Okay... I'm going to try to resist the urge to rib you about the dumb complaint about the MC.
You're complaining about the MC being a "whiny bitch" and for all the hot babes in a porn game falling for him despite being said "whiny bitch". Let's think about this critically in the context of the story.
The MC is an exceedingly talented programmer. Almost everyone he meets can recognizes it.
The MC got ROYALLY dicked over and that sent him into very deep depression
So now lets look at the LIs and their relationships to said "whiny bitch" MC. First you have three girls that knew him before or during his depression. These girls already have a history with him and have good reason to give a shit.
Kindra. Childhood friend. He was there for her before, so she has good reason to be there for him
She hit rock bottom at the same time as MC and they helped pull eachother out of it.
Literally the MC's therapist. She saw him at his worst and grew closer to him during the recovery
Then there are the girls that met him AFTER he was a "whiny bitch". They never knew him when he was at his worst. They may sympathize with his story, but they see a man recovered.
- Artemis.
- V
- All of the INK girls
Putting aside the fact that this is literally a porn game wherein all of the girls are not only insanely hot but also world-class talents... There are a couple things you're failing to acknowledge with your
whiny bitching complaint. For over half of the girls, the depression part has very little to do with his relationship with said girl. And for the three that knew him at his worst... they all have reasons to be drawn to him both
in spite of and
because of what he's been through.
Overall, while there are many fantastical elements to this story, the character relationships are actually pretty authentic to how relationships form in the real world. I would argue that in any porn game, the character relationships are by far the most important thing (aside from hot girls and... well the porn). And I think digi.B knocks it out of the park with character writing. There are a lot of magic dick plots out there, but I don't feel that this is one of them.