Unity - Completed - Arrival of the Goddess [v1.05] [NTRMAN]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR; Poor quality across the board. Bad writing, hastily made sex scenes, barebones gameplay; Build 1.01

    - Author completely misunderstood, or willfully ignored why his previous AOTG COMIC was considered great to begin with. He turns the mysterious and slow NTR buildup from the comics with hot POV, into near instantaneous cucking of the MC with zero buildup or emotional demands for the player. NTR game without emotional buildup is like a butterfly without its wings. In short, the great premise of the comics is utterly wasted by the writing team trying to speedrun a game out, or just being plain incompetent at what they do. Emotionless.

    - Exploration aspect feels pointless, it can hardly be called a selling point for this game. Slowly waddling all over the map, only to realize there is nothing special outside of the outfit unlocks scattered across the edges of the map. If there is to be exploration, there should be something fun and rewarding attached to it, like idk, a new route? The outfit unlocks just don't feel worth the waddling. Right now its just there, wasting time from your only precious life you have. I want a refund on those minutes, NTRMAN.

    - The minigames suck, barebones concepts of what is considered "gameplay". In fact they seem to have been untested, as the author had to release a patch (1.02) to tune down the difficulty immediately upon seeing actual feedback. The idea of cognitive/physical demands from the player by the game is a fresh idea for this particular author, but the gameplay fails to meet the players expectations of a challenge. The players being frustrated with the difficulty (1.01) or bored (easier difficulties, 1.02?) means that the author needs to reconsider how to match the demands of the gameplay to the expectations of the player base for this genre of game.

    - Why are tribespeople communicating the way they do in this game? They speak perfect global language, despite there being a joke at the start about them mispronouncing a word. They then proceed to communicate and understand everything perfectly, with nuanced choices of words that you would expect from, idk, a butler? . Huge blunder by the writing team in terms of missed immersion, if the writing was any good to give it a platform. Sadly, the writing is lazy across the board as well.

    This game is a splash of cold water, both to the audience and the author about the dangers of loosing sight on what is making them great at what they do, and steering the ship towards something meaningless and hastily made. Only saving grace of this product is the art-style of NTRM. I encourage you, the reader who has not played the game, that if you do, try winning the minigames route (Which i did not do), as they probably are hiding the best contents of this game, the main NTR route (Which i did) is not it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Fresh new take on the NTRMAN format. It ain't perfect, as with all new attempts at things are, but serves to better progress the greater overarching story of the NTRMAN universe.

    Things I Liked:
    • Fun exploration format, similar to the top down RPGMs but with graphics akin to those old iPhone top-down zombie shooter games at higher fidelity.
    • Solid call-back to NTRMAN's previous works, really tying it in to the universe.
    • Different difficulty levels to fit your "playstyle", whether it means you want to cuck, don't cuck, get cucked, etc.
    Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
    • Lack of tension?? I don't know if it's just me but I feel like it is missing enough of that spice that leaves you on the edge of your seat when it comes to the NTR aspect. IYKYK I guess.
    • Polish. As of writing this review, the version of the game that I played (1.0) was a bit buggy. Audio files would get mixed up between languages and sometimes talking to people would straight up crash the game.
    All in all, a decent experience and a surprisingly solid attempt at a new game format by the GOAT. Solid game with solid voice acting and a straightforward premise. Can't wait for the next one!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    If you've played NTRMAN games, it's what you expect. If you haven't...really good art thats bogged down by gameplay.

    -Good art, but you can see that yourself
    -FMC and MC both have really nice personalities. You can even see their chemistry with how they speak to each other. Plus, FMC has voicelines
    -Minigames require thought, but nothing impossible (if you lower difficulty)
    -Hot Dialogue, and it's great to see your wife slowly lose hope as you fail each challenge, or seeing your wife flirt with you after winning the challenges. On that note...
    -There's something for everyone. NTR lovers, Vanilla lovers, Netorase lovers, etc.
    -Movement is sluggish, and that's arguably the biggest con. Don't get me wrong, it's cool...but it just slows down the pace of the game. Your character just waddles to different spots with each day, and everyone has a hitbox with individual pathing. So, npcs can also just get in your way as you try to hurry onto the next scene.
    -Collectables that effect the standing CG, but are scattered all around the map. On that note, there isn't nearly as much customization as one would like.
    -Minigames become a chore to play after a while, but skipping them feels like you're skimping out on the story/progression a bit.
    -If you go the NTR route, your wife hates you at shocking speeds. It goes from 1. Wife loves you and understand you failed, 2. Wife is frustrated at your losses but tries to be sympathetic, 3. Wife cusses you out for losing, 4. Wife bones the entire village as you watch hopelessly, mocking you as she does.
    -Different "routes", but it just feels sluggish to replay the game more than once.

