shit or the best thing since sliced bread. This board is basically the best free advertisment you can get in all of the World Wide Web. And it doesn't cost you a penny but can give any dev a decent amount of new patreons and therefore a new source of income. Which makes the board more attractive to new devs as well as big ones who already have a fanbase established.

It is a win win win situation. The dev wins patreons, The board wins members and devs alike, And money gets exchanged. Piracy never has stolen anything and never will.


May 18, 2021
Digital Piracy or Piracy of Content has never I REPEAT NEVER STOLEN ANYTHING FROM ANYONE! Let's got back 30 years in time shall we?

Video recorders and tapes are the shit and literally everyone is recording their favorite TV shows. Nothing of that is legal but by law it also isn't illegal. You can buy the hardware literally everywhere. Everyone is doing it. 20 years before that everyone is recording from the radio and using a pencil on the casette tapes for obvious reasons. Shit the Walkman with casettes alone sold so many times you can still buy the damn thing for 30 bucks on ebay.
CD's and DVD's come around and the new internet now affordable by everyone. Games, Movies and Music gets copied and fileshared all over the internet and in the private sector.

Oh no. Everyone is losing money right? WRONG!
The people who build the video recorders or CD burners etc. Sell more harware and software than they ever imagined. Stores who sell this stuff get almost overrun and sold out every weekend.
The movie industry is making more money than ever before.
The music industry is making more money than ever before.
The Gaming industry is literally a new market and rising so fast it outperformes the music and movie industry combined in a single decade.

Why are they making that much money if everyone is pirating their shit? Because it is free advertisment and mouth propaganda that skyrocket sales into oblivion. After 30 years the lawmakers decide this is illegal despite the fact that everyone got rich by it.
The Market share of money in the pool drops and only a few people are getting rich from it now and the musicians blame the pirates and the movie stars blame the pirates and the studios blame the pirates and the game developers blame the pirates and the Lawmakers for sure blame the pirates and demand prison time.
All while they get more money than ever before and work for absolute ridiculous amounts of money in their contracts! Yet it seems to be not enough.
Ask any hollywood star what they got paid in the 70s or 80s and ask them how much money newcomers get today?

Game of Thrones, The Mandalorian, Stranger Things, GTA 5, RDR2, FF games are the most pirated things online and yet they all made more money than you or me or every user combined on this website will ever have.

There is no hypocrisy about a pirate site because this is literally how you make money as a dev or get words out that your game is the shit or the best thing since sliced bread. This board is basically the best free advertisment you can get in all of the World Wide Web. And it doesn't cost you a penny but can give any dev a decent amount of new patreons and therefore a new source of income. Which makes the board more attractive to new devs as well as big ones who already have a fanbase established.

It is a win win win situation. The dev wins patreons, The board wins members and devs alike, And money gets exchanged. Piracy never has stolen anything and never will.
yes, i like to think that this is a demo site, you can try the game and if you like it you can support the dev, win win


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017

- Among the games those with completed status and most liked

City of Broken dreams

STATUS : Completed

v0.2 release

Last release : 2018-Nov

Dream of desires


Appx release: 2017-Mar

Appx Compl. (Last Thread update) : 2019-Feb

Lust Epidemic

STATUS : Completed

Appx release 2018-Aug

Appx Compl. (Last Thread update) : 2019-Dec

The Visit

STATUS : Completed

V0.2 Release : 2018-May

Appx Compl. (Last Thread update) : 2020-Dec

Treasure of Nadia

: Completed

Appx first release : 2019-Oct

Appx Compl. (Last Thread update) : 2021-Aug


STATUS : Completed

Appx first release : 2017-Oct

Appx Compl. (Last Thread update) : 2019-Sept
Where you wrote "City of Broken Dreams" I guess you meant "City of Broken Dreamers."
And where you meant "City of Broken Dreamers" I'm sure the correct game was "Depraved Awakening" :KEK: :KEK:

Psycho is proving to be an advanced disciple of ICSTOR and Gumdrop. God bless him for his hard work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I agree, but you have to agree with me that it's ridiculous for some of the users here to go after patreon supporters for "supporting the wrong guy" or calling the guy out for stealing their money, on a site that's centered around stealing other people's content.
Take a lesson: (you really need it urgently)

Even the European commision had to admit it:
Unbenannt - 1.png

Now cry less & keep pirating.

P.S. Psycho is pure garbage.
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Jan 26, 2021
Where you wrote "City of Broken Dreams" I guess you meant "City of Broken Dreamers."
And where you meant "City of Broken Dreamers" I'm sure the correct game was "Depraved Awakening" :KEK: :KEK:

Psycho is proving to be an advanced disciple of ICSTOR and Gumdrop. God bless him for his hard work.
Thanks My bad
  • Like
Reactions: Aristos


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Because most of the guys who are getting the content for free would otherwise NOT buy ANYWAY!
Are you saying that if we could no longer download games, movies or series for free content producers wouldn't become rich because we wouldn't start spending thousands of euros/dollars to buy ALL OF THEM them legally? I can't believe it! :eek:

