Unity - Completed - Arrival of the Goddess [v1.05] [NTRMAN]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    ntrman is a someone who doesn't disappoint went its comes to the tag NTR itself. The gameplay is fun and appealing as well as the soundtrack while playing some of the minigames. There should be an "instant loss" button instead of wasting time while playing these mini games.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    If you would show me this game without the amazing art from NTRMAN i'll rate it 2/5 because it was boring as fuck.

    Luckily you can skip most of it, and again, the art from NTRMAN it's superb in every game of his so just because of that i feel like it's an above average h-game and should be played.
    Also i had 2 or 3 game breaking bugs while playing which made it really annoying to get all the endings so pro tip: save everytime.

    I preferred Tenants of the Dead a lot more tbh.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    idk what I was expecting seeing the NTR tag and "NTRMAN" but I just liked the artstyle and some of the sex scenes - minus the NTR
    pleasant VA
    interesting setting
    terrible premise - NTR just seems way too forced; guess it's intended for a certain audience which I am probably not
    the performance of this game is terrible. Maybe it's cause I'm playing this on a laptop and not my main machine, but nevertheless, the biggest problems I've had so far were:
    - dialogue would take too long to actually appear when interacting (probably from loading all sorts of high-res objects?)
    - you can get punted by chickens or NPCs which somehow "lassos" your movement, causing you to get dragged in the direction you were last hit by the NPC.
    - dialogue would start twice for some reason but it would continue as normal

    anyways other points to note:
    - the choices in your dialogue are very limited: you cannot really develop any meaningful connection with any of the characters or build any rapport with those that take you through the trials: it all feels like some competition in which when the PC is the victor they end up receiving spite or resentment from their opponents. Either this is just intended because the tribals are supposed to be cold towards outsiders or whatever, or really because writing was lazy and hastened because probably most people were there to just fuck women with large tits or whatever so why bother
    - movement could have been a bit better, for some reason it's SOMEHOW hardlocked so even after I tried to speedhack with CE it would still feel slow and sluggish. at least I could skip over the dialogue real fast

    it's ok. ART is cool. PLOT is MEH... and the animations are also kinda MEH. not my fave genre but I won't make it too personal or a huge issue, just gonna try to be objective af
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I just playing without any expection because we all know that ntrman weak point is the story...and unfortunately I was right.

    The story is very, very flat he try to mix vanilla with ntr so no more focus on ntr...the problem with the story is no build-up and is more netorase than netorare feeling...no mystery, weak corruption character and so on.

    Only good thing for ntrman games is the quality of visual&animation that's why I give him 2 star and not one...but for all this years he still don't learn from the mistakes he make on other games and I see no progression in hes work.

    I wish it was good, now this days most of ntr are just generic without any feelings or build up and that's just sad.

    The game have around 2h of playing is short in 10 minute of gaming you will see some sex scene...so don't expect any good no story but just quick fap.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the first part of Claire's Corruption focusing on the NTR storyline, and it's pretty amazing overall! However, I decided to wait for future updates to play more because there were some bugs. For instance, even with Japanese dubbing on, most of the game was still in English. Plus, a few interface bugs made me restart the game a few times.

    Gameplay: The mechanics are fun, but some minigames need work. The fishing minigame is nearly impossible, while the boat race is way too easy if you exploit a simple trick. Only the fighting minigame feels balanced.

    Sound: The sound mixing is off; voices are too low compared to music and effects. Also, it lacks crucial sound effects for an NTR game, like bed squeaks or muffled voices, which would really enhance the atmosphere.

    Visuals and Story: Animations and voice acting are top-notch, but the scenes could use more emotional weight. Think thrown clothes, shaking hands with wedding rings, and post-sex visuals to make the experience more immersive.

    Overall: This game doesn't quite hit the heights of the Adelaide Inn remake but is still a strong effort. It fits my favorite NTR themes perfectly, especially with the interracial dynamics. Winning the trial gives a reward, but it's a bit lame that the only good ending comes from winning and staying loyal, which feels off for an NTR game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This will be my first review. I'll keep it short and sweet.