    TLDR: Playthrough it once, but then get a 100% save for the rest.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, great art as always, great atmosphere as always, production value overall is superb (music, animations, camera angles, voice acting, everything is perfect). The problem is two things:

    Story starts awesome and slowly takes turns for the worse, situations aren't very varied or creative, it turns into a loop of "you lose, watch wife gets fucked." until she suddenly flips the switch and becomes a slut. There are other girls in the game and they look really good but i honestly didn't felt compelled to replay to check their scenes out, i think i would prefer if they were removed and more time was spent on the wife's corruption.

    Gameplay is good and bad at the same time, i feel like having the Normal difficulty actually be pretty hard is clever cause you're competing outside your comfort zone in a "high reward, high risk" situation, it makes the 'losing = h-scene' feel natural. Still, i feel like only the fight minigame is actually good, for me that one is perfectly balanced and immersive as you can overcome the disadvantage by fighting carefully, exploiting positioning and looking for quick openings, the other two minigames kinda feel a bit TOO unfair (i couldn't really find any strategies in the limited attempts the game gives you).

    Overall, a lot of style but not much substance
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 another Classic by NTRman.

    Plot 4/5*: is good has multiple endings and unique minii games . However corruption of the wife went way to fast

    Art 5/5*: NTRman has outdone himself, art alone is worth plaything this game

    Gameplay: 5/5 , multiple endings, mini games, Free rome , Easter eggs on maps of.

    Audio: 5/5 , the women are voice acted and it's. Extremely good ..
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Feels like a tech demo with a lot of missed opportunities.

    It does have enough content, but that's where the frustration that many people have expressed stems from—it's just barely enough. A game of this high quality leaves you wanting more, and the dilemma between quality and quantity arises, leaving the player to choose if it's worth spending time on a short but sweet project.

    The animation and art, as per usual, are outstanding—THE thing that keeps me waiting for new releases. Additionally, it has really good voice acting, adding another layer that separates this game from the rest. Story-wise, I wasn't expecting an exegesis on the intersection of anthropological paradigms and psychological intricacies; it's just an NTR game and did what it had to. The developer has been known to streamline and accelerate the process of corruption (even in Season of Loss, it's like a switch has been flipped), and this game is no exception. A lot of people seem mad at this fact, but I don't mind a faster-paced game.

    There's a lot of wasted potential between all of the characters that were presented—few scenes here and there, with almost the same context for each, making no major difference between one character and another, especially the endings, of which there are just two (in only one of them do you have to play the game) when there could have easily been at least five.

    On the gameplay side, it's good enough. The minigames are enjoyable, although traversing the overworld feels really slow even while sprinting. I didn't see the need to make this release on this engine specifically other than to debut the engine. The linearity of the game would've been excused if it were in a visual novel format, but now it just feels pointless to play and experience it other than that one ending.

    This release, instead of being a step backwards or forwards, feels more like a step to the side. The developer hasn't changed their formula since Adelaide Inn, a game that has been heralded as their best work (even though it also offers vanilla and netori paths, a common complaint in their newer titles).

    The last great improvement that the developer had was in Tenants of the Dead, with the addition of a lot of new variety but in a very surface-level way (just a few scenes per character). In this game, there's less variety and in the same surface-level manner. Going forward, I'd hope that the developer regresses back to that TOTD mindset but in a deeper level with more scenes.

    In conclusion, Awakening of the Goddess feels like it would have been a breakthrough project if it were made by a smaller developer. It is a great game overall—don't get me wrong—great animations, voice acting, and art, but it just leaves you wanting more and not in a good way. Overall, I enjoyed this tech demo and eagerly await a new release.

