the game is really and I mean REALLY making me hopefull about it's future, the world is nicely introduced to us without shoving a hundred pages of exposition down our throats, the systems that are in place work, the scenes are pretty good if you like real porn (and that's saying a lot when looking at the average real porn game scenes), and the basic skeleton of this whole thing is there and looks good, especially since I haven't encountered bugs and that the menus and event are nice to look at and read (especially the research menu even tho the system in and of itself doesn't work yet).
But it lacks content, like a lot of it. the game is interesting and appealing but it doesn't have much past a few tens of minutes. of course it is it's first release so a lack of content is to be excepected but still, the game could be actually pretty damn good and I want more of it, good job blueballing me lmao.
TL.DR: game has a really good concept and skeleton making it very interesting to follow but doesn't have much beyond that.
good luck to the developer he did some good job on the coding, writing and presentation imo. I'll be following each release with the hope it's not getting dropped instantly.