I played the first update, So I'll give the second update a go again sometime soon.. But as a fan of monster girls, I got to ask, its treating all the dark eye monsters as the villain's to be terminated. Will their be anydark eyes that are neutral towards humans, or would help the MC ? (or be owned/loyal to him ?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) THey seem like the powerful monster girls afterall. I kinda consided the male as the main MC. So I went with his options. Could be I read too many manga, and love the setting of the MC having his own monster girl weapon (as he seemed just like an investigator with lacking offense). Or something like Hellsing. If the MC )male dude) was a man of many secrets, it probably be interesting too ^_~
And no.. I wasnt going to choose kill her to the fox girl....

fluff her tail, yes. but kill no