    TL;DR: If you enjoyed Tenants of the Dead, you'll enjoy this as well. If not, then you won't.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Quick game with hot girls. Story is simple but I never really needed it for immersion so it worked out fine for me.

    You can choose to keep it vanilla or get NTR'd. You can also NTR/cheat on your wife if you wish, though there may be consequences down the road.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the adittion of making the protagonist have some action and not just staring with dick in hand. I do hope he begins adding the ability to cuck your enemies, the way the protagonist gets cucked. With POV of the rival and everything.

    The game has the same vibe and feeling of his last few games, it feels, rushed in a way. The story has some nonsensical choices and lacks the fundation of a strong character backstory, why should I care Claire cheats on her husband, why does it matter. It could be two strangers, two people who just met and it would not change a thing.

    Gameplay wise, I hate it. I came here to beat off, not to play porn Diablo 1. I know it adds depth to the game, but I came here to jack off. There is a reason people do not use RPGMK like they used to. Visual novels get the job done, KUM&GO. Keep it simple.

    Art wise, its gotten better. Feet look a lot better than they used to, theyre not just fat lumps with tiny protusions anymore, hope they get better. Thickness galore, not complaining. But it needs more body shapes.

    VA, please, please for the love of God. Keep japanese at the default voice acting, I cannot stand that cutesy, OMGFZ I LOVE ANIMEZ english voice acting. I do not know if its jsut me but the japanese voice acting is not working, its just english. I do not care if its only me, Japanese has to be the only voice acting the game needs.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    • Graphics ★★★★★
      Top-notch. I expected/hoped for more and longer GB scene, but NTRMANs style never disappoint. In older games from him human sizes/promotions made things a bit weird to look at.

    • Animations ★★★✩✩
      I really hope he gives a bit more time on the scenes, sometimes 1-2 frames more would make an immense difference iam missing a bit the thrust and the final boob shake. You play that game and it injects so many scenes in your mind ..:devilish:..but.. lets say there is potential to be out of this world.

    • Sound & Atmosphere: ★★★★★
      Short story with heavy impact. Amazing Sound & Music also vocals. Dont miss it!

    • Gameplay 2 Fap: ★★★★★
      The game has nice mechanics and a good amount of fappable content.

      I think like every NTRMAN game this is also Top-Notch quality, please keep up your amazing work! Thank you!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the game is great, but it would be better if it had scenes where Claire has secret or implied sex scenes with the tribesman, even if you win the minigames.
    Btw the art is good, the story is ok and i'm really looking forward to the next game
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like NTRMAN's work...This is unfortunately not one of them. I had high hopes for this one, which is my mistake. The whole buildup is a joke. Writing is meh. No suspense in storytelling.

    The game part it self has a lot of potential, so from a first try with this style is passed...but next game hopefully would have a lot more real gameplay instead of just running really slowly.

    Also the minigames...omfg I played on normal difficulty. I was only able to beat the boat guy....the 2 others....forget about it. Especially the fish catching...is that even possible to win? :D

    Main points from my review:

    More buildup needed.
    More interactive gameplay, with meaning.
    Better mechanics for minigames
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to say, after being a long-term fan of NTRMAN, I'm disappointed.
    Although I love NTRMAN games, I have a few minor issues, that I just can't get over compared to how much better the previous few games were.
    First is definitely how linear the game is, there are no choices anymore, no player agency, you have to do these 3 events, each 3 times, for the main heroine and your only choice in that is to either win or lose, compared to Adelaide or TOTD, where you were presented with many ways to play, or rather many routes.
    My second issue is how much has the NTR itself fallen. Now, there is almost same amount of non NTR scenes as NTR scenes, by itself I don't mind non NTR scenes in NTR game, but it should be minority, not 50/50. With how long the development took, I was just hoping for more.. diversity? There is no mystery, no exploration beyond collecting outfits, which the game could have been without and it would not make a difference. It's just.. too basic, compared to other games on the market in this genre.
    The overall quality of h-scenes is high, but they all feel the same, there is no corruption or fall. You lose a minigame, you get a h-scene following the usual template of starting with handjob/blowjob, ending with penetration, all in 3 stages for each antagonist.
    The animations are made nicely, as in all recent NTRMAN games, but that seems to be the baseline, and NTRMAN certainly hasn't improved upon anything in this game.