    Considering how wonky traversing is, I'm glad I just skipped over everything. I'm glad ntrman is experimenting, but the problem is he doesn't give it enough to time make it truly worthwhile. What's the point of doing a top down approach when the game doesn't have much content? You speak to five villagers at max, you can't go into anyone's house. There's no hidden surprises where there sprite step on a certain place to activate it. The game is barebones.

    Do you know what made Adelaide Inn good? It got better over each release. The game was able to actually improve. Now? It seems like each project is just a set up for a future game with no future improvement. That's what RH2 felt like. AOTG was basically introducing the fantasy-elements and canonizing Awakening of the Goddess. Other than that, the writing is barebones. I can say that lot about the game. Aside I put earlier, the game needs more content, more interactions, more everything. There's no island exploration, no furthering expanding on why women in particular like Claire become avatars for the Goddess. There's a dialogue that teases that the villagers are much more older than they seem. It brings up reincarnation. After that? Meh. I'm not a fan of Oluchi, there some who are, so I'm glad to unlock her galleries. Truth be told, Amara is the real tragedy of the game. She's cute, adorable, and has the best design. She's fucking wasted on John. I don't want her to be corrupted or anything, but John? She's too damn good for him. Maybe like, give her one fuck and with him, and she think it was good. Then she tries it out with a villager, and she decides John was boring. Bam. She remains friendly with John for the rest of the game and until he catches her in the act. Anyways, like most of ntrman's recent outputs, the story is third to the art and animation. So, we're not going to get something that really delves into the setting or characters. Hell, none of his games has done that so far, but it's porn... I guess?

    This might come as a surprise to people, but the sex was dull here to me. Just very dull. It's not like in Season of Loss (winter) with those great scenes like watching Tsugumi's plump pussy overflowing with cum.

    Plus, he stuck to his old blowjob, oral, sex build up to stretch out Claire's sex scenes with Kele and friends. Laaame. It worked with The Queen Adopted a Goblin, since it was a short game. Other than that, nothing interesting. He always excelled at interesting sex scenes in my opinion. I did enjoy the blowjob Claire did during the orgy.


    Tennants of the Dead was a good step forward, in terms of seeing what ntrman can do. Arrival of the Goddess did not capitalize on that nor evolve any of the concepts. It was a game meant to expand the lore and introduce the next one.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to talk about the good stuff first. What you can't take away from NTRMAN is the drawning style and quality. The characters and scenes are very hot, everything is animated. This is the reason why NTRMAN is loved.
    Just excellent.
    Unfortunately, that's where the pros end.

    ------------------------ PLOT ------------------------
    I heard that NTRMAN hired writers but the quality of the storytelling hasn't changed! We have the same mediocre plot, but even worse.
    Why worse? Because these writers have absolutely no understanding of what NTR is, but what's even worse is NTRMAN trying to appeal to people who don't like NTR
    This was apparent in TotD, but in this game NTRMAN went even further!
    The creator sacrificed half of the gallery for vanilla content, and NTR itself became disappointing and in my opinion way inferior than his previous works, because the corruption is even more forced due to the lack of scenes.
    In fact vanilla content turned out better than NTR. How ironic that the dev's nickname is 'NTRMAN', I guess not anymore :FacePalm:

    You can't please everyone, you're either trying to NTR or you're trying to be Vanilla. When a game doesn't know what it wants to be it's just mess. Especially after prolonged whining of those haters, giving up and making vanilla content with avoidable NTR? That sounds pathetic to me. You can't please everyone, turn one way and you'll get displeasure from the other. People who came for vanilla content I think would agree if half of the NTR gallery was also vanilla. Different paths would get a lot better build up.

    ------------------------ Gameplay ------------------------
    Since this is not a VN, but a full game with gameplay, I will rate it as a game with gameplay. In short, it's just a walking simulator with a couple other rudimentary mechanics which is nothing to do with hentai, and only serve to slow the pacing down. I'd rather it was just Point & Click, it's better to press one button and go to another location instead of just pointlesly walking.

