Because the original one looked strange, I changed it
I'd also like to know what this is, if I may. Did you change/redraw some assets, so that after the decensoring the...goods...would look better, or something?
Also is it version-specific (and if so, WHICH version)? (there's a v1.01 around, too)
Thanks, at any rate.
Unlock everything (items, equip, levels, gallery)
F1 to get full Clothes and HP
unzip in "Lilia_Data\Managed" folder
unzip in "BepInEx\plugins" folder
noxtek, do you think the v1.01 would break with your .dll made for the v1.00 (I know the demosaic won't, just asking about the cheats - and/or possibility of it breaking the v1.01 at some point)? With the updates only being
- 難易度「VeryEasy」を追加
- クリア後にギャラリーシーンの全開放
- ゲームパッドのスティックでの操作性を向上
- ---------------------------------
- Added "VeryEasy" difficulty level.
- All gallery scenes are opened after clearing the game.
- Improved gamepad stick controls
...I mean to complete the game "regurarly", possibly without losing once lol, but would like to have the cheats available if need be. And only afterwards glance at the gallery (though in v1.01 it gets unlocked automatically after completion, so... yeah, I guess you can see my conundrum hehe)