Am I mistaken, or in v.019 the girls have no sex experience except submission and anal? They also have no orgasms except from anal with the right trait?
And on that note, if I'm wrong or this changes in the future, a few suggestions for the sex mechanics:
...Prostitution money should also depend on beauty, oral, dp. , corruption and stamina, not only from sub, anal and pussy. ...Stamina to increase during orgasm for girls.
...Girl corruption to increase with appropriate action and trait: Example - swallow + oral trait, anal orgasm + anal slut trait.
... If the girls horny is variable:
...To increase over time as with MC, but much less.
..If is of maximum value to allow the acquisition of a sex trait during the action (suitable for the action and with a low probability).
I can probably think of more, but I got carried away and thought about how much work it is...