    Mini games are very easy and 2 of them are tolerable, but arena combat is just mess, you can't win as the game is designed, dash, combo, hook they are useless, the only thing you can do is keep your distance and try to take health off with jabs. Not really well desighned and just unbalanced.
    And like I said, what does this have to do with hentai and why should I be interested in these rudimentary mechanics? Overall it would have been better if this gameplay wasn't there.

    I also want to mention the outfits mechanic, i can see that a lot of time has been spent on this, but this mechanic is just pointless! You collect costumes but there is no reaction to them, they don't open / change any scenes or additional dialog, it's just a gimmick! Why can't they be implemented as part of the corruption, add new scenes? And to change the character must go back to the main menu, which is also not very appealing.

    ------------------------ Conclusion ------------------------
    Despite fantastic artstyle I'm disappointed in the game itself and the direction 'NTRMAN' took if I can still call him like that. I don't understand why this kind of gameplay is even necessary, and recommend hiring a game designer and coder instead of the 'writers'.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the first part with Claire's corruption (NTR). And until then, the game is amazing! However, I chose to wait to play the rest in future updates, as there were still some bugs that bothered me during the game, for example, even though I had the Japanese dubbing active, the game was largely in English. Apart from some interface bugs that made me restart the game a few times.
    Well, the only thing that I still think is missing from NTRMAN games is the implementation of sound effects for the netorare environment. Like bed squeaks, for example. It makes all the difference in "cuck pov". It would be great if you could hear these elements while you were forced to stand outside the cabin while the primitives fucked your wife. Or, like some muffled and distant dubbing effects. I don't remember now if there was. But I do not think so. And as for the scenes, it could have had more emotional weight, if there were those typical camera frames from NTR doujins, where it shows thrown clothes, focus on the hand with the wedding ring shaking with sex, that sort of thing. In fact, as far as I played, there weren't those typical "post-sex" scenes, where she looks disheveled and wet from sex. Anyway... tiny details that make the netorare more "tangible".
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liked it! I just kinda wish there was a good ending for when you win but still cheat, seems fair to me since Claire otherwise would be theirs if the mc lost a trial.

    Aside from that, I don't understand those that complain that there isn't enough NTR, who cares? There is just as much as in the previous games, and all the non-ntr scenes are really good too
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Himeya Jun

    Much better game than the previous one with pirates, I don't remember the name. the mechanics are fine, still have some bugs tho. I was happy when you actually get a reward for winning the trial, but god forbid to give good ending to the guy who cheated on his wife, right? the only way to get good ending is by winning and staying loyal, kinda lame if you ask me, considering this is an NTR game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    New things. And neglected basics:
    This probably just me but every games by NTRman always feels like it's not worth replaying once you're done with one route. After one route you simply go look for the gallery unlocker cheat and that's it.

    I'm surprised that we get a top-view style of gameplay which honestly would work well as a staple for NTRman's games. Which can also help when it comes to find hidden bonus items and such and exploration even in future games if he decides to use this style again.

    The art style is usually the best part of NTRman's games, especially with the natives women characters. And the 'atmosphere' isn't too bad although I think more locations other than the village would've very beneficial.

    Where it falls apart:
    After the good, we have the bad and ugly:
    What's the point of an Auto-win? What's the point of an Auto-lose? What's the point of a having different levels of difficulty? And what is the point of all of this if you're still getting a Bad End NTR gangbang scene despite that the game rewards you to have sex with the natives?
    It doesn't help the fact the difficulty spike of the trials can be pretty irritating. Irritating, and not the fun kind for a ntr game.

    I've played the lastest version of this game as I am writing this review.
    Saves: The game can freeze on the save/load UI when you save the game + Having the ability to save in one single location makes backtracking a real hassle

    Costumes: While the game has accessories and costumes for you to collect on the map, these items however are buggy since the female characters would either have them on once applied, but would be removed if you reload the game or after an event has been triggered. It also is a shame how after so many games from this author, the costume change don't play a significant role during the H-scenes.

    Trials: Other than the difficulty spike (except the fighting trial where you can cheese out by using cross hooks), they can get buggy. For example: You complete the trial agaisnt the village cheif, you decide to bang his daughter, the game then considers the suceeded trial as a not yet fullfilled quest.

