What a charming little demo!
I wish more games actually released with a playable demo that has some content...
The art direction, in my opinion, is spot on and adorably sexy, and sexually adorable.
I can't say the same for the execution of the rest...
Precise jumps seem impossible, either the timing is frame-perfect or you will miss, I found myself having to mash the jump button to complete any of the long bug-jump sections. As well, the Slime is the *only* enemy you will stunlock with melee attacks, meaning the other enemies in the demo are free to attack you when you attack them, meaning you WILL lose HP, no matter what. Melee attacks are also a little wonky. You can press the attack button rapidly (i.e MASH IT TO HECK) and Arma will start flailing her sword infront of her, and while this does make your attacks land more frequently, it feels as if you do a quarter of the damage... Why does this exist is beyond me, as the basic 3 hit combo fares well enough on its own. I personally also feel that the "Dodge roll" is too long, it isn't as snappy as I wish it was. The side-steps don't feel intuitive enough (But I will admit, I did not experiment much with this, so take it with a grain of salt).
The "oversex" mechanic seems like interesting anti-cheese, but I don't see it having much use... Unless the devs are planning to include game-over screens for losing all HP from oversex
Looking forward to more, despite the imprecise-feeling of the controls, I want this to grow into something more..