Jesus, man. I thought people who said that downloading free stuff is detrimental to content producers didn't exist any more.
If I couldn't download any more porn games I wouldn't start buying them all simply because I couldn't afford it. I would just stop playing porn games because I wouldn't afford to pay for them. It's pretty simple.
I would just support my 2 or 3 favourite games and that would be all.
Sometimes I don't understand what world some people live in.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2019

Hello Patrons!
Sorry this took forever to get out, honestly I wanted to make sure I am 100% happy with my general release schedule before I let everyone know and solidify my plans for updates.
From reading comments on here as well as on the update discussion on my discord the past 2 weeks, I feel a lot of people don’t seem to mind what I have planned as I have explained it to some people already but I’ll go over it with you guys as well to let you know what to expect etc.
Basically, if you have been a patron long enough or you have stuck around for the past while, you know I seem to over stress over things, so most of what I have planned for my release/schedule is situated around being able to:
1: Alleviate stress as much as possible.
2: Give me more opportunity to interact and see reactions and get feedback from my supporters quicker.
3: Having things timed to a smaller release window, which makes it much easier to manage my time and remove non essential tasks from my plate.
4: Focus on not only what is most important (content) but most fun for me (working on graphics/animations/erotic stuff.) and saving the non essential tasks for if there is time left.
So what I am doing for each update is release the equivalent of somewhere around the size of the demo you played every 2-3 weeks.
2 weeks will always be the general goal but if I am running low on time, I don’t want to start freaking out and rushing or making bad decisions. So if I can get that out every other week I will be happy, but if I want to make it a bit bigger or I get stuck in the process, I can take the time to add onto it as well.
The goal is once/if I decide to go through with it and do this full time, I then roughly double up on the amount of content as I should have a lot more time to work on it as well as have the majority of the difficult things complete, like coding and all the bells and whistles etc.
The first release plan is changed and I am getting out both the intro for the game and an elongated version of Evelyn's content.
Trying to even work on only 4 of the characters at once and still get her scenes the way I want and making sense for the main love interest has proved difficult and I have a lot of stuff partially made that I want to complete and add to her as well as adding in backstory to make more sense as well. A portion of Mrs. Perkins stuff may be out for the story to fit better but it depends, I am not 100% sure right now.
I am aiming to get the first version in testers hands by the end of the month, knowing how I manage my time, that means they are gonna be into next month a bit and then I am going to aim to get the next version out two weeks after that (Mrs. Perkins or Lora's stuff most likely.) and then again roughly two weeks after that one.
Here are some of the scenes and features I am working on getting out for the first release. (0.02)
The games intro.
UI, Lust points and Devils Hands working and explained in the story.
Various Sequential Story scenes for Evelyn, (Backstory, Driveway, Tennis, Other small stuff.)
Evelyn Movies Part 1 and Part 2
Evelyn Laundry Scene
Evelyn Bathroom Part 1
Also, elongating some of those scenes and working on 2 more scenes that aren't 100% going to be in.
And if there is time in the end, then I'll setup "particle effects" from blender as well which is fully working but I know how long setup is and that is one of those things that may rip into time so I will save it for last.
Getting content out every other week is going to take a bit more dev time throughout the month, so I am going to be changing the Super Gamer tier rewards, (again, lol.) I still haven't decided on that just yet but I'll give you an answer soon.
Something else I am planning to do and am really excited for, is have things hinted at and built up to something more spectacular roughly every 3 months. (IE, go all the way with a character, go much further with one of the main characters, an important story event etc, etc.)
This way, if you are the type of person who likes to pleasure delay and get something more polished, you can have something specific to look forward to instead of seeing the smaller, w.i.p releases.
I know this isn’t what every person wanted, but I find every time I stop obsessing over doing things that are overly hard for me and are what others want and just focus on what I enjoy doing, good things tend to happen and I am honestly more excited now than ever, regardless of the outcome, so at the end of the day that is a good sign for me.
A new Ultra Gamer scenario poll will be up in a few days, I am still deciding which girl I want to work on, though I am leaning towards Mrs. Perkins or Kendra.
Anyhow, let me know what you think!
Thank you so much for all the support this past while and I’ll be back in a week or so to let you know where I am at with the initial release.
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you again soon!
I bet he wont release in 2024 :KEK:
Oct 24, 2017
Who cares when/if this ever releases? Plenty of other hot games out there! I'd like to see a release date, but PD has already broken his promises several times. If you really like these characters, try making them yourself or pay someone to do so. Complaining about piracy or patron leeching won't get this game out any faster.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
Who cares when/if this ever releases? Plenty of other hot games out there! I'd like to see a release date, but PD has already broken his promises several times. If you really like these characters, try making them yourself or pay someone to do so. Complaining about piracy or patron leeching won't get this game out any faster.
No one cares, much less no one including me expects a release.
But, it's a matter of principle, it's a crusade in favor of those who have been deluded for over two years (if they can understand it) and against the smoke sellers.
Anyone who reads this tread (I think) will hardly fail to notice this as you did.

(I do not speak English)


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
Re the last patreon post, is he talking about planning the update schedule or the update itself? Srsly these dev updates are like brain teasers! I guess "content id-progress %" is just too simplistic for ero artistes like him.
yes, which translated means: he plan the absurd that will require an unplanned period of time.

Avanti coi carri ...:ROFLMAO:
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3.90 star(s) 157 Votes