    It's a game that does new things but at the cost of denying the basics to at least be entertaining and feels like there should've been a lot more to it. You will likely find yourself fed up after one playthrough and decide to just unlock the whole gallery. Overall, amognst the same super linear VN style that NTRman usually goes for, I won't consider this game as a weak title in comparison. But the game does have major flaws to the point we fall into the usual banal, H-games that you end up looking for the Only H-Scenes video on porn sites once you quickly get bored of it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Reslly nice game, great art from this dev as usual in my opinion, but this particular time the twist in the end (which I will be light on the details of) was very nice to experience even on the easier difficulties the payoff for 'both routes' so to speak was very nice in my eyes and sort of right up my ally.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    +Improved comparing to last versions
    +Some mini game's added to it would be considered game and not a scene viewer
    +Three endings instead of forced ntr
    -Fast paced content
    Better than any other game from ntrman
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a really impressive game, NTRMAN has really stepped it up in terms of quality. It's a pretty simple mini-game pass/fail game, but it works quite well for what it is. Nothing too fancy, just a solid overall game. If you're looking for NTR this is very good, if not seek elsewhere (obviously). The voiced characters really add a lot to the game as well, something the majority of these games lack.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    It doesn't compare to his magnum opus (Adelaide Inn remake) but this is a great effort from NTRman. I'm probably a little biased because "losing your lover in a bet/test of skill" is specifically my favorite form of NTR and this game is nothing but that. Plus interracial, it's like this was made for me. Voice acting and animations are phenomenal, story setup is better than the average NTR but nothing too outstanding.

    The game stumbles in a few places though. The idea of minigames is fun and I love that Normal mode (called NTR mode) is the hardest one and you're meant to lose, but yeah this just wasn't playtested. The fishing minigame is almost unwinnable even on the lowest difficulty. The boat race is easy and exploitable (you can left click and mash space bar at the same time to go at light speed) and only the fighting is actually properly balanced and skill-based. The sound mixing is also really bad, many of the voices are way too low compared to the music and sound effects.

    To address a common complaint people seem to be having saying that the corruption is too abrupt, might be forgetting
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  16. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR; Poor quality across the board. Bad writing, hastily made sex scenes, barebones gameplay; Build 1.01

    - Author completely misunderstood, or willfully ignored why his previous AOTG COMIC was considered great to begin with. He turns the mysterious and slow NTR buildup from the comics with hot POV, into near instantaneous cucking of the MC with zero buildup or emotional demands for the player. NTR game without emotional buildup is like a butterfly without its wings. In short, the great premise of the comics is utterly wasted by the writing team trying to speedrun a game out, or just being plain incompetent at what they do. Emotionless.

    - Exploration aspect feels pointless, it can hardly be called a selling point for this game. Slowly waddling all over the map, only to realize there is nothing special outside of the outfit unlocks scattered across the edges of the map. If there is to be exploration, there should be something fun and rewarding attached to it, like idk, a new route? The outfit unlocks just don't feel worth the waddling. Right now its just there, wasting time from your only precious life you have. I want a refund on those minutes, NTRMAN.

    - The minigames suck, barebones concepts of what is considered "gameplay". In fact they seem to have been untested, as the author had to release a patch (1.02) to tune down the difficulty immediately upon seeing actual feedback. The idea of cognitive/physical demands from the player by the game is a fresh idea for this particular author, but the gameplay fails to meet the players expectations of a challenge. The players being frustrated with the difficulty (1.01) or bored (easier difficulties, 1.02?) means that the author needs to reconsider how to match the demands of the gameplay to the expectations of the player base for this genre of game.

    - Why are tribespeople communicating the way they do in this game? They speak perfect global language, despite there being a joke at the start about them mispronouncing a word. They then proceed to communicate and understand everything perfectly, with nuanced choices of words that you would expect from, idk, a butler? . Huge blunder by the writing team in terms of missed immersion, if the writing was any good to give it a platform. Sadly, the writing is lazy across the board as well.