    Overall, this game feels like a test-run of a different game engine at best. Nothing new, very rudimentary gameplay, no exploration to speak of, all scenes feel same, basic, simplistic (at least to his other games where there is just so much more variety). NTR games always have so many ways to be expanded upon, whenever mystery, exploration, player agency, management and control, h-status, events and so on, yet all we get is a simple and direct VN, there wasn't any need to switch to different style/platform if it was just to waste it like this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent NTR game, even has a normal path for those vanilla lovers. Must have for NTR lovers though. Wife model is great atleast for those who love MILFS like me. Husband not a complete loser and actually capable of standing up for himself is a plus.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Another excellent game by NTRMAN, the setup is simple, the amount of scenes are amazing, and of course the CGs themselves are extremely well drawn out and with the added VA, it just enhances the experience. A ton more vanilla stuff this time around so now it's good for non-NTR fans as well.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Art/Animation 5/5: The sex scenes and animations have very high quality.
    Story 3/5: The story is very straight forward and pretty short. Lose challenges to get NTR scenes, win challenges to get a chance to bang the tribe women. I would rather have shorter sex scenes and more of them in a richer story. I also think a game like this should have more than just 2 endings.
    Gameplay 3/5: There are quite a few bugs present in the game, so this is getting 3/5 for now. I'm sure they will be ironed out in time.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this is yet another example of NTRMAN using his talent and just kinda regurgitating the same idea with a new coat of paint.

    As is the formula, the initial premise attempts to offer some genuine characterization to the characters, but unfortunately it falls limp and falls into cliches you can see a mile away. There isn't any real level of depth or nuance present, these are just vessels for cuckoldry.

    Visually it's good, it's the expected level, but the sex scenes are just still very stilted and boring. I think there's an issue when there's no real distinction between projects, because at that point it isn't that it's a 'signature style', it's just repetitive.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best works NTRMAN has done.

    From the art style, character design, and voice acting. The animations are also done phenomenally, with each scene using interesting camera angles that draw you in and make it much more sexy.

    It's also one of the few VN that does English voice acting really well.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is NTR man and pile of shit nothing more its like this few games same shit over over over again girl turning into sluts whores no reason its started with that retard seasons game where mother betrays son for bully then even does some drugs says she love bully too much and yet we are here after some games its same shits maybe well i dont think this is %100 NTRman fault NTR dead thanks to all over world artist and hentai game makers using that without giving time to rest sadly this happens.

    What good ? Art-Voice-Scenes its hot and good.

    What bad ? All characters pretty much BBC nothing more classic NTR story you cucked by jamal and tyrone nothing new and gameplay yeah gameplay boring and Mc and Fmc omg two retards coming this place like one guy tried bring religion to tribes forcing on idea to tribe this retards suffer here FMC is omg slut whore nothing more she suck without thinking like maybe this people have std or worse man anohter fucking slut in NTR nothing more.

    I am not gonna blame NTR here i played 100 NTR games in this site hardly 5 or less is good not gonna lie so this genre stupd and sucks if you cant handle it well so pretty much FAP FOR GAME and if you wanna support man support it this is not worse its still better than SEASONS game of NTRMAN so i give 4 for art and sex scenes nothing more otherwise its hardly 3 star.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 10/10
    NTRMAN has come a long way since Rural Homecoming 1. The gameplay is smooth and the mini games are fun. I will say as of the writing of this its buggy but NTRMAN is working on a patch that will probably be made available within the coming weeks. The scenes fixed the biggest gripe with TOTD being the camera angles., so the scenes are already much better.

    NTR/Story: 6.5/10
    It really sucks how bad the pacing for the NTR has become recently. Idk if its cuz of new writers or if development side is is taking all of his time. With Ade Inn and Mitsuko, both games knew how to slowly corrupt the FMC in a more natural way. Now it just jumps right into it. A lot of people have given this feedback and I hope he or his writers take it into account.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has some bugs, but in general it is very good, good animations and graphics, good interface, you have quite a few languages, I really like the extras and gallery system, it would be great if it were implemented in all the games that come out in the future. 5/5