
New Member
Jun 2, 2017
You didn't offer an opinion. You said "How do I delete someone else's game". That isn't an opinion, that's whining about the existence of something you don't like. Why come into the thread to talk about a game you don't like?
Why come into the thread to talk about a comment you didn't like?


Active Member
Jun 1, 2022
What a shame that this game ended up being so lackluster because I personally really enjoyed the other game that is in the same universe but in rpg maker, hopefully this is a lesson learned for them and they continue to just doing futa rpg maker games instead of this janky mess.


New Member
Nov 7, 2021
En mi opinión, no vale la pena la descarga, y como fanático de los juegos de desplazamiento lateral cuando se trata de juegos para adultos, me duele decir esto.
No hay interés en atacar a ningún enemigo, excepto a los jefes, puedes saltarte cualquier nivel con la interacción arriba + salto (te hace saltar muy alto y evitar obstáculos). Lo que da como resultado que llegues al jefe en menos de un minuto (sin disfrutar de hacerlo), y los jefes son tan defectuosos como los enemigos comunes (los hitboxes son extraños, a veces recibes daño en i-frames, a veces no, porque ¿por qué diablos querría rodar a través de cualquier cosa?), pero hacen más daño, y si fallas, Ha vuelto a la mitad del nivel en el que estás.
Los movimientos especiales no se explican, y los más comunes simplemente rompen cualquiera de tus combos enviando al jefe a volar, dándole i-frames para que sea inútil. La única táctica es enviar ataques hasta que el jefe se caiga para recuperarse, esperar a que se levante de nuevo para atacarlo un poco más después de esquivar su movimiento telegrafiado (bueno, algunos juegos lo hacen más divertido de hacer).
Si intentas escapar del menú cuando haces una pausa con cualquier botón para aceptar salir del menú (como, por ejemplo, el botón que presionaste para ingresar al menú), puedes hacer que tu personaje se estrelle contra las paredes, negarte el acceso al movimiento o al ataque, o congelar completamente a tu personaje (al ingresar y salir del menú de la manera en que los desarrolladores pretendían que lo hicieras, puedes eliminar cualquier congelación que hayas inducido, Así que al menos no tienes que reiniciar el juego).

El contenido de Ecchi es mediocre, dos escenas al principio y una escena en cada nivel final, supongo (me rendí al final del nivel 1). El arte está bien, las voces son un poco meh, y si no te gusta lo futa, bueno, algunas chicas no tienen un ding dong, pero incluso entonces, es solo una animación de ida y vuelta y el innecesario flash bang de pantalla blanca en el clímax (para hacerte tener un alegre ataque epiléptico navideño) por lo que no hay animación de ello (¿por qué sería, Al fin y al cabo, es una edición de recorte presupuestario).

La revisión puede ser un poco malvada y desdeñosa, aunque respeto el intento. Qué decepción del equipo que hizo otros buenos juegos que te recomiendo que pruebes si no lo has hecho en lugar de jugar este. Grita recorte de presupuesto, falta de tiempo y/o inversión en su realización, así que pruébalo si quieres, te sugiero que esperes a uno mejor.
[/CITA] ¿Puedes recomendar algunos otros del mismo estilo?


New Member
Aug 6, 2021
Sure, though probably nothing you'd never find yourself searching for 2d sidescroller (or never tried yourself)
let see, for futa action sidescroller there is:
I can think of "Chronos Gate" wich has not been translated (so i don't have a link for it on this site)
I'm not a futa fan personnaly so that's about it for me (though if you search a little you can easily find better game than this one)..

There is a lot of game developped by "WhitePeach" and "Alibi+" (Typing the company name in the search bar will give you plenty of games) that are worth trying if you like the aestetic of this game but want something with more content (and working gameplay).
Titles by MenZ were kinda close on art too, "Virgin Invader", "Atelier Tia".

This is not the subject of this thread however, so let me just drop a list made by An annoyed fucking user . Have a nice day !


New Member
Mar 6, 2020
anyone succeed to full screen that game ?
Same here, The game window is about an 1x1 inches on my 42" monitor so I can't say I can really see anything without sticking my face a few inches away from my monitor. tried a few tricks but nothing worked so if anyone knows please reply. Although from the looks of what people have said. I'm not sure it's even worth our time...


New Member
Feb 11, 2024
Imo not worth the download, and as a sidescroller fan kind of guy when it comes to adult games, it pains me to tell this.
There is no interest in attacking any ennemy except for the bosses, you can skip any level with the up+jump interaction (kinda makes you jump really f-ing high and bypass obstacles). Resulting in you getting to the boss in less than a minute (with no enjoyment from doing so), and boss are as glitchful as common ennemies (Hitboxes are janky, sometimes you take damage in i-frames sometimes not, because why the f would i want to roll through anything.) but they do more damage, and if you fail, it's back to half of the level you're in.
Special moves are not explained, and the most common just break any of your combo by sending the boss flying, giving it i-frames so it's useless. Only tactic is just to spam attacks till the boss falls down to recover, wait for it tostand up again to attack it some more after dodging it's telegraphed move (well, some games make it more fun to do.).
If you try to escape the menu when pausing by anything than the one button to accept to quit the menu (like say, the button you pushed to enter the menu), you can glitch you character into walls, deny you access to movement or attack, or completely freezing your character (by entering and quiting the menu the way the devs intended you to do you can clear any freeze you induced, so at least you don't have to restart the game.).

Ecchi content is lackluster, two scenes at the start, and one scene at each end level i suppose (I surrendered at the end of level 1). Art is okay, voices kinda meh, and if you're not into the futa thing, well some girls don't have a ding dong, but even then, it's just an animation of back and forth and the unnecessary white screen flash bang at the climax (to make you have a joyfull christmas epileptic seizure) so there is no animation of it (why would it be, it's budget cut edition after all.).

Review may be kind of evil and disdainful, although i respect the attempt. What a let down from the team that made other good games that i reccomend you to try if you haven't instead of playing this one. It screams budget cut, lack of time and/or investment in the making of it, so try it if you want, i suggest waiting for a better one.
Same opinion here. Bosses wasn't even fun. Gallery is also missing and the end scene don't throw you beck to the main menu. The only high praise I can give is the high quality of drawing and despite been clumsy, you can play decent with a controller.
1.30 star(s) 4 Votes