    This game is a splash of cold water, both to the audience and the author about the dangers of loosing sight on what is making them great at what they do, and steering the ship towards something meaningless and hastily made. Only saving grace of this product is the art-style of NTRM. I encourage you, the reader who has not played the game, that if you do, try winning the minigames route (Which i did not do), as they probably are hiding the best contents of this game, the main NTR route (Which i did) is not it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Fresh new take on the NTRMAN format. It ain't perfect, as with all new attempts at things are, but serves to better progress the greater overarching story of the NTRMAN universe.

    Things I Liked:
    • Fun exploration format, similar to the top down RPGMs but with graphics akin to those old iPhone top-down zombie shooter games at higher fidelity.
    • Solid call-back to NTRMAN's previous works, really tying it in to the universe.
    • Different difficulty levels to fit your "playstyle", whether it means you want to cuck, don't cuck, get cucked, etc.
    Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
    • Lack of tension?? I don't know if it's just me but I feel like it is missing enough of that spice that leaves you on the edge of your seat when it comes to the NTR aspect. IYKYK I guess.
    • Polish. As of writing this review, the version of the game that I played (1.0) was a bit buggy. Audio files would get mixed up between languages and sometimes talking to people would straight up crash the game.
    All in all, a decent experience and a surprisingly solid attempt at a new game format by the GOAT. Solid game with solid voice acting and a straightforward premise. Can't wait for the next one!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    If you've played NTRMAN games, it's what you expect. If you haven't...really good art thats bogged down by gameplay.

    -Good art, but you can see that yourself
    -FMC and MC both have really nice personalities. You can even see their chemistry with how they speak to each other. Plus, FMC has voicelines
    -Minigames require thought, but nothing impossible (if you lower difficulty)
    -Hot Dialogue, and it's great to see your wife slowly lose hope as you fail each challenge, or seeing your wife flirt with you after winning the challenges. On that note...
    -There's something for everyone. NTR lovers, Vanilla lovers, Netorase lovers, etc.
    -Movement is sluggish, and that's arguably the biggest con. Don't get me wrong, it's cool...but it just slows down the pace of the game. Your character just waddles to different spots with each day, and everyone has a hitbox with individual pathing. So, npcs can also just get in your way as you try to hurry onto the next scene.
    -Collectables that effect the standing CG, but are scattered all around the map. On that note, there isn't nearly as much customization as one would like.
    -Minigames become a chore to play after a while, but skipping them feels like you're skimping out on the story/progression a bit.
    -If you go the NTR route, your wife hates you at shocking speeds. It goes from 1. Wife loves you and understand you failed, 2. Wife is frustrated at your losses but tries to be sympathetic, 3. Wife cusses you out for losing, 4. Wife bones the entire village as you watch hopelessly, mocking you as she does.
    -Different "routes", but it just feels sluggish to replay the game more than once.

    TLDR: Playthrough it once, but then get a 100% save for the rest.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, great art as always, great atmosphere as always, production value overall is superb (music, animations, camera angles, voice acting, everything is perfect). The problem is two things:

    Story starts awesome and slowly takes turns for the worse, situations aren't very varied or creative, it turns into a loop of "you lose, watch wife gets fucked." until she suddenly flips the switch and becomes a slut. There are other girls in the game and they look really good but i honestly didn't felt compelled to replay to check their scenes out, i think i would prefer if they were removed and more time was spent on the wife's corruption.

    Gameplay is good and bad at the same time, i feel like having the Normal difficulty actually be pretty hard is clever cause you're competing outside your comfort zone in a "high reward, high risk" situation, it makes the 'losing = h-scene' feel natural. Still, i feel like only the fight minigame is actually good, for me that one is perfectly balanced and immersive as you can overcome the disadvantage by fighting carefully, exploiting positioning and looking for quick openings, the other two minigames kinda feel a bit TOO unfair (i couldn't really find any strategies in the limited attempts the game gives you).

    Overall, a lot of style but not much substance
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 another Classic by NTRman.

    Plot 4/5*: is good has multiple endings and unique minii games . However corruption of the wife went way to fast

    Art 5/5*: NTRman has outdone himself, art alone is worth plaything this game

    Gameplay: 5/5 , multiple endings, mini games, Free rome , Easter eggs on maps of.

    Audio: 5/5 , the women are voice acted and it's. Extremely good ..