The Rogue Trader brought up Indecent Desires and Battle For Luvia, talking about how one succeeded and how one didn't. And the difference between these is very clear: you can make a very deep, complex and well written game, but if it's not hot, people aren't going to vote with their wallets for it.
That is the #1 decider of whether a game makes it or breaks it. The game needs to
turn people on, it needs to make people feel hot. That's why you can have games that are pretty shallow, simple, with just okay art, that make tons of money, it's for that simple reason: it makes people come and come back for more.
Often the things that turn people on the most can also be the things that offends others. So the response to your game can end up very polarized. That is fine. Better that then to make a game that offends no one but is bland.
yester64 mentioned futa which is a good example. Futa has a huge audience (just go on any hentai site, futa will be rampant), but it also has a vocal minority of detractors who can be loud and petty. Same is usually true for any non-vanilla kink and you have to just ignore the complainers because they are not in your target audience.
So yeah if you're making a game and you want it to be successful, your number one concern should be whether or not you can make something hot. I can think of several games that I have played that are technically great and on paper should cater to my preferences, but just ... Aren't very hot and don't turn me on. Doesn't matter how "good" the game is then, I will not be motivated to give my support to it. I can leave it a nice review for effort which I usually do because good work deserve praise, but whether I am really invested in development or personally interested, that's not for sure. On the other hand, if a game is great porn...
So, a not-so-good game that is amazingly hot will succeed, an amazing game that is not-so-hot probably won't, and you probably can't go by reviews when it comes to this. Making an amazing game that is amazingly hot is obviously the best, but you can have one without the other. It must be hot. And the best way to make it hot is to make what you find hot, not what you think others will like. If you went by what the most vocal people on F95 say they want, you would probably end up with the most bland inoffensive piece of shit ever.