Someone on Android who can help me? I'm stuck in the quest 'Sharp Fangs' when you go find Isabella at the Nightclub. When the message 'The next decision changes the course of the history' appears I can't do anything, do I have to click in a specific place?
That is a timed notification. It takes a long time to go away (about 5-10 seconds). If it doesn't, what works in PC is rolling back and forward again.
It might be a problem with joiplay. Maybe try saving at that point (even though I don't think you can because the quick menu goes away) and reloading.
Otherwise, I don't think you can get past that without changing the game (to skip that notification) and rebuilding the apk or, alternatively, save before that, use that save on PC (don't know if they're compatible either) to get past that notification and place it back on Android.
An idea that occurs to me, based on previous difficulties people posted about joiplay, and might work is enabling a different Renpy plugin version on joiplay to see if any of them lets you get past that point.
It should also be noted that it's not the only time a notification like that appears. I know it appears at least once more during the game.
I haven't really tried the game on Android at any point (I don't think I can play the game without my cheat mod), so I can't really help much more regarding that.
EDIT: I really haven't used joiplay barely ever, so I forgot that you actually use the game files for that. So what you can do is find the file (you might need to use unren) "game\kGame\game_menus.rpy", search for "label alertText" and then delete the first 5 lines leaving only the "return (1)" line. This will make it so the notification doesn't show up at all.
Alternatively, you can search for "call AlertText" (there are 3 such calls) and for each replace it with a simple dialog. So instead of:
call alertText (__("ATENCIÓN"), __("La siguiente decisión cambia el rumbo de la historia.\nGuarda la partida en este punto si quieres revertir la decisión tomada."), 10)
You'd end up with:
sRockyT "La siguiente decisión cambia el rumbo de la historia.\nGuarda la partida en este punto si quieres revertir la decisión tomada."
It would be like the MC was saying that, but at least you get the warning.
Anyway, I hope one of these will help you get past that.